Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lucky you! Relax the best you can! Lol @ the massaging!!!
    Hello maz!

    I am enjoying my brothers wedding
    I got to swim a little with my kids outside in the sunshine which was amazing and I am also catching up with relatives.

    I am officially addicted to massaging my gluteal area. Yup I grab my own butt on a regular basis. It feels better afterwards!

    Today I will use the hotel weight room- it is the best I've seen in a hotel but no squat rack!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Wow! Good job, and hello!!!
    Hey everyone, I hope you don't mind me joining in the chat :) I've been lurking so I kinna know where you are all at, and everyone is doing really well :)

    I'm now on week 4, just completed workout 5A....and I totally noticed the difference with the extra sets...yeesh! I used to do a cheeky 20 mins on the eliptical after my workout but I was way too tired last night!

    Just so I can catch up with everyone, here are some of my current stats:

    START - Oct 28th

    Squats: 55lb
    Step ups: 24lbs (12lb dumbells)
    Seated Row: 40lbs
    Pushup: 45 degree incline
    Deadlifts: 65lbs
    Dumbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs (10lb dumbells - really struggeled with this!)
    Lat pull down: 50lbs
    Lunges: 24lbs (12lb bumbells)

    Weight: 189lbs
    Waist: 34"
    Hips: 44"
    Bust: 43"


    Squats: 115lb
    Step ups: 50lbs (25lb dumbells)
    Seated Row: 80lbs
    Pushup: 30 degree incline
    Deadlifts: 75lbs
    Dumbell Shoulder Press: 25lbs (12.5lb dumbells - still weak!)
    Lat pull down: 70lbs
    Lunges: 40lbs (20lb bumbells)

    Weight: 188lbs (down 1lb - gained 5.3lbs of LBM and lost 4.3lbs of BF) - Also, my weight has been up and down and all over the place since starting!
    Waist: 33" (down 1")
    Hips: 42" (down 2")
    Bust: 43" (boobs haven't moved!)

    Looking forward to chatting with y'all ;)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Scale 150.6 today. It didn't move in the direction I wanted. but oh well, official weigh in isn't until next week. I was looking forward to seeing 140's. I'll be on that scale all weekend :laugh:

    Not wanting to lift or cardio. It's one of those blah days. But I want to see 149 soon so I'll go.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I got my lifting in-and-done.

    Boy, was it H-A-R-D. I could feel all that lactic acid building up by about 1/3 of my way through it. I was S-O-R-E. I wanted to quit, but did not. This *is* what happens when I don't get in 3 x per week weight-training. So, I finished up. I can't do cardio tomorrow because I'm teaching at a seminar. But, next week, it will be a return to "normal" and I'm going to have to suck-up the winter driving and just get BACK 100% into a 3 x per week routine.

    manic - you'll be well into the 140's by next week....please take the necessary time to pat yourself on the back. I am 100% recognizing how VERY consistent you are being, this time around, and that consistency IS making a difference and it is VERY, VERY KEY.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I passed!! Woot! Now to just get tomorrow over with.

    Manic, I'm 151.2 lbs as of this morning. You look much slimmer than I am to *me*. I mostly wear sz 8s and I can fit in vanity 6s....BUT my weight is distributed all over(with a lot in my legs). I don't have your slender arms and ankles...I have fat on my ankles and even my feet. My wrist is 6.5 inches and I'm 5'5". I just have a lot of fat spread around my body that doesn't really "show"(which probably means my BF% is much higher than I think!). It's so funny how our bodies carry weight differently. You'll be the 140s next week!

    Pmag, glad you're getting to relax. Lol at massaging your glutes! I do the same thing. They can get some nasty knots in them.

    Jo, between the stress and it being close to PMS, I really just want to stuff my face with chocolate and pop tarts!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I admire you for pushing through. I have to LOL at the Winter driving. We've barely had a taste of winter here in the Midwest! It's currently 60 F (15 C) here.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks yall!

    Guess what! I got on the scale after workout........149.6!! :bigsmile: I know that's just water weight but I LOVE seeing it. I know I am so close.

    Yes, Beeps, I 've been consistent AND I had to start cardio. It's the only way the scale would move.I use the elliptical no less than 3xweekly . I gradually increase the resistance and incline so my body isn't adapting to the same ole.

    Cowgirl, I DON"T SEE IT! You look great. My body fat is deposited in the lower ab and hip/thigh area.I do have small wrists . I've been told small frame therefore, a LOT of weight to lose.

    I don't have a clue of winter weather anymore. We moved to deep MS from KY 3 years ago. LOVE LOVE the weather. I even have 2 palm trees in my yard.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I hear you - about those blah days, that is
    Scale 150.6 today. It didn't move in the direction I wanted. but oh well, official weigh in isn't until next week. I was looking forward to seeing 140's. I'll be on that scale all weekend :laugh:

    Not wanting to lift or cardio. It's one of those blah days. But I want to see 149 soon so I'll go.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I passed!! Woot!

    Congrats!! Nice job.

    BT3a3 for me today - finally, a good lifting workout! Managed 3 sets of everything (was doing 2 before) and got 12 reps of 122lbs for my DLs without my arms playing up. Whoop whoop, feeling great today. Guess I'm happy to be at the gym when the alternative is revision, hahahaha
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Very nice, Jo!
    Mary, that's so awesome! You're literally just a few hundred cals away from the 140s! Congrats!

    Got a quick lift in this morning. It felt so good. My arms are already sore from the neg chin-ups. I've started letting myself lower half way down and then pull myself back up. So I guess I can do half a chin-up now, lol!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    As yall know, I take the weekends off from exercising. I've also decided to take a break from a rigid diet today. A much needed break ...

    Now it's time to log those 6 oreos!:noway:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I had a great day I did an old workout from stage 1
    Lots of fun in the pool and mini golf
    And an ice team Sunday - with plenty of lactaid
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    You guys are cracking me up with your posts. I only read through some of them from this thread so far, but, not wanting to be a creepy thread-stalker, I thought I would post a quick hello.

    I just got NROL4W and will start this week, depending on when I get through enough of the book to feel comfortable. I use to lift a lot, especially from ages 16-19 and could keep up with most of the guys at the gym. BUT, I have really gotten out of it the last few years (ok, by "few" I mean 13) and am excited-nervous to get back to it. I go to the gym before work, usually around 5am and there are very few, if any, people there. I think that will help me when it comes to going into the "boys area" to lift and getting comfortable again.

    I won't post pics yet, but I took them this morning and will hopefully be proud to post progress pics in a month. For now, here are my stats:

    Weight: 63 kg (139 lbs)
    Body Fat%: 29.5%
    Natural Waist: 77 cm (30.3")
    Belly Button: 82 cm (32.3")
    Chest: 94 cm (37")
    Hips: 96.5 cm (38")
    Thigh: 54.5 cm (21.5")
    Neck: 33 cm (13")

    Happy lifting!

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome, RedBess! I hope you love lifting again as much as we do.

    Pmag, sounds lovely!

    Manic, I hope you enjoyed your oreos(drool!). I give myself more room on weekends, too.

    Hopefully a lazy day today. I'm tired.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Welcome RedBess too!

    Lazy day here too! I hate MOANdays!! Moooaaannnn!!! :)

    >>>Drooling too at Manic's Oreos :smile:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I needed those oreos. My baby , who is type 1 diabetic, had a fever from Friday and still a low grade at the moment. We were up until almost 3 Saturday am and back up by 9:30. I had to constantly check blood, urine for ketones, and give shots. UGH. I needed the indulgence. I went to bed at 10:30 last night . Slept 12 HOURS while hubby took care of little one.

    Back at it today besides the workout.

    Welcome, Red. I envy your small hips.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Aw, manic, I hope your littlest is better. I have a cousin who is close that was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 7. It's been such an emotional and physical roller coaster for her and the rest of the family. You deserve EXTRA Oreos for enduring all that.

    Sam! Where are you!?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    SamBam and SueBoo have been quiet lately. Something going on in the NE?

    My girl was dx at 4. FIVE years ago this month.
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Stage 1 completed today! Looking forward to moving on to stage 2 :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Good fast in today. BAck to work tomorrow. Will lift M/W/F. BOOM!