Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    So, how are you doing with your weight-lifting??
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe I actually stuck to it! So proud of myself. A few days off now and then onto Stage 2.

    So here's my starting and finishing weights for each workout (weights are in kg)

    Workout A
    Squat : Start = 10kg Finish = 55kg
    Press Up : Start = 60degree Finish = 30degree
    Seated Row : Start = 5kg Finish = 35kg
    Step Up: Start = 5kg (each hand) Finish = 14kg (each hand)
    Prone Jacknife : Went from not being able to do these at all to doing 15

    Workout B
    Deadlift: Start = 10kg Finish = 47.5kg
    OHP: Start = 5kg (each hand) Finish = 8kg (each hand)
    Lat Pulldown: Start = 20kg Finish = 35kg
    Lunge: Start = 5kg (each hand) Finish = 14kg (each hand)
    Swiss Ball Crunches: BW to 10kg plate
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I just finished stage three and was not crazy about it. I thought about trying another program, but looked ahead and found that stage four is a repeat of stage two. I loved stage two. So, I guess I am still in it! Starting stage four tomorrow!
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I was quite terrified this morning to realise that I only have 4 workouts of S1 left, especially since I'v only been managing to fit two in the past few weeks!

    So gains so far:

    Workout A
    Squat : Start = Olly Bar Only (45lbs) Now = 95lbs (down from 115lbs as the extra weigh was affecting form)
    Press Up : Start = 45 degree Now = 1 set 45 degree, 2 sets 30 degree
    Seated Row : Start = 40lbs Now = 80lbs
    Step Up: Start = 15lbs (each hand) Now = 20lbs (each hand)
    Prone Jacknife : 3 x 12

    Workout B
    Deadlift: Start = 65lbs Now = 95lbs
    OHP: Start = 10lbs (each hand) Now= 12lbs (each hand)
    Lat Pulldown: Start = 40lbs Now = 80lbs
    Lunge: Start = 12lbs (each hand) Now = 20lbs (each hand)
    Swiss Ball Crunches: BW 12x3

    Hoping to step it up this week now that the reps are down to 8 :)
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe I actually stuck to it! So proud of myself. A few days off now and then onto Stage 2.

    That's awesome progress lawkora, you should be proud of yourself!! Do you have stats for your measurements etc?! Would love to see those!
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift in this morning. Week two of stage 1 for me. I am really enjoying this. Although, lifting is affecting my running. I am not able to keep my usual pace. But, I figure it is also to be expected, especially with this sort of lifting being so new to me. I am not worrying about it too much. I am hoping that, in the end, it will help with my running. I don't have any big races planned until late May so I should really be done with all the stages by then. Still, I got in 6.5km this evening… despite the -2 deg C outside.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Congrats Law and Maz!! Impressive gains! jbnl, funny how we each see the stages so differently! I hated Stage 2, loved Stage 3, and fell in love with Stage 4. I think the reason I dislike Stage 2 is because I was "fighting" the 1 pt lifts rather than just doing the best and finding a substitute. Once I did that, I fell in love with the other lifts and felt so strong as I increased weights.

    I lifted today - #1 of 3rd tier - Military press. I have a very difficult time pushing the bar up out of the rack sitting down, so I did OHP in the power rack today (LOVE working out in the morning, no one was using it and no one wanted to use it while I was monopolizing it!). I only pushed 45 - that's what the program called for today - but I did 5/45 5/45 3/45 then 5/45 5/45 5/45. Then I did 5/15 of db flys, wide grip lat pulldowns and tricep extensions (at #50 an increase of 10 for me!!).

    So question for y'all. is the weight you can do flys much lower than the weights you use for bench presses?

    I'm going to try to lift tomorrow and Wednesday too. I will have plenty of opportunity to do cardio at my sister's home in Maine - she has 3 labs who love going for walks so I'll gladly oblige them!

    Work it ladies!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Excellent work, lawlorka and maz!
    Jb, I loved 2 & 4 also!
    Red, I'm sure you're body is trying to adjust to the lack of recovery time. Hopefully it's a temporary problem.
    Sue, it's been so long since I've done flys, I don't have a clue!
    Sam, your attitude inspires me! Being able to do everything you do plus kill it at the gym is an incredible feat. As far as relationships with food...well, I'm still working on it. I grew up very, very poor. We very rarely got treats like candy bars, etc (I was still quite chunky though). As I got older and was able to afford the yummy things I wasn't able to eat growing up, I really struggled with willpower. I still have trouble not binging at restaurants and on certain things. It's like my body still thinks, " I may not get to taste this again for a long time- eat as much as I can!!!". Fortunately, I've learned to not make myself sick on it, although I still over eat occasionally.

    Rest week for me! I picked a good week. TOM hit hard this morning, I've got a million things to do before Thanksgiving, and the in-laws will be here this week. I plan to relax, log my food best I can and not stress if I don't hit my macros and cals.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe I actually stuck to it! So proud of myself. A few days off now and then onto Stage 2.

    That's awesome progress lawkora, you should be proud of yourself!! Do you have stats for your measurements etc?! Would love to see those!

    I've just measured myself so here are the starting/finishing measurements. I really can see it in the mirror which is great and my clothes are a lot looser

    Waist - START = 31" FINISH = 29.5"
    Hips - START = 40" FINISH = 38"
    Upper ARM - START = 12" FINISH = 11.5"
    Thigh - START 23" FINISH = 22.5"

    Weightloss wise, I've lost about 5lbs in the 6weeks
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sue, yes, my flyes are at a lower DB weight then my DB bench press.


    ^^^ I put my necklace back on JUST FOR THIS SHOT!! It's a post-workout "GLAM-BOOM!" shot, lol.

    Yesterday marked the end of a "Global Operation Lean-Out" challenge I organized (online) - "GOLO" for short. I did lose a little bit of bodyfat, the scale went down a little bit, my tape measurements came down a bit.

    That is *it* for challenges for me, for awhile. I'm really focusing on "inputs" and just following a systems-approach....so, the "outputs" just have to be left alone. That's how I want to enter 2014.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I finished my first workout from the book yesterday! I found today I am not as sore as I thought I should be. Anyone else have this issue? My legs felt like jelly and I could not do another step up if I had to so I'm shocked I can walk today.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Today is a free week for me. FINALLY! I'm suppose to cut cals for a week, increase a bit more the next, cut back again, and 4th week FREE . But due to the holidays, I switched it up. My first FREE week in SIX weeks. :drinker: I have eaten like there's no tomorrow. Not really but I haven't counted calories. Not sure if I will. Why does it matter now? Food has been consumed.

    At the gym, my mind just wasn't there. I managed 30 minutes on elliptical but I didn't work as hard . I only lifted for 15. Considering this is my free week, I should up it!

    Beeps, you look great. I hope to get there soon!
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe I actually stuck to it! So proud of myself. A few days off now and then onto Stage 2.

    That's awesome progress lawkora, you should be proud of yourself!! Do you have stats for your measurements etc?! Would love to see those!

    I've just measured myself so here are the starting/finishing measurements. I really can see it in the mirror which is great and my clothes are a lot looser

    Waist - START = 31" FINISH = 29.5"
    Hips - START = 40" FINISH = 38"
    Upper ARM - START = 12" FINISH = 11.5"
    Thigh - START 23" FINISH = 22.5"

    Weightloss wise, I've lost about 5lbs in the 6weeks

    Nice work lady! And even more kudos on actually losing weight!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I got some lifting in yesterday.... not inspired. I think I have identified that my problem (apart from lack of time) is a lack of progress. Basic Training is not really a progressive stage. I am hoping I will like hypertrophy better. 3 more workouts to get through to get to that. Might take me a while as so busy and uninspired. Tomorrow I am planning a swim - clear my head before exam days and also because it's freakin' warm here at the moment, lol. I'm not getting hung up on not following my program strictly - while I know I have lost strength going from 3 lifting workouts a week to 1, I accept there is nothing more I can do right now. I'll pick it up again soon - you girls will surely hold me to that??!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Here, Here! :smile:
    So I got some lifting in yesterday.... not inspired. I think I have identified that my problem (apart from lack of time) is a lack of progress. Basic Training is not really a progressive stage. I am hoping I will like hypertrophy better. 3 more workouts to get through to get to that. Might take me a while as so busy and uninspired. Tomorrow I am planning a swim - clear my head before exam days and also because it's freakin' warm here at the moment, lol. I'm not getting hung up on not following my program strictly - while I know I have lost strength going from 3 lifting workouts a week to 1, I accept there is nothing more I can do right now. I'll pick it up again soon - you girls will surely hold me to that??!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    jo_marnes - what are your "goals"?? I totally will hold you accountable, but I'd like to understand, clearly, what you are aiming for?!?!?!?

    manic- your schedule sounds like a fun one - yay for a "free week"!! I feel TOTALLY guilty not logging calories (where did THAT come from?!?!?!?), so even on my "no count" days, I still count. Sheesh.

    That's okay, I'm not really even in maintenance yet (although very close!)....so, it's all good "practice" so that, when I am in maintenance, I feel MORE confident with what I am doing (or not doing).

    Off for dim sum today at lunch .... sheesh, won't be stepping on the scale tomorrow! Alas, I have another birthday lunch out with a colleague on thursday - thai food. More salt. Friday is SUPPOSED to be "weigh-in" day - and picture day! MIght have to wait until Saturday.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning everyone! I lifted today - lower body, DLs, then good mornings, split squats and abs. I ran out of time, everyone wanted to be chatty cathy today at the gym. I wasn't feeling great about this workout but I got it in and I think (now) that part of the reason is that I don't usually lift 2 days in a row. Wonder how I'll feel tomorrow when it's 3 days in a row!!

    Jo, as Beeps asked, what are you goals? I find that I don't push myself as hard if I don't have direction. That's why I chose 5/3/1 - it gives me the opportunity to PR anytime I want. I know right now, for instance, that I need to stay where I am with DLs until 140 & 150 become more easy for me to do without feeling like I'm going to fall off form. But, I feel as if I can push more on my OHP, so next time, I'm going to do that! Where do YOU want to go?

    Beeps I LOVE your pic! Glam YES! Awesome shoulders and look how trim you are!! All your hard work and consistency is really paying off!

    terrie, welcome! Wait until tomorrow. My 2nd day of DOMs ALWAYS worse than the first.

    I'll be around later, right now off to get some work done.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    How come you're doing 3 days in a row, sue???!?!?!?

    Look how BRAVE you are!

    I remember when I first dipped my toe into the NROL4W water, I actually would COUNT OUT 48 hours before i would go lift again. To the MINUTE, even.

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    That's also another problem.... kinda without a clear goal right now. Increase strength I suppose. I want to see my big lifts increase. 1.5 x BW deadlifts would be cool. But a long way off!