Daily Chat Thread



  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Redbess - I'm actually in awe over how much you work out!

    I am wondering if it will be too much though. I have only just completed my first week of NROLFW so I will have to see. My run last night was not the greatest, but a lot of that had to do with being tired, having had a really busy week, and my shin splints playing up with my having forgotten to take ibuprofen before my run. I have a longer run with a friend planned for this morning so hopefully it will be better.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Had a momentary lapse in judgement and caved to the sugar craving . :sad: I feel really gross now. Five mini reese cups 240 cals.

    Next week is my "free week" . Why didn't I just stay away! Oh, yeah, I can blame TOM.

    I worked out today. It was suppose to be a light workout, just because. I ended up mixing things up. You know how I HATE step ups? Well, I did THREE sets , just because. :noway: Even did two 45 second planks, just because. Get the idea LOL There was no rhyme or reason for today.

    Oh my word! Love running? I hate it. The pounding. The jarring. I am so old......
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Had a momentary lapse in judgement and caved to the sugar craving . :sad: I feel really gross now. Five mini reese cups 240 cals.

    I tell ya, there is something about peanuts. Doesn't matter what form they are in, they are addictive. Add chocolate to the mixture and there is no willpower strong enough.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    manic - I felt like crap after supper, so I ended up trying to find some food that would settle my tummy. I did find some, I logged it, and also it blew-out my NO late-night-snacking streak!

    So, I'm back at zero for that streak....the food did manage to settle my tummy, though.

    Today was supposed to be my higher-carb/higher-calorie day, but after last night that's a scratch. Back to low-carb and slight deficit. It's okay.....

    I'm missing my cardio today, which is less "okay" - since I missed last week due to teaching duties. Today, it's my son's basketball game. Again, I'll watch my calories closely and be okay.

    Next week is month-end-REPORTING! That means pictures and that means measurements, so, yes, I'm being meticulous and wanting a really good report!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lifted this morning and then ate too much for lunch.

    Now I want Reese's.....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lifted this morning and then ate too much for lunch.

    Now I want Reese's.....

    Cowgirl, they are delish......

    Jo, I KNOW! I love peanut m&m's, PB m&m's , Reese's, snickers, etc. Anyway you can give me a peanut.

    Nada for today. We laid in the bed until 12:30! It's raining and only 46 degrees. UGH . The lazy make you wanna eat days.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Had a momentary lapse in judgement and caved to the sugar craving . :sad: I feel really gross now. Five mini reese cups 240 cals.

    Next week is my "free week" . Why didn't I just stay away! Oh, yeah, I can blame TOM.
    I this is what you are ashamed of, then I seriously have issues. you had one serving and the calories equivalent of a snack. I know you do the low cal thing, but this is not a big deal. Call me when you do an 800 cal binge on donuts, then we'll talk. Stop being so hard on yourself. Love ya!

    Well my ABS actually hurt form my first 3B WO. YAY, my abs never hurt, so it's good to know they were doing something. I'm going out for GNO with my cousins. We are having some bad-*kitten* Mexican. I'm the DD so no fishbowl margaritas for me.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary, you've really improved your overall eating, I think even this momentary lapse will be unnoticeable over the course of the week! Yesterday, I was over by 500 cals, so yours seems not so bad to me. I did step ups today too! I love to hate those suckers!

    Red, I workout early morning too. I have to, it's really the only time I can be consistent and now it's a habit. I get up at 4:30ish and I'm at the gym at 5ish or on spin days 5:30. Saturdays are 7ish and Sundays (if I'm working out that day) it's 8ish. I really like early morning workouts. Evenings have never really worked for me - by the time I'm done with my 12 hr day I have nuttin' left.

    Today was my last deload for this cycle - I did squats 5/45 5/55 3/65, 5/45 5/55 5/65 - it was great, I was meticulous with form and I did them with complete control. Then I did 5 sets each inverted leg presses at #125, leg extensions at #105, back extensions at #35, steps and abs - swiss ball crunch at #25, hanging leg raises and side flexions at #45. I was jelly when I walked down the stairs!! LOVE that feeling!

    I will workout tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday since I'm going to be away from Thursday through next Sunday and won't have time to get to a gym. Maybe some bodyweight stuff but I'm guessing probably not.

    Peanuts are my downfall too! I can eat 'em by the bushel, but I've gotten better at just taking a small handful. If I'm really craving sweets or such I grab a quest bar instead. Cowgirl, I think you are another, too much food occassionally probably isn't significant. Beeps you either, though I know what you each are feeling. Beeps good luck this week!

    Love to see everyone so active!! Blast it out ladies!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I had two mini Reese's. They were good- enough to stop that craving. I'm a little over for cals today-no biggie. Still have a deficit. This is the start to my rest week and I will need to be careful until Thanksgiving so that I don't actually gain.

    Sue, I'm in awe of your workouts. I bet the other women at your gym(and men too) think you are bad! I was set on doing Strong Curves after Supercharged, but now I'm leaning towards a more of a strength-focused program like you are doing. I don't know- guess I will see in a few months.

    Sam, I love your way of thinking!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I had a day off today I had acupuncture which helps my glute pain but only briefly. I actually fell asleep at acupuncture.
    Chocolate and peanut butter are amazing- I love peanut butter cups. This week I made a chocolate protein powder shake with some pb2 in it- it was great but very high calorie.

    Today I was way over due to wine and chocolate chip cookies.

    Nice workout sue

    Beeps do you measure every month?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, Sam :ohwell: Now I want Dunkin Donuts. We will be traveling Wednesday. I just might stop and get a dozen. There's 4 of us.... 3 each lol
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    I survived Thanksgiving dinner! Yes, I know, technically Thanksgiving is not until Thursday this week. But, when you are an Expat in Germany, doing a big Thanksgiving dinner with friends is just not happening during the week. So, we usually do it on the weekend before or after. I am proud of myself. I had a little of everything without going overboard. And I didn't make myself ill from eating too much… although my friend made some incredible stuffing and it was hard not to go back for seconds! I also got in a 12km run in the morning so I feel ok about the day in general.

    Today will be my rest day, although I am really fighting the urge to go do the Elliptical for a while. But, my body really needs the rest, so I will resist. Tomorrow, I lift!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Good luck to all Thanksgiving peeps this week - i'm grateful our celebration was in early October because I don't want to be derailed right now, lol.

    And, pmagnan, yes, I take photos/measurements at the end of every calendar month.

    2 years ago I joined a fitness challenge on another forum and it demanded before-during-after photos. And, i've kept it up ever since!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mary, you made me laugh out loud for real with that one. I needed it. More drama headed my way and this involves seeking legal advice, YAY! I am praying to make it to the gym today because I can't go again until Wednesday. It will depend on when hubby gets home from his race today. I kind of feel sorry for him. It'S COLD out there. Wind chill has us at 12 degrees. My son is refusing to walk the dog. Come to think of it, I don't want to go out either. I'm thinking netflix and hot cocoa are in order.

    Cowgirl, I can't get over your progress. You look AMAZING! and your attitude is one for the books. My way of thinking was forged by NOT CARING. I can't afford one moment stressing about what I eat because I have everything else to think about. I've also had a good "relationship with food" my entire life. I've never under eaten or had some kind of eating disorder. Food was just there. You eat when you're hungry, it's just food. Some is better than others, but I choose not even think about it. I've improved my diet for health reasons, but it was pretty decent to start. I didn't really change my diet when I came here, just learned to watch portions and eat more veggies. Exercise was my problem and I've fixed it. Now on to the next thing.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    In one of the Nia Shanks articles that I read a short while ago she said stop shaming about eating too much and change the way you look at it. She said those of us who work hard (and we here all work hard) should perhaps change the shaming to something like. I'm working hard today so I can have a little something outside my meal plan (or something like that). I'll have to go look for that actual article but I really loved that attitude!

    Beeps, I am still searching for the NIH article I read about protein and older adults. Here is one that speaks to creatine supplementation http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21394604 but there were several others too.

    Although I planned to go to the gym today, I ended up at the Laundromat instead - my washer took a dump last night - the spin cycle just decided not to spin. Hubs can fix it but not until after we get back from Maine, that's when the parts will arrive. So at the very least I needed to empty the washer and get that to another machine to finish it. I decided I should just go ahead and do all of the laundry so we'd have what we wanted to take with us to Maine.

    I've been cleaning today too, and eventually I'll get up in the attic (cold!) and pull down the real winter clothes still up there.

    Sam I wish I could say that I never worried about food - my mom ingrained it in me and in all the wrong ways. She was a perpetual dieter, she consumed incredible amounts of diet soda, and seemed interminably on a VLC meal plan which she also encouraged me to do as a teen because I was chubby. Looking back, I really wasn't, I was just built like the rest of my family - wider hips, heavy thighs, small waist. But we wanted to look like Twiggy back then - emaciated and big eyed. I guess for some not much has changed. Like you, exercise was also an issue - and I've corrected that mostly though it's still easy for me to find a convenient reason to not exercise.

    My sister is NOT having turkey for Thanksgiving, so I'm cooking a small guy today. Don't know if I'll do stuffing, hubs is eating consciously right now, and I don't want to derail that. Might make a sweet potato casserole (I like mine without sweetner). I love turkey!

    Stay warm everyone!

    ETA Here's the Nia Shanks blog post that inspired me http://www.niashanks.com/2013/10/why-you-work-out/
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Lots of planning food for thanksgiving going on. I test cooked a new caulifower recipe yesterday that was eaten by all. I have a good attitude about food- I've just gotten healthier as I've gotten older. We did a twenty four hour dietary recall (you write down your remembered intake for the previous day) as a school project with my daughter. I realized that eating chocolate four times in 24 hours probably was too much.
    Now I get annoyed when I decide to go for dessert/candy and it doesn't taste good for example I've become a real snob about chocolate chip cookies
    I had a good workout today-- I didn't have much soreness during stage three- I started it at home and probably too light. I felt like I worked hard today but I only have one workout left in stage 3.

    Beeps I keep trying to delay measuring and taking pix because it makes me down to see a lack if progress.

    Sue using the laundromat is so time consuming- I am going to be grateful for my clothes washer and dryer !

    Any thoughts on back to back workouts ? It seems that I can't regularly lift three x a week if I have a no lift day in between
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    PM you are right that about realizing when we are going over board. I'm also a chocolate snob. I prefer quality to quantity now. It was very evident during Halloween. I hadn't eaten "cheap" chocolate in a long time. When I ate some of the cheaper stuff from the kids trick or treat bags, I ended up binging. When I eat the high quality stuff, I only eat my serving size and that's it. I think that holds true for any food really. The higher the quality food is more filling and more nutritious, so we will tend to not over eat.

    I also inherited my bad eating habits from my mom lol. She is/was a very heavy smoker and tended to eat high sugar, high fat food. Luckily I ate dinner more nights than not with my grandmother who was a very traditional cook who prepared well-balanced meals, but my mom still shows up at the house with ding-dongs and potato chips, not stuff I normally keep in the house. The kids just think it's a special treat when Grandma comes over.

    I am very happy that I made it to the gym today :) I maintained my weights and cut some time off my BWM. I got it down to 3'04". My legs were shaking something firece as I was walking out of the gym.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member