Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    IF that's what 28% BF in the Trunk looks like, sign me the hell up. Beeps, your body transformation is AMAZING. You look AMAZING!! The camera doesn't lie girlfriend (without photoshop:wink: ).

    Cowgirl, how did you get so smart. You are one with the research, I bow to your superior knowledge.

    I think I am loosing my passion for lifting, but I am seriously hoping I'm just in a little funk, or that it is the funky half of the month and that I will feel inspired in two weeks. I really NEED to lay off the junk food. Can't wait for Halloween to be over. Is it better to ration the candy, or just binge all at once so it gone faster. Does it matter?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yep, I'd take that 28% BF!!! Seriously, Beeps, you look awesome. You're healthy, you're hot, you can throw your children across the room- screw the DEXA results!

    Sam, I wonder that myself. I think I consume less cals overall if I binge. If I ration it out, I will eat more in the long run and continue my cravings for it. I turned down cupcakes, pizza, and a lot of candy at the church fall festival tonight. I satisfied myself on a fun size Kit Kat and a few bites of kettle corn. THAT wouldn't have happened a few years ago.

    And why am I just now trying the black bean brownies? They are seriously delish!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I just posted on my wall why I love dark chocolate. Last night I binged on fun sized kit kats I think I had about 6, and then felt like I was going to throw up. Tonight I had my usual ounce of dark chocolate, and I was happy and satisfied. Quality is important.

    I had a good workout at zumba class tonight. A really good sweat to clear the cobwebs and I think I made a new "gym" friend :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Thanks! someone reminded me that, if a MAN had gotten those DEXA results, he'd have thought "callibration is obviously OFF", tossed them away, and gotten on with his day....

    So, yes, there's something WRONG with me INTERNALIZING what really is "static data". (Just like the scale right? Is 150 lbs "overweight"?? Well, I guess that depends on if you are 6' tall or you are 5' tall, right?)

    Anyway, thanks for the support - I remain happy with my progress. I acknowledge there's more 'work' to do (I've never said otherwise!). And I'm happy to carry on with:

    1. eating at a calorie-deficit to lose bodyfat; and
    2. lifting heavy things to change bodyshape.

    The end.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps!!! That is amazing work you have done. You look awesome and I wouldn't "listen" to the dexascan.

    Sam, I hope it's a funk. You look amazing too. It does get monotonous. Maybe switch up your routine....?

    I didn't do cardio or lifting Tuesday due to SEVERE cramping and Wednesday because of errands. Today I worked hard and increased pounds on several lifts. On the assisted pull up , I am now pulling 2/3 of body weight!!! I can only get 6 pull ups the first time and the 2nd /3rd time I am lucky to get 4 and 5 pull ups.

    I have noticed if and when I steer clear of processed foods I don't crave them . What's in it to do that to us? It's like yall said "one twix or my case donuts doesn't do it for me. I can't stop once I start. :noway:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Very true,Beeps. It's simply another number to get hung up on- just like measurements, the scale, our clothing size, etc.

    Mary, way to go on increasing your weights! Totally impressed with your pull-ups.

    Sam, I agree. Quality over quantity. I had two snack size Kit Kats and a 100 Grand and they didn't taste nearly as good as the dark chocolate black bean brownie with natural peanut butter I'm having for my last snack of the day.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Halloween!! :)
    Had 4 Halloween Kit Kat fun-sized yummies...felt good!!

    I decided to mix up my strength training, and start on NROWLFW this coming Monday!! I am enthused!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Today, I lift!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, Bepee. You'll love NROL.

    I am SORE today! whew! Increasing those weights really worked. not sure if I can pick up ANYTHING today. not even a fork :laugh:

    I really want to weigh. Monday /TUesday was TOM. I wonder if the scale moved a little.

    My son gave me the greatest compliment. He noticed my hips are smaller! he said, " we can now walk side by side." :grumble: :laugh:

    ETA: YES! YES! I lost more weight!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks, Manic! I cannot wait, but wait I must!

    Lol @ too tired to lift a fork!! Aw, how cute of your son!! :-) :-)
    Hello, Bepee. You'll love NROL.

    I am SORE today! whew! Increasing those weights really worked. not sure if I can pick up ANYTHING today. not even a fork :laugh:

    I really want to weigh. Monday /TUesday was TOM. I wonder if the scale moved a little.

    My son gave me the greatest compliment. He noticed my hips are smaller! he said, " we can now walk side by side." :grumble: :laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome bepee! I know will love the program and become a lifting addict like the rest of us.

    Me have migraine, no likey. going to bed. trying to avoid the 7 pounds of candy in the house and not having too much luck.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, ladies!

    guess what!!! I am down another half pound this am. Not gonna log it because the "real" weigh in isn't until Monday. So we'll see how accurate it is. I've tried the other methods of losing weight because I DON'T like what works for me but we all aren't cookie cutters. Yes, I am hungry. Yes, it sucks. Yes, I am tired. But it sure is motivating to see the scale move and my muscles pop out of my arm :bigsmile:

    What's the plan this weekend? It's such a pretty day here. Lower 70's sunshine . slight breeze. Private school son attended is having Fall festival tonight so we are attending. So other than that I am being lazy!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    So, I'm new to this group. I've been doing New Rules for about 5-6 weeks. Since Oct 10th, I've gone from 27% BF, to 23%!!! :D I've lost 7lb's of body fat, and gained 4lb's of muscle!!!! I'm seriously Happy. If you're thinking about giving up, DON'T!!! :D
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Bepee and NRSPAM, welcome! Hope you continue to enjoy NROL!

    Mary, the scale is a great motivator. Congrats on seeing losses!

    Sam, I hope you're better.

    Lifted today, but I ate too many sugary treats. Hopefully I can have a good day tomorrow eating wise and my macros will be great for the week. I posted this yesterday on my feed- I was able to fit into my wedding dress yesterday. We've been married 6 years and I weigh 10lbs more than when we got married. Totally made my week. In my mind, I was "skinny" back then. But now I realize I was very average and I didn't have the muscles I have now. Like you're always saying, Beeps, my goal is to no longer a number on the scale or a clothing size- it's a look. To look like I can kill it in the gym- that is my goal.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps ignore the dexa. You are amazing and you should look at your pix

    I've had a tough week with glute pain. I had a good day today and was happy with my progress on front squats . I have lots of glute pt but I am trying to imagine a perky butt instead of thinking about my pain.
    The good part of depression is that I have less appetite.
    Life in general is pretty hard lifting is helping me get through. It's almost impossible to feel sad when lifting some new heavier weight

    Welcome newbies
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome NRSPAM! Great to see those positive results and attitude. I'll be hitting the gym later today to hopefully work off some of these kit kat bars... and maybe get in some mini-golf too.

    I hate ovulating. As much as I love my IUD , ovulating is almost worse than having a period. This sucks, and I have to deal with it every month. The migraines, water retention, binge eating, bad attitude and total lack of energy... Sometimes being a girl sucks.
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    First month done! I need almost instant gratification to keeping doing a routine; I've started and stopped so many. With lifting, I feel soooo good each time I am done. Only lost 2# (I'm still getting used to the scale is not the best fitness indicator), lost over 7 inches (2 each in waist and mommy pouch, yeah!), and went from wearing size 12 jeans to slipping on my size 8's last night. Starting squats with BW and with a couple workouts left in stage 1, squatting 100#. I'm not taking monthly pics; I want to wait until the end to see the results ( the whole instant gratification thing again, lol).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    First month done! I need almost instant gratification to keeping doing a routine; I've started and stopped so many. With lifting, I feel soooo good each time I am done. Only lost 2# (I'm still getting used to the scale is not the best fitness indicator), lost over 7 inches (2 each in waist and mommy pouch, yeah!), and went from wearing size 12 jeans to slipping on my size 8's last night. Starting squats with BW and with a couple workouts left in stage 1, squatting 100#. I'm not taking monthly pics; I want to wait until the end to see the results ( the whole instant gratification thing again, lol).
    THat's some incredible results. Were you doing another program before New Rules? Keep up the great work.

    Hit my third workout for Stage 2A. Not my best effort, but I got through and maintained weight. Even increased to 6 risers on the step ups. I'll be done with stage 2 this time next week. I actually have some time off this week, and I SO NEED IT!!. Granted I have a lot to do, but at least I can relax at hoe while I do it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Nice for the time off, Samntha!

    Today, i lift!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm here after a weekend away with a friend. I have been better but not great at goals but lifting is doing just fine!

    Saturday I worked with my trainer - no program, and lots of body parts - he likes to burn me out for the last exercise - it was leg presses this time 50 reps of #70 and I am SORE!! Wednesday I benched #70x5x 2 and also did #45 at my accessory work - 5 sets of 20 reps and did single arm DB pulls with #25! OUCH. Today OHP - and I pressed 55 for 5, then dropped back down to 45 to do the accessory work along with BB rows and Tri extensions.

    Bepee and NRSPAM, welcome!!

    Pmag, I'm sorry that glute pain is still plaguing you! Hope you get some relief soon.

    Beeps I understand you wanting to achieve your goals but I'm with the others who are reminding you just how much you've already done and how great you look. For myself only, I have to NOT obsess about this since it's easy for me to fall into the obsessive part of it - only think about food, weigh too often, ridiculous expectations. It's what I've done my entire life, followed by giving up and gaining more weight. You really look awesome you know. I'd kill for your bod!!

    Sam, glad you have some time off and I hope you are feeling improving.

    Congrats on the loss Mary! I know how you struggle with it, and I so relate! Your hard work is paying off!! Keep it up girl!

    I'm exhausted today and have a meeting this evening so I may not spin tomorrow, depends on when I get home. Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

    ETA: I'm grateful we don't get trick or treaters at our place, though I love seeing the kids all costumed up, knowing our doorbell won't be ringing makes it easy to avoid the candy!!