Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Thanks, sue!

    I think my new focus on "systems" will be VERY beneficial for helping me move on in my journey....I actually want to STOP weighing, STOP measuring, stop all of it! by ONLY focusing on the "inputs", I can (I hope!) create a much more reasonable and rational relationship with my fitness/nutrition plan (and therefore, goals....)

    So far, so good! I'll only weigh once-per-week (Wed.) and I'll only do measurements/photos once-per-month, although a wrap-around at the waist whenever I feel like it, to make sure my waist is still within 0.5" of Venus will also be good for me!

    My lifting session was A LOT of lower-body work, today.

    Followed by a funeral for a friend - she is in early 50's, but her husband, aged 73, just passed away. She has had a BRUTAL year:

    1. she went to Poland to visit her ailing father - had a GREAT visit with him and he died 2 weeks after she returned home.
    2. her husband's mother died in September.
    3. her son, not drinking (i.e. totally sober) was leaving a party and turned a corner where a drunk individual came racing into the street - her son's car hit the guy and he DIED!
    4. her husband was diagnosed with fatal liver cancer about 2 weeks after his mother died....he died 4 weeks after that!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi ladies. a great big boohoo for me. Tomorrow is weigh in day and the scales this am said a 4 pound increase from Saturday am!! HOW did that happen! I'm hoping it's just water retention and be back down tomorrow.

    Sorry to hear about your friend, Beeps. That sounds BRUTAL! My daughter asked me if you were a "monster hi friend" LOL She says your avatar is right before she turns into a vampire LOL (or something like that)

    Welcome newcomers
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    THat's some incredible results. Were you doing another program before New Rules? Keep up the great work.

    I did insanity and turbofire before. I would throw in some Jillian Michaels's videos. This is my first lifting program and I love it some much more than cardio!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic - your daughter knows way MORE about my avatar than I do, lol....I thought my avatar was a cartoon-drawing of those "bratz" dolls (the ones that competed with Barbie for my daughter's attention when she was 4- to 7- years old!!)

    I remember when I chose it, I literally googled "brunette cartoon avatar", some images came up, and I picked this one! (Because, that's right, I'm a long-haired brunette with hazel eyes - although this avatar's eyes are not as brown as mine!).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, sounds like a great plan. So sorry to hear about your friend. What a horrible time for her.

    Sue, that sounds like a wonderful workout. It's so nice to have someone else pushing you!

    rild, those are awesome results!

    How did everyone do on their goals this week? My macros weren't great- 40/28/32 (c/p/f)- but I got my 3X week lifting in and I managed to stay under on cals (barely!). Same goals this week.
    Lifted today. I managed 1 chin-up with resistance band assistance. Woot!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Did I have goals this week lol? I didn't strangle anyone, I made it to gym a few times; beyond that the fact that we are all still alive is reason to celebrate. Ok that sounds really crass after hearing about Beeps's friend. Really gives you pause to be truly thankful!

    REst day today!
    Manic, I could slap you, but I love you. You KNOW that as women our weight can fluctuate from day to day for no reason all, a little water, a little salt, it doesn't matter, the scale is MEANINGLESS. Weight loss is about the law of averages!

    Beeps, I love your plan. I think instead of "Insanity" we need a weight loss program called "sanity". I'm definitely in one of my "too blessed to be stressed" moods. You guys are going to start thinking I'm bi-polar. I'm just a slave to my hormones. No binges today!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam,I think surviving is a great goal! Lol. And I second what you said to Manic. So many factors affect the scale. Be consistent in the things that work and eventually the scale will reflect it. I had pasta yesterday and bread, lots of it. This morning the scale is up 3 lbs. I still had a deficit yesterday, but it was different food than I usually eat. My body freaked out a little. No biggie. It will be gone soon enough.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    So sorry for your friend-Beeps
    Goals I did not lift 3x but I will try next week ( this week my husband will be gone several days and I will work 8 days in a row)

    I finished stage 2 today/ but I don't feel that I maxed out I am tempted to do another week and then rest next week. But I am curious and excited to try some new lifts so I ll probably plow on

    The scale is ridiculous unless it has a lower weight in which case it tells the truth. Just kidding!!!! My weight varied by 7% one month---it made me a little crazy
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Started today. I was supposed to start ages ago, but broke my ankle. So I finally begun.

    I am proud of myself. It was totally out of my comfort zone and I had rerack someones weights for my squats and set it up for me since I am super small, but I managed it. I got this. I can do this.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Last night was a really good 'baptism' into systems! I learned that sooooooooooo much of my after-supper grazing is 100% visual-clue induced, or alternatively, induced by putting my *kitten* on the couch!

    Right after supper, and I was full, I brushed my teeth!

    I was going to go sit on the couch with my computer, but retreated to my bedroom, instead.

    Within 30 minutes, my husband was in my bedroom and my kids had crawled into the bed with me! NOBODY was watching t.v.! (We don't have any tv in our bedrooms....). Everybody was visiting!

    It was HILARIOUS!

    Anyway, bedtime for kids came, I hopped back into bed with my ipad and then did some reading! ("OXYGEN" magazine is BACK and I read about 1/2 of it).

    No munchies struck. Nothing.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, Jorean. you CAN do this.

    Sounds like fun, Beeps. Just like my family. When I go MIA, they come looking for me.

    Today is weigh in day and I am NOT happy. Scale is up 8/10 from last week. Almost a full STINKIN pound! Saturday I was down 2.5 pounds. :angry:

    So I am hitting this Rotation Diet full force this week. No cheating (hopefully). Stay within my allotted calories. It's hard the first 3 days but after that I start increasing calories for almost 2 weeks. Then back down for a week and then a week off.

    Sam, yeah I love that goal. :laugh: I am glad I am not around or you would have strangled me , huh?

    That's one thing yall should have guessed from the beginning about me. I am obsessive with my weight. It's all I think about, talk about, breathe, etc. My real life friends tell me it's an unreasonable obsession and that i have body dysmorphic disorder. Whatever. :ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I don't trust "the scale" for those daily sorts of fluctuations, manic....recognize that salt plays a role, hormones, water-intake, sleep, etc, etc

    Please look at the OVERALL TREND of your scale #'s....so, where were you on Sept 1st, where were you on oct 1st, where were you on Nov 1st....if there is a "trend downward", this is a GOOD THING! If you are bouncing down 2 and then back up 2, etc. - all you have done is "master maintenance".
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Anybody else watching "The Biggest Loser"? I was so motivated by the (lifting) girl who weighs 165 because that was my starting weight and realizing I can still look damn good at a higher weight.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Manic you can obsess about the number on the scale but you look good!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Manic...while I think the scale is a great tool for many of us, please be wary of those crazy fluctuations. I just document my lowest weight. If it keeps getting lower, great. If it remains steady for 3 or more weeks and/or going up (and my measurements reflect this) it's time to reassess. My body loses in whooshes. I can eat within my goals every day of the week but I don't see steady losses. I may see a sudden spike right before a sudden drop. I never really know when I will see losses, but when I am consistent, it always happens.

    Beeps, love it when the kids just want to snuggle or talk. I'm very visual too. If I put goodies in the pantry, I don't struggle. If they're out on the counter for the kids, I pick at it.

    Rild, I don't watch "Biggest Loser" but I am a firm believer that muscle makes a huge different in the way we look. I look better now than I did when I weighed 10lbs less 6 years ago. I have less cellulite, my arms aren't as jiggly, and my thighs show definition even through jeans. I love what 17 months of lifting has done for my body!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome jorean
    Rildev I have not watched the show but think lifting makes a better body at any weight
    I feel better and can eat more since I started lifting
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Today, I lift!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Not sure if I'll lift today! My son helped me change up the workout yesterday. My biceps are killing me. Even though today is a shoulder, back, and ab workout, I honestly don't feel like moving. I need to rest today.

    Pmag, thanks. But you haven't seen me naked!:noway:

    Rilde, I watch the show but missed the a lot of the lifting. I saw the very end of the squat shoulder press.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Stepped on the scales. I am back down to what i was last week. yeah yeah I know. :indifferent:

    I did some measurements since it has been a while. Since spring I've lost:

    natural waist --1.75 inch loss
    Belly button -- 3 inch loss
    butt/saddlebag area-- .5 loss
    lower ab (below BB) -- 3 inch loss

    shoulder-- INCREASE 1 inch

    Either I didn't write down measurements or I didn't measure then. But since last month, I've lose quarter inch off upper thighs.

    Today I started measuring biceps and calves.

    I've noticed only a difference in my shirts. Looser in abdomen area but tighter in shoulder and bicep area.

    As you can see, the difference is in the ab. I am happy. I'm getting there.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    My wife and I just started NROLFW on Monday. I lifted with a trainer two years ago for 4 months loved it, and made amazing headway (until relationship and career changes got in the way) -- I am VERY nervous that I won't be able to achieve the same results on my own, and that my expectations regarding results are skewed by that experience.

    For the past month or so we had been doing low-cal with cardio and high-rep low-weight classes, but we decided bumping up the calories (NERVOUS) and weight training will align better with our goals and lifestyle.

    While my focus is on fitness, I have 30ish pounds to lose so am trying to keep both goals balanced. We are doing NROLFW 3 days a week with 10 minute cardio warmups, and "other" classes 2-3 times a week (varies but includes kickboxing, zumba, running, really what ever we feel like on a given day). Generally we do not do the "other" classes the same day as NROLFW.

    Would love some new friends -- all of my current MFP friends are of the cardio-addict variety, which is great in its own right, but would love to follow others on a similar plan.