Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yeah I don't recover very much between exercises. I like to keep my heart rate going. I guess I'm struggling with the weight so it takes me a little longer to get the exercise done???

    Unofficial weigh in today. I lost 0.8 pounds :bigsmile:

    Sam, I've tried to get my hubby to workout. He hates it. He won't do cardio and says he gets enough "lifting" at work . I think you'll love it :blushing:
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    HI everyone, I've been lurking for a while, and have a question:
    If I'm going to buy a barbell, what kind should I get? Olympic? General? How long? (I'm 5'5"). I'm a few weeks into lifting (using the Venus Factor workout right now but when I'm done might switch to StrongLifts or NROL4W...
    If there's a site that spells this out for me, or if you have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. They're expensive and I'd rather not buy one and then in 4 months realize "oh c#$p! I can't do X with this kind"
    Thanks. And you're all really inpsiring.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Manic, yes, I've noticed the more weight I use the longer it is. If I'm doing 4 X 5 (I need really good rest periods between sets) it takes much longer than doing the 2 X 15 (usually just keep going and don't rest). Part of that is rest periods and part of it is just moving slower with heavier weights.

    Sam, you became a sexy thing before your hubs, so maybe you've motivated him?

    Ktaylor, buy the 45lbs oly bar. It sounds like you've already got some experience lifting, so you will probably need it when you start. I find the oly bar to be easier to handle than the shorter bar and I am 5'5". Welcome!

    Got my lifting done yesterday but could only do 3 mins of HIIT. Haven't blown my macros for the week yet even t.hough I was over on cals just a bit yesterday. The scale is NOT budging this week even though I was eating right last week. Hoping for a good loss in the next few weeks so can be done with this cut for a bit.

    Did y'all see Sarauk2sf set a new record for DLs in her state yesterday? She's 5'5", 150ish, and she deadlifted 325lbs!!!! I love it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I didn't see that record, but I think we aren't MVP friends....that PR is Huge!

    I didn't need a refeed....I needed a fast! And, I surprised myself, yesterday, by just giving my body a break from eating! Yayyyyyy! Surprise-fasts are MY FAVOUrITe!

    Today, I lift!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Happy lifting!! :)
    I didn't see that record, but I think we aren't MVP friends....that PR is Huge!

    I didn't need a refeed....I needed a fast! And, I surprised myself, yesterday, by just giving my body a break from eating! Yayyyyyy! Surprise-fasts are MY FAVOUrITe!

    Today, I lift!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Thanks Jo it helps to control my core and also to wear shoes.

    I am impressed with sara2uk- she is amazing

    I had a good workout today but I couldn't warm up on the bike due to glute pain- depressing .

    Body matrix was hard but fun and slow--- it takes me about five minutes

    Hope you all had a nice weekend
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cowgirl you may be right. Hubby is also working with a new coach who has convinced him to get back into competitive mountain biking. His power outputs in the woods are insane but he works twice as hard on the road, so his desire to workout is multi-faceted. I would like to think that he wants to stay desirable to his hot wife :wink:

    Today was family fun day. We went hiking and bouldering up at Sourlands preserve including the dog. One the awesome things I love about Jersey. So no lifting today, but I have tomorrow off, so lifting I will go. My calories are way low today, but it make sup for eating all of my kids' Halloween candy.

    I was watching a video today of a DL PR. 305lbs. She's in her fifties, and I find that amazingly impressive.

    Welcome Ktaylor, I would go with the 45lb OLY bar also. Beeps, hope the fast went well. Cowgirl, you are looking great and you are lifting hard, don't worry about the scale too much even though you're cutting I'm sure you'll get a woosh.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ugh! today has not been a good day eating! Went out to eat for lunch. Snacked on candy all afternoon.

    I haven't finished logging. Don't think I want to. I'll just eat at a deficit over the next few days. I am suppose to increase cals tomorrow but I'll stay at last week's amount for a few days before I increase. (so I can get back on schedule. I want a free week for Thanksgiving. :smile: )
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, I HATE the BWM with a passion. 5 mins isn't slow! I think it's an amazing finisher to a workout though,

    Sam, thanks. Sounds like a great Sunday for you! I think guys need something to "train" for and work towards. Gives them an energy outlet. My hubby is much happier when he has time to fit in his BJJ classes.

    Beeps, how was the lifting session?

    I think the winter months I will focus more on building strength. I LOVE increasing my weights and it keeps me motivated. My DLs are stuck at 165lbs right now(15lbs more than body weight- 4 sets of 5 reps) and my squats are stuck at 155. I want to bump those numbers up.

    How did everyone do on goals? I got 3 sessions in, was under by 200 cals, and my macros were 37/30/33 (c/p/f). This week I will be focused on less eating out and more water. The 3 guesstimated, high sodium meals I had over the weekend have me bloated this morning.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Did my very first workout this morning - Stage 1 workout A. Apparently I can go higher weight :huh: so will be doing that next time... Thank you to all the awesome ladies here that motivated me to even do this!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Wohoo!! Lift away!!!
    Did my very first workout this morning - Stage 1 workout A. Apparently I can go higher weight :huh: so will be doing that next time... Thank you to all the awesome ladies here that motivated me to even do this!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Loving the looonnggg weekend! I am off from work today too, so I get to hit the gym this am.
    Today I start on week 2 (starting with Stage 1Workout B)....Am glad because it will give my wrist even more time to heal, so that I may go back to push ups.

    Did (does) anyone find that Workout B is somewhat easier than Workout A?

    Also, is there anyone that does all the exercises as they are dictated? Sometimes the machines I need are in use, and I decide to do all the other exercises afore embarking on the required one. Sometimes I end up modifying the exercises, or going for an alternative that will workout the same muscle group.

    Happy lifting all!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My gym was closed today. :( I really needed a workout. I could have walked around the neighborhood but I didn't.

    Bepeejaye, I am sorry I haven't done NROL4W in forever . I can't comment on that. But I do remember stage 2 and 3 kicked butt!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My gym had holiday hours. Wish I'd known that before I missed my workout :(
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I took a full rest day, today.

    Ate over 1,600 cals, but was low on both sat/sun. Then TOM hit, so I think 1,600 is actually reasonable.

    Tomorrow I'm out with gf's for a bday supper.....it will be salad/chicken!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Bepee and clam keep at it you will feel stronger
    Beeps it's good to rest
    Sorry your gym was closed manic and sam
    I had a tough day physical therapy seemed to cause a lot of pain
    Even though the previous two sessions didn't

    At least I'm on vacation tomorrow- going to my brothers wedding in Florida.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'm working through my lunch today, but will be back to the gym to lift tomorrow. BOOM!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    I am also wondering about a sub for single leg squats - my balance is really bad so I need them but I do them for pt daily and don't think I am getting much strength out of it.

    I was rehabbing a broken ankle when I did these and the 1 pt rows/DLs. I used the step up box set up against the wall and only needed it occasionally. For the 1 pt lifts, I used the bosu ball, and did pretty well with it.

    Yesterday was my last heavy lift day of this cycle. The next 4 days are all deloads. Yesterda squats and I did 100 5x before I started to crap out on form. I'm happy. I struggle with form on this lift so I've been especially careful about it. For accessory lifts I did step ups with the oly bar and trap bar RDLs. On Saturday I did bench presses and make 60 x 12. I've never done a program where you deload so I'm going to have to ask about it on the 5/3/1 forum. I don't know if I just run thru the main lift and then do accessory lifts the same way or what.

    I'm so excited to see new women doing NROL4W! I love that program and I know it made a heavy lifter out of me!

    bepee, I always had a favorite in each of the stages. I can't remember though which with Stage 1. I was so green, I had a hard time with both of them I know.

    Pmagna, I'm so sorry the PT is hurting you! I remember days like that with my ankle. :heart: hope you enjoy your vacation!

    Sorry you missed workouts yesterday Mary and Sam. Mine thankfully was open as usual.

    Yea for rest days, Beeps!!

    Tomorrow is OHP
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pmag, enjoy the vacation! Sounds like you can use it! As far as the single leg squats, you could substitute any single leg exercise- one-legged get ups, single leg DLs, pistol squats, or just increase your weights and really sink down low.

    Beeps, lift hard tomorrow!

    Hoping to get a workout in tomorrow. Crazy week for me, but I should be able to get two lifts in!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Got a workout in. 30 elliptical and a little over 20 lifting.

    A nice young man probably middle 20's watched me do a couple arm curls . Walked up and said, "can I show you something?" ME: "sure." He said, "go down in weight and hold your elbows in......." So I did what he said. My son tells me that the elbows in are correct but I should go heavier. UGH. I don't know what I do. When I see that young man I'll do what he says. Then when son is with me I'll do what he says. :bigsmile:

    Why is it the men can give women criticism but if I made a comment to a woman she would scratch my eyes out? LOL I see this petite but overweight lady in there. Watching her attempt the machines or dumbbells is pathetic. She isn't working her body at all. Just going through the motions.

    Sue, as I have said before , "YOU ARE A BEAST" You are my hero.

    Cowgirl, i hope you do get the time in. maybe get up earlier? HA! I need to take my own advice.

    Beeps, I ate over 600 cals for 2 days (sunday and Monday). Managed to see a little loss this week. Hopefully, it won't catch up with me. I'm doing good today.

    SAM!! SAM!! Where are you?