Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sue - what do you mean by "deload"?? I'm curious!

    chubby - not too heavy today, but heavy enough to make me huff + puff!

    manic - I came under calories yesterday....but ate out at a restaurant, so have NO idea what that "salt" intake will do to the scale.

    In any event, my systems are working - I'm plugging along - the scale should trend downward and I can get rid of all this "roundy-round" thinking! FINALLY!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I finished the Stage 1 workout B this morning.... NOT my favorite lol apparently I am too uncoordinated for lunges lol I am thinking I will sleep good tonight :)
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Potluck at work, feeling yucky, too many carbs and desserts. Blah...tomorrow is another day. Bright side, only two workouts left in stage 1 :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    maybe get up earlier? HA! I need to take my own advice.

    I took this advice today! Body Pump at 6am.... only chance to workout today and did nothing yesterday as wasn't feeling great.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lol! You will get there!! :)
    I finished the Stage 1 workout B this morning.... NOT my favorite lol apparently I am too uncoordinated for lunges lol I am thinking I will sleep good tonight :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm here MAry!! I missed yesterday. Never logged at all. Just one of those crazy busy days. I did make it to the gym yesterday for my last workout in Stage 2 Woo hoo!
    Wide DL 2x10@105
    under lat pull 2x10@90
    bulgarian split squat 2x10@10 I don't use a lot of weigh on this one. The focus in on form.
    cuban snatch 2x10@20 (10dbs) like step I increase resistance by lowering the bench
    reverse lunge from box 2x10@30 (15dbs)
    Doesn't look like I'm going to zumba tonight. I nearly fell asleep at work today. I usually don't have a problem before 4:00, but today it hit me at two and because of a scheduling change for the day, I had students who needed my attention. I just had to suck it up and make it through.

    Great job to everybody getting those workouts in this week ladies.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    No workout today . Had to run errands in the larger city nearby.

    You go , JO! I can't workout that early. Someone to watch the little one.......

    Sam, you need some REST. Take a break from lifting. Have you had one lately?

    Clam, ooooooh just wait. There will be plenty of exercises to test your balance. :tongue: But I found it great challenging myself and noticing I was doing better each time.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Wohoo! That's great lifting!!
    I'm here MAry!! I missed yesterday. Never logged at all. Just one of those crazy busy days. I did make it to the gym yesterday for my last workout in Stage 2 Woo hoo!
    Wide DL 2x10@105
    under lat pull 2x10@90
    bulgarian split squat 2x10@10 I don't use a lot of weigh on this one. The focus in on form.
    cuban snatch 2x10@20 (10dbs) like step I increase resistance by lowering the bench
    reverse lunge from box 2x10@30 (15dbs)
    Doesn't look like I'm going to zumba tonight. I nearly fell asleep at work today. I usually don't have a problem before 4:00, but today it hit me at two and because of a scheduling change for the day, I had students who needed my attention. I just had to suck it up and make it through.

    Great job to everybody getting those workouts in this week ladies.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Yester was week two of stage 1. My wrist has not completely healed, but I did realize that when I do fly push-ups, no pain at all!! Wohoo!! Glad to be back to those. I need to do lots so that I may go lower and lower with time. I still am not able to go deep on military push ups.

    Today is Hip Hop Abs, then Zumba!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member

    Clam, ooooooh just wait. There will be plenty of exercises to test your balance. :tongue: But I found it great challenging myself and noticing I was doing better each time.

    Oh god.... :sad: I will look like a idiot .. can see the headline now "woman kills herself falling while lunging and hitting head on weights" :bigsmile:
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Hey everyone, I hope you don't mind me joining in the chat :) I've been lurking so I kinna know where you are all at, and everyone is doing really well :)

    I'm now on week 4, just completed workout 5A....and I totally noticed the difference with the extra sets...yeesh! I used to do a cheeky 20 mins on the eliptical after my workout but I was way too tired last night!

    Just so I can catch up with everyone, here are some of my current stats:

    START - Oct 28th

    Squats: 55lb
    Step ups: 24lbs (12lb dumbells)
    Seated Row: 40lbs
    Pushup: 45 degree incline
    Deadlifts: 65lbs
    Dumbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs (10lb dumbells - really struggeled with this!)
    Lat pull down: 50lbs
    Lunges: 24lbs (12lb bumbells)

    Weight: 189lbs
    Waist: 34"
    Hips: 44"
    Bust: 43"


    Squats: 115lb
    Step ups: 50lbs (25lb dumbells)
    Seated Row: 80lbs
    Pushup: 30 degree incline
    Deadlifts: 75lbs
    Dumbell Shoulder Press: 25lbs (12.5lb dumbells - still weak!)
    Lat pull down: 70lbs
    Lunges: 40lbs (20lb bumbells)

    Weight: 188lbs (down 1lb - gained 5.3lbs of LBM and lost 4.3lbs of BF) - Also, my weight has been up and down and all over the place since starting!
    Waist: 33" (down 1")
    Hips: 42" (down 2")
    Bust: 43" (boobs haven't moved!)

    Looking forward to chatting with y'all ;)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Clam, ooooooh just wait. There will be plenty of exercises to test your balance. :tongue: But I found it great challenging myself and noticing I was doing better each time.

    Oh god.... :sad: I will look like a idiot .. can see the headline now "woman kills herself falling while lunging and hitting head on weights" :bigsmile:

    quite possible :laugh: :tongue:

    Just do your stuff . I could NEVER do the single leg dumbbell something other. LOL I looked ridiculous at the gym but I didn't care. At least I was MOVING.

    maz, you are doing GREAT. I haven't done NROL4W in forever. I stay here and talk with friends.

    Bepee, awesome! Glad your wrist is back to normal!

    I worked out today and had decrease weights. Not sure what was up with that.

    Stepped on the scales today. I am 150.0 SOOOOOO close to being out of the 150's. It has been 5 years or so since I've been in the 140's. I've noticed my skirts are fitting better. The saddlebags are going to take forever to lose.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Stepped on the scales today. I am 150.0 SOOOOOO close to being out of the 150's. It has been 5 years or so since I've been in the 140's. I've noticed my skirts are fitting better. The saddlebags are going to take forever to lose.

    Well done! Great stuff!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    You're about to click into the 140's, manic, so GET READY!!

    Great news!!

    Hi mazmataz!

    Tomorrow, for SURE, I lift!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    YES ! I can hardly contain myself. LOL I got on the scales a few minutes it ago. It said 151. Hoping tomorrow it says 149!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    That's awesome, Manic!
    Mamataz, those are great stats! Welcome!
    Have a great workout tomorrow, Beeps.

    I'm hoping to see a scale loss tomorrow (my goal was to get back to the 140s by Thanksgiving). Who knows.... I'm stressed out- I take a recertification exam for my RN specialty tomorrow. Saturday evening I'm involved in another stressful event. My body doesn't react well to stress. Maybe I'll get a whoosh next week.

    Gonna do my best to lift Saturday morning!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    cowgirl! WHAT! You are in the 150's? :noway: Isn't it funny how our bodies are so different? I have way too much fat on my body for my body type. I am guessing I need to lose a good 20 pounds to be close to a size 6/8. currently 12.

    AND You are an RN? You may have told me that too. LOL I am one too. I don't work. Haven't in 12 years. Summer 2001 was the last time I worked.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    I'm hoping to see a scale loss tomorrow (my goal was to get back to the 140s by Thanksgiving). Who knows.... I'm stressed out- I take a recertification exam for my RN specialty tomorrow. Saturday evening I'm involved in another stressful event. My body doesn't react well to stress. Maybe I'll get a whoosh next week.

    I hear ya. Exam revision hell going on here. Blah. Body = bloated and craving tea and biscuits. And wine. :grumble:

    I'm going to combat tonight - will punch and kick out my frustration. And earn my wine hahaha :drinker:

    Good luck for your exam! Hope all goes well - I'm sure you'll be fab :happy:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello maz!

    I am enjoying my brothers wedding
    I got to swim a little with my kids outside in the sunshine which was amazing and I am also catching up with relatives.

    I am officially addicted to massaging my gluteal area. Yup I grab my own butt on a regular basis. It feels better afterwards!

    Today I will use the hotel weight room- it is the best I've seen in a hotel but no squat rack!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I hope it all went well! :smile:
    I'm hoping to see a scale loss tomorrow (my goal was to get back to the 140s by Thanksgiving). Who knows.... I'm stressed out- I take a recertification exam for my RN specialty tomorrow. Saturday evening I'm involved in another stressful event. My body doesn't react well to stress. Maybe I'll get a whoosh next week.

    Gonna do my best to lift Saturday morning!