Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It's official I cannot lift and ovulate at the same time. I slept through my workout yesterday after freezing in the cold at my husband's last race of the year. It was also my "CAN'T STOP EATING" day which is really bad because I did my Christmas baking on Saturday and the house WAS full f cookies :blushing: They are my Kryptonite.

    I like easy I just use the MFP calculator. When I become dissatisfied with the scale I do a 250/day deficit. I will finish Stage 3 this week, and my friend and her boyfriend are going my gym :)
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member

    2. Sunday I met up with another Venus from MYcity at my gym! We didn't do a Venus work-out, but I did rip some pages out of my July, 2013 Oxygen magazine and we did a "weight-plate" workout. Since neither of us had ever done this work-out before, it was pretty fun! And, still hard work....nice to have company at the gym. This has happened ZERO times since the 10 sessions of personal training expired.

    I don't mind going to the gym alone, and would say that I prefer it in a way, allowing me to do my own thing, but there are definitely times I wish I had someone to go with. Once my boyfriend is back from Uni in the summer, I look forward to him joining the gym with me. I don't need to workout with someone every day, but even just to motivate me to go on the days I don't want to makes a huge difference. Plus, no matter how good of friends you are… it is fun to have a little friendly competition!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Oh my god! My opinion on Workout B on Stage 2 has changed.

    My Abs are killing me today, and my legs are so so sore!!!! So I must have gotten more of a workout than I thought yesterday!!!!

    Its been a while since I've felt this kind of soreness and its nice!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    jo_marnes - it wasn't epic, at all. I just don't have cardio-endurance at this time....when I do lots of cardio, then I can do lots of cardio, but when I don't, well, then I can't! This particular instructor does a VERY fast class! When I used to do it 3 x per week, it was tough to get through, but do-able. Now, down to once-per-week, I made it about 2/3 of the way through and then moved onto weights, lol!

    I guess this is a lot of the reasons as to why I'm pretty constant with my cardio..... I couldn't bare having to try and gain cardio fitness back..... it's so hard!! I do a lot of classes at the gym.... those and DVDs are my cardio 'go-to's' - they are set things that I just have to follow, no thinking required lol. Plus the music in classes gets me through. When the mood takes me I run but I've not been able to get back into it since my half marathon in 2011..... running 4 x per week training burnt me out. Plus then I followed it with a 12km run 3 weeks later where I went for a speed PB - achieved but couldn't even face doing it again since. I run 8kms now and then but infrequently. I hope to do the 12kms again in 2014, but depends on my course - might be on an overseas placement!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I started Stage 1 on a Monday, and yester was to be my last day of Stage 1!! But I want to fill up the week, so that next week will be a full recovery week afore starting Stage 2.

    So I will do Workout A on Wednesday, and Workout B on Friday...I call them bonus workouts...then the week will be complete!!

    I am feeling under the weather today - thank goodness I started feeling really bad after my lifting yester - but am hoping I can go for TRX Training, Core and Zumba classes today ....or I will just listen to my body...if am to rest, then rest it shall be! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    jo_marnes - research shows it doesn't take very much cardio to be 'cardio-fit'....so, over-the-top cardio doesn't add much value (in my opinion). I don't think I'll chase the "cardio" dream for myself anymore, at all.....my heart is very healthy and besides, weight-lifting is anaerobic, which adds "cardio" value, even if not aerobic.

    But, you do whatever floats YOUR boat....that's kind of the point!

    samntha - I *might* get away with ZERO Xmas baking. My son was at a bday party on the weekend that had "gingerbread chocolate" cupcakes. He LOVED them. So, when I said, "so if I just go buy those cupcakes, I can forget all about all the Xmas baking??" and he AGREED!!! Oh my stars, that would FREE up that weekend before Xmas if I didn't have to do baking. I'd be in HEAVEN!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    jo_marnes - research shows it doesn't take very much cardio to be 'cardio-fit'....so, over-the-top cardio doesn't add much value (in my opinion).

    Agreed. I don't think over-the-top cardio does anything for anyone. I guess it depends on the level you wish to maintain. I spent so long trying to run. Now when I can run 8kms easily without having done it for weeks - even months - I am amazed at how far I've come. So that success floats my boat ;-)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, at least you recognize these patterns of hungry days and can make up for them at other times. You know your body very well and it shows!

    Beeps, that would be awesome to have no baking to do for Christmas. I LOVE to bake, but for some reason by the time I bake all those goodies and clean up the mess, they never taste as good as when someone else does the work.

    Lawlorka, I'm telling you. Stage 2 is awesome!!!

    I will probably miss my lifting tomorrow. Work is crazy and they need me to come in (I don't usually work Wednesday). To top it off, since I worked today and wasn't planning on working tomorrow, I do not have my meals thought out and will be at the mercy of the hospital cafeteria. Wish me luck! At least I burn crazy amounts of calories when I'm on my feet pushing patient beds, lifting heavy instrument pans, and walking for 8 hours straight.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Well it's two weeks until Christmas and all the cookies are gone. I'm making more the weekend before for my students. Those at least won't get eaten by me...at least not many.

    ok what is it about this picture that warranted so much attention. I actually got hit on tonight and stared at. This is very unusual for my gym. Someone actually asked, "Do you come here often?" I couldn't believe my ears. I said "excuse Me?" He says, "Did you just sign up. I haven't seen you before?" (I see him all the time) No dude, I've been here two damn years. CREEPER.

    Anyway finished S3 WOA:
    Snatch 25
    BOR 80
    DB BP 30's
    one armed squat thingy 15/30
    one legged plank 45 secs
    reverse Wood Chopped 22.7 KG
    BWM 2'24" Woo hoo!! no cramping either ;)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam you look cute in your pic- but that guy sounds creepy
    I had a bad workout- felt very tired and stepped down some weights. Not sure why had four rest days! Will chalk it up to a glute pain weekend. I'm feeling better since mon am and will keep plugging away.

    I think cardio is important and ideally I would lift 3x a week, cardio three times a week but most of the time I lift 2x week cardio 2x a week
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Maybe four rest days were too manY?

    I think I"m going to take a complete rest day today. Ran (badly) yesterday, lift tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    I think you look TOTALLY HAWT, samntha!! Enjoy the NSV!!

    Today I lift! (Have to trudge through all the snow, first, to get to the gym....but once I'm there, I know I'll feel better afterward!)
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    jo_marnes - research shows it doesn't take very much cardio to be 'cardio-fit'....so, over-the-top cardio doesn't add much value (in my opinion).

    Agreed. I don't think over-the-top cardio does anything for anyone. I guess it depends on the level you wish to maintain. I spent so long trying to run. Now when I can run 8kms easily without having done it for weeks - even months - I am amazed at how far I've come. So that success floats my boat ;-)

    It might be over-the-top, but I love my cardio and I love love my running. Nothing has given me the sense of accomplishment as training for my first marathon… and running my first marathon. But really, the training for the race was more of an accomplishment than anything. No, it is not necessary to go out and run 50+km a week for 16 weeks of training, but it was amazing to do, both hard and fun at times having to push myself out the door for my run or go willingly into the woods for 3 hours. My first I trained for with a friend and it was awesome to go through the experience together. The second I trained for by myself, occasionally running with the same friend or my boyfriend but mostly on my own. That last one helped me prove to myself that I could do it alone, that I didn't need anyone to push me or help me and it was awesome. I am not saying everyone should love cardio and do lots of it, but there is something to be said for my experience with over-the-top cardio and why I don't want to give it up.

    Got my lift in today. Felt good, will up weights for my next B workout…. though I did increase on DLs today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    ...I'm now firmly on the bench that states that "conditioning is over-rated"...

    ...come, come, come sit with me! It's a bit lonely over here....

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Kudos on all of you ladies!!!

    Still down with something...waiting for tests to come out - I hope it isn't the cold or flu.
    I cannot wait for it to pass, so that I may go lift again. At one time I found myself tapping fingers on the table waiting for it to pass! lol!!

    I finished Stage on this past Monday, but was going to do bonus rounds today and Friday. This way I would have a full week of rest next week before embarking on Stage 2 :sad: :sad:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    It might be over-the-top, but I love my cardio and I love love my running. Nothing has given me the sense of accomplishment as training for my first marathon… and running my first marathon. But really, the training for the race was more of an accomplishment than anything. No, it is not necessary to go out and run 50+km a week for 16 weeks of training, but it was amazing to do, both hard and fun at times having to push myself out the door for my run or go willingly into the woods for 3 hours. My first I trained for with a friend and it was awesome to go through the experience together. The second I trained for by myself, occasionally running with the same friend or my boyfriend but mostly on my own. That last one helped me prove to myself that I could do it alone, that I didn't need anyone to push me or help me and it was awesome. I am not saying everyone should love cardio and do lots of it, but there is something to be said for my experience with over-the-top cardio and why I don't want to give it up.

    Got my lift in today. Felt good, will up weights for my next B workout…. though I did increase on DLs today.

    Didn't mean to offend. If you are enjoying it then its not over-the-top. To my mind, over-the-top means doing excessive cardio even in the face of not enjoying it, probably because you think it is beneficial. When the fact it, if you have gotten to that point, it probably isn't. With things like running, I think you can do too much due to impact injuries etc, but it depends on your body. And how well you look after it. I do prefer to mix up my cardio but that's purely because I get bored doing the same thing over and over. xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    jo_marnes - research shows it doesn't take very much cardio to be 'cardio-fit'....so, over-the-top cardio doesn't add much value (in my opinion). I don't think I'll chase the "cardio" dream for myself anymore, at all.....my heart is very healthy and besides, weight-lifting is anaerobic, which adds "cardio" value, even if not aerobic.

    But, you do whatever floats YOUR boat....that's kind of the point!

    samntha - I *might* get away with ZERO Xmas baking. My son was at a bday party on the weekend that had "gingerbread chocolate" cupcakes. He LOVED them. So, when I said, "so if I just go buy those cupcakes, I can forget all about all the Xmas baking??" and he AGREED!!! Oh my stars, that would FREE up that weekend before Xmas if I didn't have to do baking. I'd be in HEAVEN!

    Can't get away with no baking here. I am thinking of going on a baking strike to see if my 5th grader would get desprite and learn how to bake herself. she has no interest but she and hubby need their cookies....
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    It's lame here, got a little walking in during lunch. Between bad weather and family illness I haven't had a good workout in a while. December is always a tough month for me fitness wise. But I usually rebound in January so just trying to maintain til then. I've done stage 2 A/B once but too long in between sessions now.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, you're not alone, lol. I have to maximize my time and get the biggest bang for the buck body shape and health-wise. So that means HIIT and weights 3X week for me!

    Sam, you look ripped- that's why he's hitting on you!

    Rocky, I'm just hoping to maintain this month as well. Here's to a great January!

    I managed to do well at work, but I made the mistake of keeping my cals a little too low while I was there. Ate lunch at 1200 and when I got home at 430, I was grabbing everything in site(I carb binge when I get too hungry). Several m&ms and some cereal later, I was able to control myself, but I definitely wasn't planning on using 500+ cals for junk today.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    Can't get away with no baking here. I am thinking of going on a baking strike to see if my 5th grader would get desprite and learn how to bake herself. she has no interest but she and hubby need their cookies....

    I can't either, but I love baking! And, as far as my intake goes, sometimes coeliac disease has its advantages, lol. I can't eat any of it so I don't need to worry. However, Christmas usually generates an influx of wine and chocolate...... which I consume in vast quantities :drinker: