Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OH MY! I did sumo squats. (some call them ballet squats) I worked on going deep and wider legs. Those babies work all the way around the upper thigh. MY bootie is hurt-in'. I wasn't going deep enough before. It's amazing how I what I learn each day. No wonder I haven't seen great results, my form sucks.

    I see an Orthopedic today for my shoulder. I hope he can do something for it and maybe eventually I can lift!

    AWESOME Beeps! I just did my measurements this am!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I tweaked my shoulder folding laundry yesterday (yesterday was so not my day!). I can definitely feel it now, so I took some advil after lifting and will ice it later and hope that's it. Good luck, Manic--you'll be back at it soon.

    Beeps, what's a venus-waist measurement?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK I am EXCITED to report to yall my measurements since last month!!!!

    Natural Waist was 27.25--26.5
    Belly Button was 29--28
    Groin 38--37
    Saddle bag 41--40

    That's almost FOUR inches lost!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 0.2" above my Venus-waist measurement! That is the CLOSEST I have ever gotten, so that means my "systems" approach does seem to be working!

    Now, I *know* I have to go BELOW my Venus-waist measurement (in order to get my hips lower and my bodyfat % lower....), but it was nice to see that tape measure nearly RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

    To celebrate, I'm going to go and get the oil changed in my car (after my noon-hour work-out). BOOM!

    Congrats! I'm it feels great.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    GREAT JOB, MANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you are SUPER-DUPER PROUD of yourself!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    sleepyjen, Venus proportions are based on the "natural waist" (i.e. smallest waist - usually right below rib-cage....NOT the "belly-button" waist).

    Here is my 26.6" waist, following my weight-training at the gym, today:

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    manic - Love sumo squats.... although I have never done them as part of the NROL programs, but more in Body Pump. So lower weights and higher reps. You've reminded me to get back into my back squats with the bar - I've been doing goblets and other versions while doing basic.... my knees aren't so hot with the heavier weights for 10+ reps

    sleepyjen - didn't you know laundry is dangerous??! Hope you feel better

    Well I have not even GOT to the gym yet this week - sigh. So busy catching up with everything I wasn't doing while studying LOL. Today I have not even got the car (in the garage) so certainly can't go. Will still workout at home though. My workouts this week have been gardening (shovelling dirt and mulch for hours!) and a P90X legs and back DVD (which I'm feeling now that's for sure). I didn't workout yesterday but did spend 4 hours icing 368 Christmas biscuits for the school Christmas dinner (tomorrow!). Which I am also helping out with. Oh yeah, and I am supposed to clean my whole house at some point as we have people here for drinks Friday night. Hmmmm.... are there enough hours? Also need to walk to shops for grocery run - and carry it all home - as have no car. Me thinks I might be quite worn out tonight hahahaha
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps and Manic Congrats, Great job!

    I just spent 2.5 hours scrubbing my house tonight (expecting company tomorrow). That was my workout today. Talk about besting my butt. And my ankle still hurts when walking on stairs.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    No lifting today. I sort of miss it on my off days. Though, the extra hour of sleep is nice!

    I will run at least 11km this evening. It is supposed to start snowing again today and through the weekend. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I do have yaktrax but I need a fair amount of snow for those.

    My eating is so off this week. With everything that is going on and throwing off my usually schedule, i didn't get to the supermarket yesterday and am left with nothing for breakfast. I suppose I could cook up some veggies, but blah. If you are thinking, just run to the shop before work… if only. While there are many things I love love love about living in Germany, the fact that the shops, ALL the shops close by 8:00 in the evening and don't open until 7:00 at the very earliest… which is when I am already seated behind my desk. Maybe I will just grab a banana and have the last 50g of Salmon I left in the fridge at work yesterday. That will at least get me through until I can run to the shops on lunch. I have a feeling it is going to be one of those days!
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Oh and…

    Awesome job Beeps! So jealous… you look amazing.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice numbers Beeps and Manic!

    I am having a busy week and stayed up late to lift.
    Hope everyone has a good workout
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    So I started Stage 2 last night!!! For the most part I really enjoyed it. The Static Lunges were hell though! I kept losing my balance and had to use much lighter DBs than I was doing the normal forward lunges from Stage 1.

    I used an empty Women's Olympic Bar for the FSPP and that felt right. I will just add weight to that until I can get to 25kg and then move over onto the regular Olympic Bar.

    Stage 2 Starting Stats
    Weight - 139.75lbs
    Waist - 29.5"
    Hips - 38"
    Arm - 11.5"
    Thigh - 22.5 "

    FSPP - 2 x 10 x 15kg
    Step Up - 2 x 10 x 14kg (per DB)
    DB 1pt Row - 2 x 10 x 5kg
    Static Lunge - 2 x 10 x 7kg
    Push Ups - 2 x 10 x 30degree (really bad form - apparently I stick my butt in the air!!!)
    Planks - 2 x 60s
    Woodchop - 2 x 10 x 7.5kg
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Hello all,
    I had posted this elsewhere, but am hoping someone can help me :(

    I am on Workout 7 - Week 5...and I realized that the workout sets increased from 2 to 3 from workout 5.
    Am I correct?

    If so, then do you have to follow the same workout methodology as in the previous weeks? (Example...2 sets of squats then one set of Push Ups, then Seated Row, then Pushups), or can you be done with the 3 sets of one exercise, then move onto the next one?

    If I am right, then I missed out on the 3rd sets for weeks 5 and 6...aarrghhhh!!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    This v v v
    Nice numbers Beeps and Manic!

    I am having a busy week and stayed up late to lift.
    Hope everyone has a good workout
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Beeps, Yay for you!!! And thanks for defining the Venus waistline :)
    sleepyjen, Venus proportions are based on the "natural waist" (i.e. smallest waist - usually right below rib-cage....NOT the "belly-button" waist).

    Here is my 26.6" waist, following my weight-training at the gym, today:

  • saramea
    saramea Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks! I'm just glad I'm not alone. Its very frustrating. I was actually at 1500 for a while and didn't lose. I upped to 1700 per recommendations on this board. I haven't "gained" from increasing from 1500 to 1700. I'm 6 ft and 172. Measurements are still the same.

    I did workout 1 of stage 7 on Sunday, but I'm putting off lifting this week. I have law school exams back to back (starting yesterday) and just can't in good conscience devote 3-5 hours to lifting this week.

    I did recruit a friend of mine to start NROLW and she's loving the definition and looser fitting clothes :)

    Back to studying...
    I did the first workout of stage 7 on Sunday. I was planning on doing the second workout today, but I'm still really sore from Sunday. I guess this means I should skip today? I just worry because I wont be able to get back to the gym until Thursday then.

    I'm also very disappointed with the lack of progress. I am stronger, but I haven't lost ANY weight (actually, I'm up 1-2 lbs, depending on the day) and I've stalled out on losing inches- which doesn't help my goal of losing the mom-belly.

    I'm NOT eating as clean as I "should", but I'm also not eating fast food, soda's, or other junk food and staying around 1700 cal, if not a little less. I'm trying to at least finish stage 7, but my motivation is lacking given the lack of results.

    So I feel like I'm at the point where I have to give up every food I love to lose this tummy and be a miserable person in the process or just accept that I wont ever wear a two piece bathing suit again.

    Pity party for 1 today.

    some women lose weight and LOOK FANTASTIC just with this program and cutting back a couple hundred calories, but as for me I followed his "calculation" for calories and I gained 6 pounds. Humans aren't cookie cutters and not everyone can go by the guidelines. Calorie maintenance level is really low for me. Drives me insane that my friends on here can eat gigantic amounts (not really but you know) and I can not.

    My opinion is the 1700 calories for you is about maintenance level. Cut back to 1500 and you should see a slow steady loss. Give it a couple months. don't give up. I've been exactly where you are.

    I only had a 0.6 gain from last week! woohoo! Counting the days until my free week again. LOL"
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Howdy all! Wow, some great stuff happening here!! Congrats Mary, you have worked so hard at this and YEA YEA it's paying off!! so very happy for you and proud of your determination! Keep it up girl!!

    Beeps you look AWESOME! I have never had a belly that flat, even at my most fit, yours looks stunning!!

    Saramea, I stopped looking at the scale. I will have to lose more pounds eventually, but I know to gain strength I have to keep feeding my muscles.

    You know I have read on the forums that age doesn't make any difference in weight loss, and that eating at a calorie deficit is all that matters, but I'm here to tell you that they are full of crap. Not only does it take much longer to lose a pound, but my whole body is different and doesn't gain or keep muscle since menopause. I really had to adjust my whole attitude about this process. I have learned to enjoy the smaller victories/achievements and to not expect miracles overnight. AND I am aware that I have to be in it to win - that consistency beats speed every time! My shape is changing again, I can see it in my legs, and feel it in my pants! LOVE IT! I will take new measurements this weekend.

    Yesterday was squats - 5/3/1 does 3 warm up sets so 5/45x3 then I did 5x70, 5x80 and 12x90. I was supercareful with form - Mary, I realized that I wasn't holding my back in the proper arch and was pressing it flat as I stood up out of the squat. I felt the difference immediately! For accessory lifts I did 10x115 and 10x120x2 of stiff leg DLs and step ups 10x50x3 and then did back extensios 10x35x3, abs and side flexions. I need to find something new for the side flexions. Suggestions?

    Today was a spin day. Lots of sprinting then climbing, then running, then climbing. OMG I feel it in my butt!!

    bepeejaye, you are supposed to circuit the lifts after the main lift - squats/deads are the main lift - then you do pushups/seated rows together, and repeat for 3 sets then do the next group. That's hard to describe so someone unfamiliar with circuits can understand.

    Ok, I have to get back to my power point. I'll check in later! Oh yea, Sam and Cowgirl - would you both come put my house back together? It's totally trashed!
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Hey troops!

    So I've been in absentia for a few days/a week...life got a little hectic, workouts got missed and I really need to get back on it! I only have two more workouts left from Stafge 1 + AMRAP...and I'll get them done in the next week. I've not been great with logging the past week either, just trying to count it up in my head (not a good idea, I know)...but having said that I think I actually eat less when I'm not thinking of how I'm going to spend my calories! I have dropped weight, and although this would usually be cause for success, due to the lack of workouts I'm worried that it's muscle, not fat I'm loosing :(

    I did get back to running last night, and I was majorly surprised to see that I hadn't really lost much fitness (haven't run outside in maybe 2.5 months)...my muscles are definietly more efficient and my cardio fitness seems to be okay....so that's encouraging...time to crack on to get sorted for Christmas!

    Everyone seems to be doing really well on here...I'm loving reading the gains and measurements! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    suelegal - there certainly are hormonal swings that can wreak havoc on the diet piece. However, I still think a calorie-deficit is the ONLY way to go to lose bodyfat.

    Given how things are changing up with how your clothes feel, I would also argue that some DEFINITE RECOMPOSITION is going on with you, which is AWESOME! I'll take recomp ANYDAY (over no progression or growing fat).

    mazmataz - are you bored with Stage 1, yet???
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey all, I'm just popping in to say a quick hello. Had a great session at the gym at Zumba. I dragged along an old friend from high school who loves to zumba too. SHe will be joining my gym as well...and borrowed my NROL4W. lol Let's she she was impressed by my story and progress and especially liked that I don't starve or run on a treadmill for hours to nowhere.