Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So today, no exams and no revision - so productive!

    Up at 6am, went to the new Les Mills release classes at the gym - 30 mins each of Body Step, Pump and Attack. Then did the food shopping, came home and sorted lunch for everyone. Then took my middle Son out for a bday party - on the way we went xmas shopping and got some more chores done. Got home, cooked dinner for the kids, gardening for 2 hrs, cleaned house and did my dinner for an hour or so and finally plonked on the sofa at 9pm. Then remembered advent calendars. Turned out I could eat some of the jellies I bought (not often GF) for our refillable calendars. Doh. Had to eat some. Thankfully have earnt those today haha. Beautiful day expected tomorrow also - 33 degrees, combat at 9.30am and BBQ at my parents in the evening, with plenty of stuff to do in between. Have a great weekend everyone :-)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I hopped on the scale this morning to find that the feasting had caught up with me--pizza 2x this week, wine, cocktails, thai food last night all led to a 2 pound "gain" since Wednesday. I know it's just water weight, so I laughed and hopped off, but I'm glad the gym has reopened this morning so I can get back on the horse.

    I did manage to run a little on Thanksgiving morning. I don't think my calf's fully healed, but it's much better. I might try the lunges that are part of stage 1's B workout--I've avoided them since I started. B3 today, once I get dressed and in the car.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Jo - sounds like you had such a busy day!! :glasses:

    Sleepy - hope your calf is much better.

    Pmag...thank you :)

    Friday was not such a great lifting day for me...I always up my weight each week, on the second set, but this past Friday, I did not up any weight. I think it is cause...well...erm...you know, that time of the month...ugh!!! I aim to rectify all this come Monday!!! But for now, 'tis rum and flavoured H2O - cheers!! :drinker:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So tired!! Did 2 hrs of gardening and an hour of body combat before 10.30am today. Then vacuumed, mopped and cleaned my house. Then took the little ones shoe shopping (arrghhhh!) before dinner at mums, which was lovely. Then back home, washing, bathing kids, packing up presents for Christmas to send back home, spoke to my nan on the phone.... now it's 10.40pm and I just stopped. Exhausted!

    Not sure when I'll get my exercise this week either - full days mon/tues/ weds - prob get up early one day, but not tomorrow. Already too tired, lol. At least I'm keeping busy, haha. Have a great week everyone :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    We tried snow-shoeing today!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Pmagnanifit--> Mentioned it to the hubby for an Xmas gift :) He thought I would look ridiculous when I mentioned using my baseball batting gloves.

    Terrie, check out Versa Gripps. I like them better than my gloves!

    I'm home! I didn't do much of anything except a little walking though I did pretty well on food. I did have desserts but I didn't go crazy on anything in particular, and had lots of veggies and no potato except on T'day itself.

    Jo you've been BUSY!

    Sam, DLs are definitely my best lift and I feel so freaking strong when I'm doing them. Squats, not so good but my form gets better each time.

    I'm still reading back the past few days. I have to get things ready for work etc.

    ...and I lift tomorrow! Yea!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome home Sue! How was the snow-shoeing Beeps?

    I had a great session at the gym! It was 5:00 pm on a Sunday and I had the place practically to myself.
    Stage 3 WOA3
    One armed snatch 20lbs
    BOR 70lbs
    inclined DB press 25 dbs
    Off set squat 15/30

    AND I made the BWM my *****! I went from 3:25 to 2:33 and 2:35. Can we say I was feeling pretty bad *kitten*. I did have trouble walking out of the gym afterwards though :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam you are a badass! That time is awesome.
    Beeps - are snowshoes fun
    Sue nice to have you back

    I did the first b workout of stage 4 and I'm feeling strong.
    I am glad to be back to deadlifts.
    Fridays hiking ticked off my right IT band.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member

    AND I made the BWM my *****!

    Ok… I am usually good with my acronyms, but I cannot figure out the "BWM". I am sure it will be a palm-to-forehead moment when you tell me but I have to ask anyway. I even googled it… in an attempt to save having to ask… and I won't even mention all the possibilities I found.

    Got my lift in this morning. Felt good. Knee went a little crazy when doing DL. Made lunges after a little more painful. I am wearing my knee supports to give a little extra help. I am still going out for a run after work since it really only hurts when my knee is bent and I put my weight on it… like going up stairs.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Bwm is body weight matrix
    I think it starts in stage 2
    It takes me over four minutes....
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Haha, yup, I figured out the BWM acronym..... once you've done it it kinda stays with you, lol. I actually never minded it at all as it is v similar to a lot of the DVDs I have. I think the first time I did it I took about 3 mins 30 secs..... never times it after that. I have a lovehate relationship with plyometrics. One of the PTs at the gym gave me a 30 min cardio workout the other day - running intervals broken up with burpees and mountain climbers. Took me 18 mins, lol. My cardio fitness is much better than my lifting! But then, I've done years of it now. Can't wait until I'm as good at pull ups, hahahaha - many many years away!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I ran yesterday with only mild pain; in my wisdom the other day, as I tried to sit on the exercise ball holding a 25lb plate for crunches, it slipped and banged right into the injured part of my calf and bruised. I suspect it's the cause of the pain flares.

    I've been using a foam roller to loosen up tight muscles, especially my IT bands. My friend the trainer suspects they're what caused the calf injury. Perhaps you can try that, Magnafit. It might help.

    I've been wanting snowshoes the last couple of years, but last year it didn't snow at all. I almost went out on Black Friday to get some at EMS, but didn't. :)

    Lifting tomorrow, A4. Halfway stage 1!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Hoping to start Stage 2 tonight if I get time.

    I have an assessment tonight - well my dog does! We are joining a new agility club and we need to pass an assessment. On the upside I should do a bit of running around in sand tonight which is always tiring!!!

    Really want to be able to do 4 sessions this week as had my break between sessions last week and am so eager to get started again. Don't want to wait until Wednesday.

    So hopefully I can get to the gym before closing tonight!

    Going to go really light for the FSPP as I'm really scared by it, we'll see how that goes!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Can't catch up with all the posts but I hope everyone had a great weekend!

    I started the Strength portion of Supercharged on Saturday. I will lift again today even though my arms and shoulder are SORE. Happy Monday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Terrible weather system moving through, today. I won't even CHANCE the roads at lunch to get to the gym. So, I brought my gear into the office and will turn out my lights and do an office work-out with my ugifit weight-ball. Should be good enough, recognizing it isn't "heavy-lifting", but it is SOME lifting and SOME cardio.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to get it done Beeps!

    So I am EXHAUSTED today. First day back after a vacation no matter how short is always tough, but this was bad. It felt like a wasted day at work. Actually I was all caught up on paper work before vacation (go me) and I had very little to do during my kid free time. REALLY not used to that. It's usually go go go the entire time.

    Any who, hubby has put in his Christmas gift request and he wants dumb bells. Go figure. If I wasn't paying for almost a year for a gym membership he never used I could have bought a complete set <forehead smack> Craigs list and free cycle here I come.

    LawLorka, the FSPP isn't a favorite of mine, but if you are squatting more than the bar, you should be able to do at least the bar. I used my SHoulder press weight as my starter. I have week shoulders, so anything over my head tends to be pretty light.

    Sleepy Jen, 25 is a lot for a crunch. Have you tried holding the weight above your head instead of on your chest?

    Jo, I may never do another burpee for as long as I live. I actually sprained my wrist doing them back in February. THat cardio circuit sounds like a beast.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'll see what last week has done to me. I don't think it's too bad. The scales tonight show a pound gain.

    Sam, I had THREE Dunkin Donuts on the drive home. SOOOOOO Delicious. 1000 cals in donuts in ONE day. I don't regret it. Last week was my free week I think I did alright. It is hard to get back into the swing of things though. Today is a steep cut and tomorrow will be too. I can increase over the next 11 days.

    I skimmed the posts and I can't remember anything I wanted to say.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member

    LawLorka, the FSPP isn't a favorite of mine, but if you are squatting more than the bar, you should be able to do at least the bar. I used my SHoulder press weight as my starter. I have week shoulders, so anything over my head tends to be pretty light.

    Unfortunately I only managed 8kg dumbbells for the Shoulder Press in Stage 1,so thats only 16kg and the bar is 25kg so this is what has me worried about it. I am really weak when it comes to pushing over my head. I'll probably use a fixed weight bar of about 15kg for the first set and see how I go.

    Didn't get to go yesterday but tomorrow I will start Stage 2
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Started stage 2 last night. Not bad. Planks-love/hate relationship. Had to take an extra week off due to moving. That is a workout itself so I didn't feel too guilty not going to the gym. FSPP not exciting here either but will continue to work at it.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    Sleepy Jen, 25 is a lot for a crunch. Have you tried holding the weight above your head instead of on your chest?

    That seems terrifying :) It wasn't uncomfortable to crunch with--ideally I'd use 15 or 20lbs, as I didn't feel the 10lb at all. The problem is more my general klutziness!

    Hoping to get in this evening for a lifting session. It's going to be a loooooooong day.