Daily Chat Thread



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    After a little rise the week after Thanskgiving my weight's back to where it was just before, so I'm happy about that this morning. Today starts the first of the holiday parties, though, so tracking should be a challenge.

    Lifted yesterday and it went really well. I didn't push it because of my stupid shoulder but it didn't hurt at all and feels completely fine this morning. Actually, all of me feels completely fine, which is a little unusual after a lift day :) Time for more weight!

    So S1B4:
    Deadlift 45lb/12 reps/2 sets---I'm upping this 5LB each workout. Now that I have fixed my form, it's not hard to do, so I might do 50LB first set, 55 second set for B5, and then see what's best for set 3.

    Shoulder press--12lb/12 reps/2 sets. Didn't increase b/c of shoulder. I find this start easy and are hard to finish.
    Pulldown lat bar--60lb/12 reps/1 set then 70 lb/8reps/back to 60/4 reps. I wish we had 5 pound increments at the gym. 60's easy, 70's a little too hard to do and keep correct form at all.

    Lunges--15 lb/12 reps/2 sets. Does anyone else get totally winded by these? Going to do 20Lb next time.
    Crunches--20Lb/10 reps/2 sets. I'm pretty sure i'm not doing these entirely correctly--I think I'm rolling on the ball more than lifting myself. Going to pay more attention next time.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Shoulder press--12lb/12 reps/2 sets. Didn't increase b/c of shoulder. I find this start easy and are hard to finish.
    Pulldown lat bar--60lb/12 reps/1 set then 70 lb/8reps/back to 60/4 reps. I wish we had 5 pound increments at the gym. 60's easy, 70's a little too hard to do and keep correct form at all.

    Lunges--15 lb/12 reps/2 sets. Does anyone else get totally winded by these? Going to do 20Lb next time.
    Crunches--20Lb/10 reps/2 sets. I'm pretty sure i'm not doing these entirely correctly--I think I'm rolling on the ball more than lifting myself. Going to pay more attention next time.

    Shoulder press - ditto! Those last 2-3 reps are KILLER

    Pulldowns - does your gym have little weight 'blocks' to add to the weight stack? Mine has these things that slot on to the top of the stack - I think they weigh 2.5kg (so about 5lb) each. But they weren't obvious - I had to ask!

    Crunches.... the ball can be a bit deceiving. If in doubt, lose the ball. There are many variations. I think I just try to make sure the ball doesn't move too much.

    Well done on your workout!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member

    Today I was reminded how what seems like just a little of a few things at a holiday party add up to a lot of calories. Glad I had a few to spare from yesterday so I can have a little something for dinner :ohwell:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jen, I used to get completely winded doing lunges. Now it's better. I don't progress on shoulder presses at all. I'm stuck at 25lbs for 6 reps (15lbs for 15 reps). Been that way for a year.

    Manic, I feel ya. We've got snow on the ground(it's early for us) and temps won't get above freezing for a few days. At least it's helped me get into the Christmas spirit and get some shopping done. But it's horrible for my carb cravings.

    What's everyone's goal this month? Maintain weight during the season of carbs? Make sure they get their workouts in despite the busyness of the holidays?

    I'm trying to get my lifting in regardless of the craziness. And hopefully lose 1lb through December.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just because I know many of us are eating at a deficit, I was reading this from Lyle McDonald today and that some of you might find it interesting:
    The TL;DR of it is the leaner you are, the more often your body needs a break from caloric deficit.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I've been consistently eating at the figures the book calculates, w/o the deficit calculation--these numbers, though, on workout days in particular are below the MFP maintenance figures for me. MFP suggests my maintenance is around 1670 or something (and the dreaded 1200 on a non-exercising day); per the book's calculations, I'm eating 1470 or so on a non-exercise day and 1780 on a workout day. If I run, then, the 1780-500 running cals puts me around my 1200 deficit number if I were using the MFP calculations, and 1470 is still below my MFP calc maintenance.

    I don't pretend I understand all this, but I'm just following directions. I plan to more or less continue following those figures, as I like to eat food. A lot. :drinker:
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I did my first Stage 2, Workout B today. I'm not a fan.

    The deadlifts were fine, and my work gym doesn't have a lat pulldown so had to do DB substitution for that. And I found the reverse lunges ok I guess...

    But I was rubbish at the cuban snatch. Pretty certain my form was way off and I had to use baby 3kg DBs.

    I also found the Ab section really boring.... really really boring....

    I didn't do the Intervals as I was on my lunchbreak and ran out of time but I'll do a cardio HIIT session this evening to make up for it.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jen, many of us switched to the TDEE method while doing the program. This calculator has always been very accurate for me: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
    The books estimates are a very rough guideline. Many of the nutrition "rules" that he gives in NROL4W are thrown out in his latest book, NROL Supercharged. Namely, the "eat more on workout days" and "you MUST have a shake immediately after a workout" (this one has been refuted by many sources). That being said, I understand wanting to follow the guidelines in the book and see how it works for you. It's all such a hard balance- trying to find that special number that you don't feel too deprived, but you're still getting good results.

    Lawlorka, I loved Stage 2 &4. Hopefully you will grow to like it more. There's nothing worse than disliking a routine.

    Lifting today. My legs are finally not so sore anymore.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I usually have a greek yogurt after lifting :) And I don't eat all that protein.

    The Scooby calc said I only need 1666 calories a day to build muscle and lose fat/maintain. It's right in line with the MFP calculations. I assume you eat to that number every day (or that number minus a percentage?)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yes- I'm personally eating at a -10% at the moment. I wish I was far enough along in the fat loss to be eating at maintenance cals. Good to know they all are similar for you. Even when I don't workout, I burn the "Active Workout" or "Strenuous Workout" calories per NROL4W (I have a BodyMedia). Yet, I think if people sit at a desk all day, the calories can be too high for them. It's really about paying attention to what works for your body.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift in this morning plus 30 minutes on the elliptical. First day of doing 3 sets. Did pretty good. Upped my weight on everything.

    Have had a headache all day… being caused by my hamstring. I pulled my hamstring a few years ago and when I run, it gets really tight. If I am not good about doing yoga and stretching it a lot, I feel it everywhere. Well, I have been lazy with yoga and am feeling the pain. Came home from work rather than going for run to do some and it really helped. Need to write that down on a post-it and stick it on my TV so that I remember what happens when I don't do stretching/yoga!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cowgirl, I didn't read the article yet. The plan I follow suggests a "diet break" every 4th week. I've managed to maintain weight so far. This month will be difficult to follow the plan. My family and I will be traveling this week. I am pretty sure I can stay within my allotted calories but the lack of exercise will hurt me. Anyway, my point was, the "break from dieting" keeps the body from plateauing /getting used to the same amount of calories. (per the author)

    I'll be MIA this week. Happy lifting.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yep, manic, that was the gist of LM's article too. He goes into the science of it in his book, but I like to just get the overview. Basically as you get closer to goal, eating at maintenance for 1 week every 4-6 weeks decreases your body's adaptive response to dieting and will hopefully prevent plateaus and gives your hormones a chance to stabilize. Enjoy your travels!

    Got my lifting in today. My form on squats has been horrible lately. I dialed it back to 135lbs for 6 reps and was really careful to keep my back straight and my chest up.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Exercise update:

    1. Saturday was regularly-scheduled cardio....although I couldn't make it through the class. Too tough and my endurance has reduced since focus is on weights. Still, got in a nice stretch after and a lovely jacuzzi! I'll take it.

    2. Sunday I met up with another Venus from MYcity at my gym! We didn't do a Venus work-out, but I did rip some pages out of my July, 2013 Oxygen magazine and we did a "weight-plate" workout. Since neither of us had ever done this work-out before, it was pretty fun! And, still hard work....nice to have company at the gym. This has happened ZERO times since the 10 sessions of personal training expired.

    3. Today, back to regularly-scheduled weight-lifting. I'm still sore from yesterday, but I felt really good at the gym today. I can tell I'm going to be REALLY sore, tomorrow!

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Exercise update:

    1. Saturday was regularly-scheduled cardio....although I couldn't make it through the class. Too tough and my endurance has reduced since focus is on weights. Still, got in a nice stretch after and a lovely jacuzzi! I'll take it.

    What was the class? Sounds epic!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Uh oh! Sounds like me! I eat the same things at the same time over and over and over ...... :laugh:
    Eating is such a chore to me...the chewing..oh, first to find the utensils...then sometimes microwave...then..ugh! If it were up to me, I would blend my veggies and fruits everyday..add Whey Protein and boom! Am done! (I have been doing that for most of my life)..But I sought to change this after coming on MFP...
    Cowgirl, I didn't read the article yet. The plan I follow suggests a "diet break" every 4th week. I've managed to maintain weight so far. This month will be difficult to follow the plan. My family and I will be traveling this week. I am pretty sure I can stay within my allotted calories but the lack of exercise will hurt me. Anyway, my point was, the "break from dieting" keeps the body from plateauing /getting used to the same amount of calories. (per the author)

    I'll be MIA this week. Happy lifting.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    RedBess, I did the first workout with three sets today, too. I upped my squatting weight to 50lb total and pulled something in my hamstring somehow, but I stretched the daylights out of it until it felt normal again. Here's hoping tomorrow it feels fine. I tried to up my step up weight, but 25 pounds was awfully heavy for just my hand :) Hmm. I did half at 25, and then half back at 20. And then I passed out on the bench. Holy cow.

    PUshups were fine (still with knees bent), forward row still at 60 (I tried 70 but couldn't keep it up), and I swapped jackknifes for crunches when my wrist felt tight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    jo_marnes - it wasn't epic, at all. I just don't have cardio-endurance at this time....when I do lots of cardio, then I can do lots of cardio, but when I don't, well, then I can't! This particular instructor does a VERY fast class! When I used to do it 3 x per week, it was tough to get through, but do-able. Now, down to once-per-week, I made it about 2/3 of the way through and then moved onto weights, lol!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yes- I'm personally eating at a -10% at the moment. I wish I was far enough along in the fat loss to be eating at maintenance cals. Good to know they all are similar for you. Even when I don't workout, I burn the "Active Workout" or "Strenuous Workout" calories per NROL4W (I have a BodyMedia). Yet, I think if people sit at a desk all day, the calories can be too high for them. It's really about paying attention to what works for your body.

    Is this the body media you mentioned? http://www.bodymedia.com

    Does it calculate like a fitbit does, giving you a pretty steady idea of calories you consume/need/etc?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yes. From what I've read, it's much more accurate than a fitbit. The downside is that it requires a $6/month subscription and is bulkier and more obvious than a fitbit. It's been very accurate for me.