Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Feltlike, welcome!

    I am doing the same. I add cardio in because I have a LOT of fat to lose.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    oh yea oh yea!! I have finally reached my first DL goal! Today I lifted #160 - I weight 163!! I am so excited to finally reach this goal! Ok, I know I only lifted it 1x but I did it, with good form and didn't just drop the weights, I placed them back in the rack!
    I did SLDL and static lunges for my accessory work and then did back extensions and abs to finish up! I was feeling like a punk because I was so wiped out doing my workout today especially after the DLs! I ran out of time and energy - I did 3 sets instead of 5.

    Mary, I understand your feelings completely! I fall into that obsession so easily! That's why I decided not to worry about scale weight for the first year of lifting. I would get on the scale 2x day before that. I'm much better now, and although I'm not doing so well with sticking to my macros at the moment, I think I'm much more healthy with this approach!

    ...and YEA on those inches lost! I am so happy for you!

    Welcome Jorean and Feltlikes!

    I watched Biggest Loser only once. I agree with Cowgirl about muscle, but I don't see where the show teaches anything about changing lifestyle or eating habits.

    I ate Cold Stone last night :bigsmile: It was delicious!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well done!! Great job smashing your goal!

    I find the problem with reaching goals is then you have to set new ones hahahaha

    My best DL was 143lbs (65kg) but then my weight is 117lbs. One day I'd like to lift double my bw LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic - your measurements are coming DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!! THAT is AWESOME!! Keep it up and cut yourself some *slack* because you are OBVIOUSLY doing things that are WORKING!!

    Hi feltlikesound!


    Wow, jo_marnes....your DL is also SUPER-FANTASTIC-AWESOME-COOL-FANTASTIC!!

    I think my best deadlift, ever, was 125 lbs?? maybe?? (I'd have to go look) and I weigh 149.2 lbs as of this morning. So, I haven't ever even lifted my own bodyweight! (Except with weighted glute bridges and BB hip thrusts - those I got up to 165 BB before my summer-hiatus/forced-exercise break!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hubby pushed out of the door to the gym last night. I'm so unmotivated lately. Not empowered at all. What the hell is wrong with me? I maintained weight and looked pretty good. I'm going to post a new profile pic (from the front) Hubby will most likely get home to late for me to do zumba but I got in an hour long walk at work for a walkathon fundraiser we did. At least I was moving.

    Welcome to the new folks. This program kicks butt. I hope you love as much as I do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm rocking my $50 VSX sports bra. Doesn't do a whole lot but at least I look like a girl and you can't see my nipples.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm rocking my $50 VSX sports bra. Doesn't do a whole lot but at least I look like a girl and you can't see my nipples.

    Yep, don't see them. :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I don't like this tank any more because you can see my belly button. Just weird.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't see that either :wink:

    ARGHHHH ! Having a tough night. I really want to eat , but I am not hungry. It's a craving. Last night I made the family bbq pork and cornbread. Plenty of cornbread leftover. It is sealed tightly in a container. I can hear it calling my name. It wants to be drowned in milk. I'm trying to ignore it.

    Sam, you'll get back in the mood. I have confidence in you. Do you think you are burned out?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello everyone! You all have awesome deadlifts ! I hope to one day be as awesome as you.

    Nice progress manic

    Sam you just need a good workout can you remember one when you felt on top of the world and strong afterward?

    I started stage three but with only dumbbells as my hubby is away (makes getting to the gym pretty challenging)
    So pretty light and focused on form and balance which is the hardest thing for me...

    Hope everyone has good workouts this week
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Looking GREAT, samntha!!

    manic - did you make it through WITHOUT an "eat"?

    Pmagnanifit - getting in your 3 x weekly workouts is KEY - so congrats on getting THAT done.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    New but have been lurking :) Just want to say all of you are fabulous :)

    I start on Monday!! woohooo - had to wait for all my equipment to be delivered.. last piece gets delivered Saturday :)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks, Sam! I hope your migraine is gone by now :-)
    Welcome bepee! I know will love the program and become a lifting addict like the rest of us.

    Me have migraine, no likey. going to bed. trying to avoid the 7 pounds of candy in the house and not having too much luck.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    manic - did you make it through WITHOUT an "eat"?

    I sure did!!:drinker:

    Today is lifting. My biceps are still sore from son's workout. He doesn't show mercy. Today is shoulders, back, and abs.

    Welcome, Clam.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    So, did day two yester....was quite good. The deadlift barbell must weigh a tonne!! Does anyone know how much? I was planning to ask the staff. Lunges went well with 20lb weights in each hand...I did the db shoulder press with 15lbs on each hand..did only 10 reps, but that is okay...higher weight, lower reps...I think I have weak shoulder muscles...I aim to, in a fortnight, lift for the whole 15 reps..or even a higher weight with lower reps!!

    As Tony Horton (P90X) always says, "Do your best, forget the rest!" :-) :-)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    It is better to ask the staff on the weight. BUT if it is super long--45 pounds. or shorter but just as thick--35 pounds.

    just wanted to add I LOST 1.2 POUNDS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Manic, thanks,I will..but it is the super long one.
    Congratulations to you on your weight loss!!:happy:
    It is better to ask the staff on the weight. BUT if it is super long--45 pounds. or shorter but just as thick--35 pounds.

    just wanted to add I LOST 1.2 POUNDS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Woohoo, Manic!!!! Being CONSISTENT always pays off!

    Bepee, typical is 25,35, or 45lbs. I'd ask the staff. Great job on your workouts. Those higher reps (anything more than 10 is high rep to me, lol) will decrease the weight you can use considerably.

    Sam you look fabulous! Most of my shirts show my belly button too. I think it's the way my body is shaped- just like my permanent underwear line that is there even when I wear a thong, lol. Maybe you need to switch programs if you are burned out. Or make some new goals. Just find a routine that you enjoy.

    So I've been going over my progress and looking at trends. I've figured out that I don't lose much weight during the first part of my cycle. Then, I typically get a whoosh in the last 10 days. So weird how our bodies react.

    I lifted and did HIIT (skaters) today. My random thoughts after my workout today: I honestly do not see how one can do a full 30 mins of HIIT like some claim they do. For me, if I do intense workout (meaning as HARD AS I CAN) for 1 minute and recover for 1 minute, I am DONE after about 10 mins following a lifting session. I mean my body is DONE. But maybe I'm just not in great shape. From what I am reading, HIIT shouldn't be longer than 10-20 mins and you should feel like you're completely exhausting yourself. Thoughts?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    It is better to ask the staff on the weight. BUT if it is super long--45 pounds. or shorter but just as thick--35 pounds.

    just wanted to add I LOST 1.2 POUNDS!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :tongue:

    YEA Mary!!! I know you are bouncing off the ceiling!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

    Today was spin class - OMG the woman likes to torture us! And she was early so the class started 5 minutes earlier than usual YIKES I have nothing left!! Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day!

    Cowgirl I don't know how you do both lifting and HIIT. That always used to wear my butt out! I suppose doing it all on the same day has benefits but my old body just doesn't perform well after a lifting session. I think you're in terrific shape and I hope you're not 2nd guessing yourself! I bet those who do 30 don't go all out each time.

    Bepee as the other have suggested, best to verify with a trainer or the staff though it sounds to me like it's the oly (Olympic) bar.

    Welcome to the crazy place Clam!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You ladies ROCKS! which is why I've been here for nearly two years. I think that's my problem. I may need something new, but I really want to finish my second round but at the same time I want to move on to Supercharged. To be honest I've been at this weird plateau being on maintenance without a clear goal than not changing. Now that there's more money in the bank I may need to seriously look into becoming an instructor and having something to really work for. I'm a goal orientated person. My workout today was walking the convention floor in AC. I love the NJEA teacher convention. BEST in the country. So many great workshops! I walked three miles according to my pedometer.

    Mary, Congrats on the loss, I know you really worked hard for it!!

    Cowgirl, THat 10 min kills me too...though I've been bagging on it lately. Kettlebell swings are my favorite ;)

    I think the 6 ft (or is it 8?) bar is 45 and the 5 ft bar is 35