Daily Chat Thread



  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    I did the first workout of stage 7 on Sunday. I was planning on doing the second workout today, but I'm still really sore from Sunday. I guess this means I should skip today? I just worry because I wont be able to get back to the gym until Thursday then.

    I'm also very disappointed with the lack of progress. I am stronger, but I haven't lost ANY weight (actually, I'm up 1-2 lbs, depending on the day) and I've stalled out on losing inches- which doesn't help my goal of losing the mom-belly.

    I'm NOT eating as clean as I "should", but I'm also not eating fast food, soda's, or other junk food and staying around 1700 cal, if not a little less. I'm trying to at least finish stage 7, but my motivation is lacking given the lack of results.

    So I feel like I'm at the point where I have to give up every food I love to lose this tummy and be a miserable person in the process or just accept that I wont ever wear a two piece bathing suit again.

    Pity party for 1 today.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Boom! Great job!!
    Terrible weather system moving through, today. I won't even CHANCE the roads at lunch to get to the gym. So, I brought my gear into the office and will turn out my lights and do an office work-out with my ugifit weight-ball. Should be good enough, recognizing it isn't "heavy-lifting", but it is SOME lifting and SOME cardio.

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I had to sort of rush through my lifting yester....as I had tickets to the Trans-Siberian orchestra show for the night. Has anyone heard of it? They are awesome, and I had the time of my life...granted I slept at 1 am, and have to be at work at 6:30 am...well worth it :-)

    I think I am beginning to like push ups!! I am now working towards getting lower..concentrating on touching the chest to the ground..., and doing the military kind...or keeping hands against my sides rather than having them flare out...but fly push ups work well too!!
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    No lifting for me today. Did 60 minutes on the Elliptical, though. Tomorrow is Stage 1 Workout A4 and a run with my friend at lunch time. My boss is gone for the week on a business trip and I am dying of boredom at the office. There are only small things that I never have time to do when she is there left to do. I am not sure I will make it through the week! I took a half day today to get my Christmas shopping done and will take a half day again tomorrow just for kicks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    My boss leaves tomorrow for 10 days, RedBess and I cannot WAIT! Just the fact that I can be WAY more flexible with my schedule (see my daughter's Xmas concert during the day, get my work-outs in, etc.) is ALL RIGHT WITH ME! He's a clock-watcher and LOVES to see me sitting behind my desk all day long (even though we can totally work remotely 100% of the time....).

    Anyway, no lifting for me, today, but I think I might try and ugifit.com workout again, come end-of-day (since I'm staying late....)....i brought my gym-togs, anyway!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I am on my rest week between Stage 1, and 2. I am doing cardio on the days I usually lift, and trying to behave on my food intake. Sticking to my Macros. However, my boss made this Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake yesterday for one of my co-workers last day. Of course, I had a piece, and it was worth every bite! I am a little blah today, but I am sure by tomorrow I will be back in good standings. :happy:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps do you have the UGI ball? It's an interesting workout, I might pick up the ball to take on trips when I won't be able to lift! Here's to bosses being out of the office! I'm pretty luck, mine doesn't watch the clock. However, the office manager does - but only at the beginning of the day. She never makes note of all the times I end up being at the office late night because SHE NEVER IS!!!!! I don't sweat it, really, they all know what I do.

    Today was spin and I SWEAR she was trying to kill us!! Yesterday, bench and accessory lifting - I pressed 65 yesterday, which is not a PR but I did more reps more easily. Next time will be a new PR if I can do it! I did assisted pullups and incline presses in circuit for push/pull and then did 7s for biceps and skull crushers for triceps.

    bepeejaye, I like the Trans Siberian Orchestra but I'm not sure I could sacrifice sleep like that! I'm so miserable when I do!!

    Sam, I hold a 25 or 35 lb plate on my crunches at my chest. I seldom hold any weights over my head, mostly because of the strain at my collarbone. It's such an awkward position for me.

    Tomorrow is squats! LOVE squats day!!

    So glad to se all the new folks here!! hiya all of y'all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    sue - i *do* have the ugiball! (I bought the ugifit.com system probably 20 months ago?? Was FAITHFUL to it, at the office, for awhile....)

    I think mine is the 10 lb ball. I *used* to think that was TOO LIGHT. But, given how many reps I can do, in a minute, I don't think that anymore.....

    My ears are feeling "plugged"....that usually means I'm catching something.

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I might have to put off the lifting today as I'm not feeling my spryest. I'm not sure what it is, but yesterday I had some swollen glands (I have some that swell in the oddest places whenever I'm coming down with anything, including TOM, thanks to a bout with shingles a few years ago) and today my vision's a little poorly and woozy. I think I might just be exhausted (two kittens are bad bedmates) and I was definitely a little dehydrated, but I don't know if I should push it by lifting or just go home after class ends at 630.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I stalled on getting to the gym over the holiday. I did get 4 miles HIIT on Sunday in and yesterday got stage 2B done along with my interactive training class (sort of an obstacle course range of motion aerobic session). I choose this for my WO:

    Spiderman planks
    squat with bar (45#) resting on shoulders (I couldnt' figure out holding the bar in front with my arms curled...)
    DB presses 20# pair
    off set step up 25#
    Regular push ups
    three sets of 10 each

    Then rolled out all my parts

    Probably get to the gym again once this week. Realistically able to lift twice a week.

    Frigid weather coming our way into the teens this week so won't be too acitve.

    I'm up 1.25 pounds post holiday.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I might have to put off the lifting today as I'm not feeling my spryest. I'm not sure what it is, but yesterday I had some swollen glands (I have some that swell in the oddest places whenever I'm coming down with anything, including TOM, thanks to a bout with shingles a few years ago) and today my vision's a little poorly and woozy. I think I might just be exhausted (two kittens are bad bedmates) and I was definitely a little dehydrated, but I don't know if I should push it by lifting or just go home after class ends at 630.

    Maybe take a break. I have two kittens we got 7 months ago and they sleep in a different part of the house so they can't wake us at odd hours. I couldn't take...:yawn:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I did the first workout of stage 7 on Sunday. I was planning on doing the second workout today, but I'm still really sore from Sunday. I guess this means I should skip today? I just worry because I wont be able to get back to the gym until Thursday then.

    I'm also very disappointed with the lack of progress. I am stronger, but I haven't lost ANY weight (actually, I'm up 1-2 lbs, depending on the day) and I've stalled out on losing inches- which doesn't help my goal of losing the mom-belly.

    I'm NOT eating as clean as I "should", but I'm also not eating fast food, soda's, or other junk food and staying around 1700 cal, if not a little less. I'm trying to at least finish stage 7, but my motivation is lacking given the lack of results.

    So I feel like I'm at the point where I have to give up every food I love to lose this tummy and be a miserable person in the process or just accept that I wont ever wear a two piece bathing suit again.

    Pity party for 1 today.

    some women lose weight and LOOK FANTASTIC just with this program and cutting back a couple hundred calories, but as for me I followed his "calculation" for calories and I gained 6 pounds. Humans aren't cookie cutters and not everyone can go by the guidelines. Calorie maintenance level is really low for me. Drives me insane that my friends on here can eat gigantic amounts (not really but you know) and I can not.

    My opinion is the 1700 calories for you is about maintenance level. Cut back to 1500 and you should see a slow steady loss. Give it a couple months. don't give up. I've been exactly where you are.

    I only had a 0.6 gain from last week! woohoo! Counting the days until my free week again. LOL

    Sue, I have a love/hate relationship squats. I know they are good for me but a squat will shoot my heart rate up quicker and higher than anything. Today I did some DEEP sumo (or ballet ) squats. feeling the burn.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    LawLorka, the FSPP isn't a favorite of mine, but if you are squatting more than the bar, you should be able to do at least the bar. I used my SHoulder press weight as my starter. I have week shoulders, so anything over my head tends to be pretty light.

    Unfortunately I only managed 8kg dumbbells for the Shoulder Press in Stage 1,so thats only 16kg and the bar is 25kg so this is what has me worried about it. I am really weak when it comes to pushing over my head. I'll probably use a fixed weight bar of about 15kg for the first set and see how I go.

    Didn't get to go yesterday but tomorrow I will start Stage 2
    sounds like a plan. I use the fixed weight bars for anything bent over.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I did the first workout of stage 7 on Sunday. I was planning on doing the second workout today, but I'm still really sore from Sunday. I guess this means I should skip today? I just worry because I wont be able to get back to the gym until Thursday then.

    I'm also very disappointed with the lack of progress. I am stronger, but I haven't lost ANY weight (actually, I'm up 1-2 lbs, depending on the day) and I've stalled out on losing inches- which doesn't help my goal of losing the mom-belly.

    I'm NOT eating as clean as I "should", but I'm also not eating fast food, soda's, or other junk food and staying around 1700 cal, if not a little less. I'm trying to at least finish stage 7, but my motivation is lacking given the lack of results.

    So I feel like I'm at the point where I have to give up every food I love to lose this tummy and be a miserable person in the process or just accept that I wont ever wear a two piece bathing suit again.

    Pity party for 1 today.

    some women lose weight and LOOK FANTASTIC just with this program and cutting back a couple hundred calories, but as for me I followed his "calculation" for calories and I gained 6 pounds. Humans aren't cookie cutters and not everyone can go by the guidelines. Calorie maintenance level is really low for me. Drives me insane that my friends on here can eat gigantic amounts (not really but you know) and I can not.

    My opinion is the 1700 calories for you is about maintenance level. Cut back to 1500 and you should see a slow steady loss. Give it a couple months. don't give up. I've been exactly where you are.

    I only had a 0.6 gain from last week! woohoo! Counting the days until my free week again. LOL

    Sue, I have a love/hate relationship squats. I know they are good for me but a squat will shoot my heart rate up quicker and higher than anything. Today I did some DEEP sumo (or ballet ) squats. feeling the burn.
    what she said, and I am someone who lost quite a bit my first go around. since I'm eating at maintenance now, I'm just maintaining size and shape, but gaining strength (I guess that's why they call it maintenance lol)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well I dragged my sorry carcass to the gym tonight. Not a terrible workout, but for some strange reason my ankle hurts, only when I walk. So I skipped lunges in my warm-up and the partial squats. Luckily it was stage 3 WOB which mainly arms and core.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift in today. I am officially half way through stage 1. Run at lunch time with my friend… those runs are always a little longer and a little faster than my normal ones, which is great. I used my Vibram Five Fingers for my run on Monday and man are my calves feeling it! I only did a 5k in them, but it has been a while since I have worn them. Need to build back up to running longer distances in them as my knees really feel the difference and my overall form improves. I wear them for my lifting as well (I have inside ones and outside ones) and I find it really helps with foot strength and overall form.

    The month is not starting out great food-wise. I have been out to lunch twice already and have the first of many Christmas events on Friday. I am staying at my calories, but definitely not hitting my macros and not eating as clean. I guess Saturday's run will need to be at least 15km this week just to balance things out a little.

    Sue and Beeps > my boss is awesome and I wouldn't want to work for anyone else. My company in general is pretty easy going about when we are there, when we leave early, come late, etc. As long as stuff gets done, no one complains. I do enjoy the first day or two when she is gone so that I can get little things taken care of, clean and organize. But after that is all done it is so dreadfully boring.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    No lifting for me yet this week. I decided last minute to help my family move Monday. Hopefully today I can lift...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Finally got my lift in today and it was a bit rough. I upped the weight a bit (that regular barbell is so much longer, balancing it was harder than squatting the additional weight). I could barely do the pushups. Oh well. That's what happens with too many days between, I suppose.

    Last night I ended up just leaving work, grabbing some pizza and kale salad (one to make up for the other :) ), sitting in on a thing at the library, and crawling into bed at 945, but couldn't fall asleep until 11. I'm hoping to be a total slug this afternoon and be in bed early.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Well my friend ended up canceling our run today as she was ill. I ended up at a Christmas market with colleagues at 2:00 in the afternoon and then went for my run after we had had a Nutella Crepe and some Gluhwein (hot, spiced wine). I am definitely going to have to up my KM this month if things keep going on like this!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'm 0.2" above my Venus-waist measurement! That is the CLOSEST I have ever gotten, so that means my "systems" approach does seem to be working!

    Now, I *know* I have to go BELOW my Venus-waist measurement (in order to get my hips lower and my bodyfat % lower....), but it was nice to see that tape measure nearly RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

    To celebrate, I'm going to go and get the oil changed in my car (after my noon-hour work-out). BOOM!