Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well ladies it would have been fun...if we ever made it inside the park. We were waiting in line for over an hour and never got off the highway. My girlfriend who did get in said it was wall to wall people and you couldn't do anything. Next year we try again in September. Instead we enjoyed a great dinner out "sans enfantes" and indulged. Surprisingly I was only over by 200 cals for the day even with the super rich food because I brought my desert home lol. I'm the pumpkin cheesecake will put me way over today :laugh: I am supposed to go to the gym today but we have family fun day plans and I'll just have to see how the day carries out.

    PS: my body can no longer handle rich food. ugh
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting here lately. I wish I had a good excuse! I lifted yesterday and PRed OHP at #55. I am so happy with this!! When I first started NROL4W I could barely press 10 for 8 reps. My shoulders are really my weakest part - I broke a collar bone years ago - it was never rehabbed properly so I've really been rehabbing it now! I worked with my trainer - he burned me out, all upper body, lats, pecs, rhomboids. I feel it now, especially in my shoulders!

    Sam I heard it was a real mob scene! Glad you and hubs had a nite out together! Happy 20th! I'm the same about rich foods - it actually makes my stomach queasy. Not a bad thing, really!

    Mary, recently my eating has been all over the place. I just keep plugging along - I ate like there was no tomorrow yesterday after having a decent week! But I know I'll get back on track and find my place again. I know you do the same thing but look at how well you really are doing!

    Cowgirl, you're right and it's been ages since I took pics! I am going to finish this tier and then take pics and measurements. That will put me right about a week before T'day.

    I blew the whole week - I didn't spin at all this week and my cals were not good!

    So my goals are still the same

    lift 3x
    spin 2x
    stick within cals this week!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, Sue boo! Yes we will get through this but ya know, I wish it would go away and never rear its ugly head.

    Sam, I made a pumpkin cheesecake last night. It isn't as good as Olive Garden though!!!

    <--- husband wanted a candy bar. He brought this home even after I said I did NOT want anything. I was hoping he would just bring him and the child something back.
  • GeeksRfit2
    Y'all are so right about the pics. And the measurements. Sometimes when my scale isn't moving, those things help me see progress. Speaking of which, some 1/2 inch losses in hips and thighs and a nice little gain in biceps. Yay! Especially since my scale ain't moving much. :)

    I have been doing NRL4W now for 4 months,...I am proud to say I just got my deadlift up to 125. I've got some DOMS but really happy! Squat at the 100 lb mark. Progress is so satisfying.

    I'm hoping for a good eating week so I can look my best in a dress I need to wear to a formal wedding next week. Sometimes, such external things are a good mini-motivator. :)

    Here's hoping all you ladies have a super Monday!
  • GeeksRfit2
    Oh and BTW,...all you who have kids on top of a spouse and job? I admire you!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sue that ohp is awesome

    Nice dls geeks

    Here's to a new week- I'm going to physical therapy for the glute pain tomorrow before work instead of swimming or lifting. I'll try to get an evening workout in

    Hope you had a good weekend
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Yes, here's to a good week!

    I did go lift yesterday, and I'm going to give it a whirl today, too. This will be my FIRST EVER twice-in-a-row lifting. But, I think it's time.

    I want to do 4 x per week (except next week, when i know I can't)....so, that means Sun/M/W/F. Saturday will remain scheduled cardio.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I lifted this morning - lower body. I was supposed to PR my DLs at 155 but I'm not 100% ready for it. I lifted the weight but I knew if I actually did more than that I wouldn't be able to hold form and I didn't want to hurt my back so I just put it down. I did 10 reps at 145, then did good mornings, and trap bar squats and abs. A friend came into the gym as I was doing abs and started talking ... and talking... and talking... I hate to not listen, but I have limited time to workout in the morning, so I "half listened" and continued my ab work. She really just needed to blab - she's in the midst of some personal issues, so my attention was enough.

    Beeps, I am thinking I will add an extra day of lifting too - though not til my next tier. Although Wendler says you can do 5-3-1 3x/wk, it's 4 main lifts - OHP, DLs, bench, and squats divided into 4 workouts with supportive accessory work each workout. It really lends itself to a 4 day week. I think I will try to do that in the next level.

    Geeks, congrats on your DL PR and your 100# squat too! Those are some great numbers!

    Ok, back to work! Kill it ladies!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    still here! Day 4 today...haven't been online due to work/social stuff but been doing well.

    Checking in today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sue, not gonna lie, this 4-day-per-week thing is new-to-me....and, maybe it will "stick" and maybe it won't. I am SUPER-tired, today!! So, maybe it's the 2-in-a-row work-outs or maybe it's the lack of calories, but my *kitten* is seriously DRAGGING! Bed can't come soon enough for me, tonight, lol!!

    Hi breezedaze!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    Beeps, I lift 4 x weekly and it's usually 2 days in a row. Like today I worked on arms and legs. Tomorrow will be shoulders, back, abs. I have noticed when I work arms the only lift I have trouble with the next day is the assisted pull up. It works the biceps as well.

    Sue, you amaze me! The most I deadlifted was 120ish???? Then I hurt my back due to bad form .......

    If yall look at my diary. it's gonna be LOW. Trying to bank a few calories this week.

    ETA: I resisted all that candy!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic - yep, if you're doing "split" days, I understand why 4 x per week works. I'm still doing full-body compound work, so I'm not sure it's going to work (for me) - traditionally I really have needed that day-rest in between!

    My hips are up 1"!!! Aaaggggghhhhh, hopefully that's because of the 2-days-in-a-row of glute work, but who the hell knows??!?!!?

    My shoulders and waist are at Venus....I really wish those were the only 2 measurements that counted. And, I'm going to spend a good portion of November and December learning to "love" my saddlebags because I've spent 30+ years of hating 'em! And, they aren't going "away"....even as a rail-thin, model-thin, stick-thin teenager, I had 'em. I remember my older cousin teasing me about them, when I was 13- or 14- and was wearing, for the first time EVER, a pair of "tight jeans".

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey girls, trying to get back into the groove here. Placement done but having to dedicate a lot of time to my assignment :-/

    Started BT3 Monday - deadlifts are back.... and so is my weird forearm inflammation when I do them! And not even lifting that heavy - 50kg for 12 x 3 reps. And those swiss ball roll outs? OMG, yesterday I could barely bend over with the pain my abs were in haha.

    Going for BT3b today - feel like I have a stiff shoulder though so not sure how I'll go. Can't lift tomorrow/ fri though and don't want to leave it so long between weights workouts.

    Happy Halloween to all those celebrating - we aren't doing much over here in Oz but stocking up on choccies for the kids, made cupcakes yesterday for the kids lunches (choc sponge and green vanilla sponge with choc frogs on top, lol) and they've asked for pumpkin pie tomorrow so I guess that'll keep me even busier.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, that's a lot to have on your plate! I agree that the Swiss ball roll outs are killer.

    Beeps, my hips fluctuate a lot when I do hip thrusts or other major glute exercises. Maybe your butt is perkier or just retaining some repair fluid. I don't understand how EVERY woman can theoretically fit within the parameters of "Venus"? We all carry fat differently. Do they explain it more when you join the program?

    Mary, I saw that your willpower has paid off in the form of a scale loss. Way to go!

    I was too busy to check in yesterday, but I nearly hit all of my goals. Macros were 40/28/32 (c/p/f), got my 3 lifts in, and I was under on cals.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sue, I am totally impressed.
    I'm trying to get up to going to the gym four days period. Lift three and one class. Except this week because no gym on Halloween. Gotta take the kids treating. At least I'll get some walking in. I'm feeling very unmotivated. I've only been lifting two days a Week the last three weeks, and I'm not happy with that.

    Today's workout wasn't so bad. Moved up weight a smudge and got through.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam I need some motivation too . I was going to lift three times a week but lately two workouts per week has been tough. You have made a lot of progress try to focus on the changes you've made already to try to push on.
    I'm looking forward to Halloween - it is a fun holiday
    Jo- did you try icing and ibuprofen
    Chubs good work on your macros
    Sue- I'm impressed with your "not pr" weight
    Beeps/ manic 4x a week seems incredible to me
    Geeks keep up the hard work
    I lifted today but I did not have my logs and it was not as heavy as I would have liked. I swam early in the morning but again not as long or fast as I would have liked.

    My pt is giving me daily exercises which cut into my workout time- but should be worth it to get rid of my glute pain.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, wow! I just read your post. 145lbs X 10 is very impressive! Way to go! You're officially in the "Advanced Lifter" category according to Brett C;)

    Pmag and Sam, sending some motivation vibes to you. You all have so much to take care of- but don't forget about yourselves!

    Beeps, I answered my own question by reading up some more on Venus and The Golden Ratio. It makes more sense now.

    I'm doing Basic Training workouts in Supercharged until Thanksgiving. I'm scheduled to start Strength, but there's no point in me doing Strength with my caloric deficit. I want to see some major gains and eating at a deficit is not conducive to that (for me anyway). So I will start Strength after thanksgiving, when I've lost a little more fat, and can switch to a much lower deficit or even maintenance for a while. My body will be ready for a diet break by then.

    Workout B today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I AM 32.7% BODYFAT!


    5' 8 3/4" this morning and 146.6 lbs on the DEXA scale stuff.

    And, yep, I am 32.7% BODYFAT - even my *lean* torso is not that f*cking lean - 28.6%. Each leg is 40%.

    Sooooooooooo, I was HOPING I wasn't "30%" - for 2 YEARS I've been aiming for 20%. And, in fact, I am 32.7% BODYFAT.

    I am feeling AWFUL about myself right now - will perk up tomorrow (I also had my flu shot, today), but I've been fasting for 3 solid days and today I'm going to have something to eat.

    Unbelievable how DELUSIONAL I have been.

    Also, totally UNBELIEVABLE what the "naked eye" sees, compared to a DEXA. Just sayin'....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, if you are happy with the changes you see in your body, does it really matter what the DEXA says? If you feel good and you like your body, THAT'S what matters. That being said, if you weren't eating and drinking normally before the scan, you quite possibly skewed the results the wrong way. From what I've read, glycogen in the muscles plays a huge role in the accuracy of the scan. If your muscles were depleted, your "fat free" mass will read lower, making your BF% higher. Could be bro science, but I've read in several places. It's one of the problems with the DEXA.

    Got my lift in today. So ready to be done with the lower cals and higher reps.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Self-flaggelation gets SO BORING, SO FAST!!



    ^^^ My husband took this shot this morning (for my October-month-end photos/measurements/reporting) BEFORE my DEXA.

    That "trunk" is 28.6% bodyfat.

    I'll take it...