Daily Chat Thread



  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Day 1, workout A is done. It sure felt good to really lift. Granted, I am no where close to most of you, But, it was heavy for me and I feel awesome. It will almost be hard to take tomorrow off… although I suppose I should wait and see how I actually feel tomorrow! I will make it up with a run. I know, I know… cardio is the devil. I have been running for a couple years and have really come to love my alone time with just the river and the tress or my "therapy sessions" when I run with my running partner. It will be my dirty, little secret that I refuse to give up.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Redbess...lol @ "cardio is the devil"

    Apart from strength training, I do cardio 4-5 times a week (Zumba, Zumba Toning, Core, Hip Hop Abs, TRX Suspension Training...)...Thinking of adding swimming to it, or going back to Martial Arts.I won't be giving this up any time soon :)

    Happy MOANday all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm limiting my cardio to 1 x per week....anything more than that (and, believe me, I mentally struggle with this stuff!) and I just get hungrier, eat more calories, and am NOT getting my body to the shape that I want it to be!

    So, this week, I'm lifting 3 x per week and, actually, there will be ZERO cardio because my son has a basketball game on Saturday morning (my sacred cardio time!).

    I'm also low-carbing it.....I need the next 2- or 3- days to stay OFF starchy/bad carbs and then I won't CRAVE them anymore. The first 3 days are always a struggle....after that, it's kind of "smooth sailing" - and I'd like to get through holiday season without CRAVING all the lovely baking, chocolates, etc, etc.

    As a treat?? Fine. But somehow, for me, it quickly turns into a "way of life" and that's pretty much the OPPOSITE of how I'm going to get my bodyfat % DOWN.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    hola gals! (I know I don't check in often enough)

    Beeps your last post got me curious about cardio... I'm in a plateau now and just up'ed my cardio and notice I just want to eat all the damn time! Maybe because I upped my cardio (instead of 3 days, now I'm doing 5 days but only 20-30 mins/day) how long do you actually do cardio, 30 min or less or more one day a week?

    I'm starting stage 5 this week (sometime) and was wondering if I should expect an hour or more like it was in stage 3 or longer?

    My life now: My hubs just started a new job that's more physical and cant join me in the gym anymore after work... I don't even know what days I can go to the gym yet since he gets off when he gets done... We agreed I will just keep my gym bag in the car in case he can get off early enough to get the kids so I can go to the gym. (we don't live close to the gym) Sooo... I'm truly grateful he is understanding enough to let me do my thing.. but I don't know how long it will last and I don't like not having a set schedule. ugh.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Bepeejaye… I am glad to hear you do so much cardio. I just cannot give up my running.

    Beeps… I actually have trouble getting all the calories in that I need when I am a) eating clean and healthy and b) when I am keeping up with my workouts. When I do a long run on the weekend (last week was 10 miles, I average about 30 miles a week, 5-6 runs) and it is hard to eat back a lot of those calories. I usually eat at least 5 times a day but find I am full and really cannot eat any more. I try to up the calories with a protein shake made with soy milk and throw in a banana or strawberries. The advantage is that I get to splurge a little more on things I wouldn't normally have… but then I still feel a little guilty even if I have the calories to spare.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    wow am I far behind. I was out of town this weekend - and my knee is acting up a bit so I rested Thurs-Sunday. Feels better and the workout today doesn't seem to have bothered it.

    Hi new peeps, I'm going to have to read back and see what everyone is talking about and catch up.

    Beeps - deloading is suggested by many of the other programs - Strong Lifts, 5/3/1 and a few others. It's an extended rest period - designed to really allow recovery. 5/3/1 works this way pretty much though I stole this from the link below

    Week 1 – High Volume
    Week 2 – Medium Volume
    Week 3 – VERY High
    Volume Week 4 – Deload/eat lots of dead animal flesh

    The deload week uses three sets of five reps for each exercise at 40-60% of 1RM – very few reps and very light loads. The intent is to preserve the neuromuscular pathways of lifting without actually breaking down muscle (the usual intent of strength training). -

    See more at: http://www.tonygentilcore.com/blog/the-deload-week-and-why-you-should-use-it/

    I'm trying to get back to low carb too - I can't "treat" or just like you Beeps, I end up eating them all the time.

    Today I did deads - it's still deload week so I did 65/85/100 - 65/85/100 and accessory work - I am in love with good mornings and did those today at 75# and did extensions at 90/105, and then worked core - back extensions, planks, hanging leg raises and standing side flexions with #45 plate. Felt good to work out again!!

    Moonpye, personally, I think you're doing too much cardio! Stage 5 took a long time for me. I liked it though!

    I have to go catch up!.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Beeps - that's interesting about your carb cravings. I seem to be constantly craving processed carbs for the past few weeks. It all started when I had my first TOM in two years (I had a contraceptive implant inserted), and I had two years worth of PMS to catch up on lol...so I caved to most carb/sugar cravings assuming that it would be gone in a few days. It's not nearly as bad, but I think that that little binge has switched my cravings on again! I think I'll need to do a couple of sugar/carb free days to get back to normal.

    Everyone - As for cardio, I'm always a little confused about how much is too much. On my 'off' days I'll try and get 30 minutes on the eliptical, maybe 2 x a week. On my workout days, I used to try and slip in a 10-20 minute HIIT session at the end, but the past few workouts I've moved up to the 3 sets of each exercise, and I've just been too damn tired afterwards. I used to do a bit of running, and I want to get back into it...it's just too cold outside!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OH yeah, the more processed junk I eat , the more I crave them . My favorite processed food is sugary cereal. I haven't had any in months and I don't crave it. Would I like to eat some? YES . but I don't crave it like I used to.

    Lifted today while hubs watched the sick one. I had to decrease some weights. I could not lift what I did last week.

    happy day to yall.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    MOONPYE - I do about 55 minutes of cardio followed by 20 minutes of abs/weights/stretching on Saturday mornings. That's it! In the summer, I'm a little more active outdoors, etc - try and get some walks in. But, winter-time, I used to try and get some cardio in on some evenings, etc. and now I just don't. My heart is in good health and my asthma is well-controlled.....there's nothing more that MORE cardio can do, for me!

    RedBess - well, I don't believe in eating back any calories....so, I'm probably the worst person to have THAT discussion with!!

    suelegal - I really didn't know ANY of that about the 'de-load'. Keep posting about it - I find it INTERESTING!

    mazmataz - I really want to move through the remainder of 2013 without all the processed carbs that I seem to have been ingesting, hand-over-fist, since Halloween!! Ugh.

    I end up feeling terrible and blah, my belly is all bloated, it's awful. But, if I keep away from the (bad) carbs, even just for a few days, the bloat goes, I feel "tighter" - I think I look BETTER! And then I just have to have the resolve to NOT CAVE into the carbs, again.

    I'll permit some treats at Christmas! Until then....it's nice vegetables, a few mandarin oranges, and that shall be IT for the carbs! Yep....bring on the protein!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Everyone - As for cardio, I'm always a little confused about how much is too much. On my 'off' days I'll try and get 30 minutes on the eliptical, maybe 2 x a week. On my workout days, I used to try and slip in a 10-20 minute HIIT session at the end, but the past few workouts I've moved up to the 3 sets of each exercise, and I've just been too damn tired afterwards. I used to do a bit of running, and I want to get back into it...it's just too cold outside!!

    I have swapped my HIIT to the start of my workout - else I'm the same as you and too tired to do it! I find that works well and I'm also warmer for my lifts.

    I don't have a set routine with cardio, but I do try and get to combat which is cardio, run now and then and most of my home dvds are cardio. So I probably do an even amount of lifting and cardio, but it averages out over a month. Some weeks I lift a lot, others I don't get to the gym at all so it will all be cardio. I workout 5-6 times per week usually. Sometimes a workout will just be a walk, so still cardio, but not intense.

    I tend to go by what I feel like - if I wanna run, I run. If I wanna lift, I lift. It works out. Try not to overthink it! You have to enjoy it first and foremost
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had to increase my cardio for the scale to move. 30 minutes of cardio at the moment it is elliptical. Eventually, I hit the stationary bike and treadmill. Followed by 15-30 minutes of lifting.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    This thread blew up today!

    Cardio: I get maybe one longer session a week. It's usually jogging just to be outside. I am like Beeps, I get soooo hungry when I do regular cardio. I try to just stay on my feet and keep busy most days and focus on getting my HIIT sessions when I lift. I really don't see the scale move when I do regular cardio. It's taken me much trial and error for me to find that for me to lose fat I just need to lift hard 3X weekly with HIIT and eat at a small deficit.
    Sue, glad you're back!!!!
    No lifting today. Grr...TOM is on it's way and I need a good workout, but it will have to wait.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I agree with Jo about cardio. Do what your body feels like, and do not overthink the numbers. Else I would go crazy.

    I lift weights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays it is TRX Suspension Training (45 min), Core (20 min) and the Zumba (1 hour), Thursdays, it is Hip Hop Abs (35 min) then Zumba (1 hr), Fridays afore lifting I do Zumba Toning - 1 hr - with weights...I try not to use too heavy weights as I lift thereafter....when I feel like it, I will go for the Saturday 1 hr Zumba class.

    If not the above then I go swimming...oh, during the workouts, I do slip whey into my water, and sip it as I workout. After I lift I do use the Whey Protein Isolate.

    Well, I found out that the past few days of lifting I have been doing 15 sets instead of 12, oh well,.....I rectified that yester...

    Also, I have always been poor eater (have always eaten less than 1200 calories), and now am trying to eat more...I find it so hard to hit the caloric mark now since I changed my macros (of 1700 and about 106g protein), and am struggling with it. The Whey Protein does seem to help. On those days I do cardio, I do not even try to eat back any calories! I think yester was my best - as close as I could get to 1700 (ate about 1500 calories), but that is only because I had a Corner Baker Panini for breakfast.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Thought I'd venture into Daily Chat now that I'm more comfortable with the programme and am sure I'm going to see it through!!!!

    I'm onto my last 3 workouts of Stage 1 this week (Wed, Fri, Sun). I am enjoying it so much that I really wish I could do it every day!!!! I hear Stage 2 is a bit of a shocker though so we'll see!!!
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Bebeejaye - I really wish I had a problem eating all of my calories lol, I'm on 1600 and I still find myself having to carefully engineer my last meal of the day to fit into my pathetic leftover calorie allowance! I likes to eat :)

    lawlorka - That's awesome that you're almost done with stage 1, I think I have 5 workouts left...I've really noticed an increase in difficulty since increasing to 3 sets, but still loving (and feeling!) it!

    I had a run in with the dreaded Smith Machine last night. All of the squat racks were taken so I thought I'd give it a go. I started off and thought that I had completely forgotten how to do a squat...it's so restrictive! Then when I figured out where to stand, I thought that I had grown super strong overnight as my usual weight didn't feel heavy at all...oh yeah there's no olly bar, just a silly little pole. I did one set, got really annoyed and decided I'd be better off waiting for a squat rack for my other two sets.

    Anyone else used this contraption and actually like it? :P
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    My cardio is a spin class once or twice per week (Tues / Thurs). I walk to/from Penn Station to Times Square for work but not really "cardio" in my eyes because I've been doing it forever and it's not high intensity. While I agree that you should do what works for you, my understanding is that overdoing cardio can hurt your strength gains? I will have to see if I can find where I saw that or if someone knows, please chime in.

    Oh here! http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?id=6977663 Too much cardio could prevent weight loss

    Beeps, I like Jason Ferruggia, I subscribe to his site. Here's his take on deloading.

    Cowgirl, I think you get plenty of cardio just doing your usual daily stuff!! I'm a bit envious of your lifestyle!

    Mary congrats on breaking into the 140s!! I envy that too. I have a long way to go to get there and I'm not sure I'm ready to do that VLC stuff right now. I really enjoy lifting and want to keep building strength. Pretty sure I still need to keep feeding muscle in order to do that.

    I did spin today - didn't aggravate my knee one bit but I can tell I'm still getting over that chest cold. Still hard to suck air without coughing!

    Today, even though it's not super cold, it feels like winter - and I am ravenous! Seems winter cues my system to eat!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! 149.0 :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    SEVEN stinkin pounds gone!

    Sueboo, what is VLC. I still lift. I HAVE to do cardio first or my energy is gone.

    maz, I never attempted it. Lou and Alwyn said to steer clear so I did.

    We are suppose to get a taste of winter next week. 28 degrees for a low. YIKES.

    A super fit guy belted up and added 45 lb plate for his pull ups!!! He's a about 5'7 and lean and strong! muscles galore. I lost count and had to do my exercise over because I was blown away. LOL
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! 149.0 :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    SEVEN stinkin pounds gone!

    Sueboo, what is VLC. I still lift. I HAVE to do cardio first or my energy is gone.

    maz, I never attempted it. Lou and Alwyn said to steer clear so I did.

    We are suppose to get a taste of winter next week. 28 degrees for a low. YIKES.

    A super fit guy belted up and added 45 lb plate for his pull ups!!! He's a about 5'7 and lean and strong! muscles galore. I lost count and had to do my exercise over because I was blown away. LOL

    Mary, VLC = very low calorie I'm not ready to do that, not sure I will ever be again truthfully!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, with the muscles you're building, you may find you can eventually eat a little more than you did before to lose weight. I've been starving this week to. You're right- not eating enough is counterproductive to strength goals.
    Manic, congrats! I hope to follow you into the 140s soon!!!!
    Smith machine- hate it.

    I've been on my feet for 9 hours today at work, but I think I will attempt a workout tonight anyway.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    manic - 7lbs?! that's awesome...it's nice to have some reassurance that it can be done with weights :)
    cowgirl - good on ya, just don't sit down when you get in lol...sitting under a blanket on the sofa was almost game over for me last night lol!