Daily Chat Thread



  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, and a small success… I finally got my protein over 100g! Have been trying to find ways to get more in that doesn't break the bank (beef and chicken are expensive in Germany, pork is cheap and I don't really eat pork). Today I succeeded. Hooray!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Have also been keeping up with yoga and it makes such a difference to the soreness.

    do you take a class?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Honestly, anytime I PR I am sore. Anytime I add even 5 pounds I am sore and everytime I squat I am sore unless it's a deload week. Even when I walk, even when I roll. I don't mind though. It's not like when I first started Stage 1, or the week after vacation.

    Today was DLs - 10x150, thenI did extensions and curls (all legs) and abs. Hard workout and I'm feeling it now. This afternoon is the holiday party but it's at a great place - good food

    I think this time of year is so stressful and wears on relationships! Wishing everyone a peaceful rest of the day.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Have also been keeping up with yoga and it makes such a difference to the soreness.

    do you take a class?

    I have DVDs that I love. Called Nameste and they do a great job of building up the sequences and talking you through them but keeping it moving. You can try an episode on their website http://www.namaste.tv/pages/share. I loved it so much I got their DVDs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    suelegal - I think you're my DOMs twin!!!!

    I didn't work-out today because it was finance dept's "festivus" lunch. Was fun! I kept my calorie-count to a fair amount - chose spinach salad (with poppyseed dressing), turkey, roast veggies and a little rice. No potatoes. No dessert. No bun. Good enough!

    I might work-out tomorrow....but, I might save that until Friday. We'll see how it goes around here!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    No lifting for me today- I will go with my friend tomorrow. I'm eating too many cookies and not enough "good" stuff, but I'm maintaining, so I guess I'm doing ok.
    Manic, it's definitely a grieving process. Great job getting to the gym. After seeing my sister go through a very scary period for a few years, all I can say is keep loving on her and praying for her.
    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Goals for 2014: continue slowly losing fat. I would like to lose at least an inch from my waist and 1.5 inches from my hips by April. I think it's doable. I will start cutting again in Jan.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Everyone seems to be in such a positive frame of mind today. Awesomeness! Manic, congrats on the loss. COwgirl you are doing super as well :) Sue Keep those PRs coming.

    It's 24 hours after the first lift in a new stage so that mean "Hello DOMS, how have I missed you." No gym tonight and tomorrow's cardio will be walking through the TIme Square :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I didn't make it to the gym. Husband had to be gone all day and I don't do the gym late in the evening/night. I WILL go tomorrow. It really helped my mood. Today Before supper, 18 year old boy and I danced in the kitchen. CRAZILY. :bigsmile: It was fun.

    Yep, I lost another pound this week. Down to 146. ((doing the Cabbage patch dance)) But still oh so fatty.

    Cowgirl, we are trying to get her to come back home. She's only 20 and making horrible choices. NO drugs. No pregnancy. We can be thankful for that. We text every day but that's only begun in the past couple days. I am loving her and begging her to come home so we can work things out. But I "only make her feel horrible". UGH.

    I am not getting those DOMS anymore. What's up? Do I need to switch up my workouts? majorly increase weights?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    After a little extended family squabble this morning left me seething for a bit, my husband asks , "are you lifting today? I hope so." Lol

    :laugh: Love it!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hello All,

    I am new to this. In fact I just started on Monday. What do you all do on your rest days? I walked/jogged yesterday, but I'm pretty sore.

    Thanks in advance for any advice. :-)

    take a nice bath, roll and do stretching and range of motion stuff, cry....not really but sometimes it hurts a lot. Seriously I take a enzyme combination when I 'm really sore along with the rolling and drink lots of water..
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Oh, and a small success… I finally got my protein over 100g! Have been trying to find ways to get more in that doesn't break the bank (beef and chicken are expensive in Germany, pork is cheap and I don't really eat pork). Today I succeeded. Hooray!

    Gosh, I think I have the opposite situation I eat a ton of protein. Do you eat eggs? fish or protein powder?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Good day today, 45 minutes of HIIT and lifting session:
    Phase 2 WO A
    front plank 1 min x 2
    side planks, 30s & 40s sets
    Cable single leg and arm row 10x 40#, 10x30# (dropped down to have better form)
    Body weight squat jumps 2 sets of 12
    Reverse DB squat 3 sets of 10 with 20# pair
    DB 2 point rows 1 set of 10 at 20#, 2 sets of 10 at 25#
    Romanian DL 3 sets of 10 at 75#
    2 sets of push ups, 1 set of elevated push ups

    Good session, nice to break a run of very seditairy days. :happy:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I've had too many glasses of wine, pasta and butterscotch pudding today-/ and I took a three hour nap.

    Back to lifting tomorrow Im bringing my Dad to the gym!
    I've been struggling with my mood- but I'm happy to have my parents visit for the holiday.

    Rocky I love my foam roller!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I had a FUN lifting session today - while I'm in between stages (starting new one Jan - too much on atm), I thought I'd just pick a few and get an hour in.

    So I did 15 mins intervals (treadmill), then 3 sets of 10 each on swiss ball rollouts, squat jumps (18kg), DLs, push ups (feet elevated) & Bulgarian spilt squats. Then was running out of time so did 2 sets of 10 for shoulder press and the side plank row from supercharged. Very hot here today (43 degrees C) so the sweat was epic, lol.

    Nice to mix it up a bit, and skip the bits I don't like so much. That said, it'll be good to refocus after xmas.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I lift, and on my alternate days I do cardio - TRX Suspension Training, Core, Hip Hop Abs, Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays....I decided to make Saturday and Sunday my complete rest days...sometimes I will go for Zumba on Saturday...or go for a swim...but on Sunday, strictly a resting day...or I ride the Harley!!

    Congrats on beginning!
    Hello All,

    I am new to this. In fact I just started on Monday. What do you all do on your rest days? I walked/jogged yesterday, but I'm pretty sore.

    Thanks in advance for any advice. :-)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Yay for you!

    I struggle with that too. I think the highest I eat is 70g....the 100% Whey Protein Isolate does help me get there.
    Oh, and a small success… I finally got my protein over 100g! Have been trying to find ways to get more in that doesn't break the bank (beef and chicken are expensive in Germany, pork is cheap and I don't really eat pork). Today I succeeded. Hooray!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I've been doing only shoveling on my off days lately. I haven't run in over a week! I had big plans for at least a walk yesterday but that didn't happen. B7 today.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, and a small success… I finally got my protein over 100g! Have been trying to find ways to get more in that doesn't break the bank (beef and chicken are expensive in Germany, pork is cheap and I don't really eat pork). Today I succeeded. Hooray!

    Gosh, I think I have the opposite situation I eat a ton of protein. Do you eat eggs? fish or protein powder?

    I do have protein powder after my lifting, occasionally before a run if it is a later evening one and I haven't eaten for a couple hours. I do eat chicken and salmon (sometimes Tuna) daily, but still never seem to get my protein over 100g. I had meat with every meal the last couple days and that is helping! Though… I am not sure how much more meat I can eat. I usually have quinoa for a grain as well… I am not a huge pasta or rice fan and quinoa gives me carbs and protein.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I'm lucky if I get 75g - 85g of protein a day, lol - and I'm TALL!

    Today I'm gonna squeak a visit back to the gym. Hope I don't KILL it because I wanna squish one in tomorrow. I'm so competitive with myself that when I get to the gym, I look at last work-outs' numbers and try to replicate/beat those! Ugh. Today, I have to PREPARE myself, mentally, to just GO LOWER on the weights. Just for today.

    Tomorrow, I can KILL IT - if DOMs don't strike.

    Saturday is cardio....with a little Xmas party in the women's changeroom afterward with all my gym buddies. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Baileys!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Today was a spin day, Gawd it kills me. Lots of high tension, out of the saddle with sprints mixed in. Between DLs yesterday and this spin today I can barely walk!! OUCH!

    I'm almost always over 100 on protein. I eat fish and other seafood, plain greek yogurt, eggs, bacon, chicken, cottage cheese, bacon, beef and pork

    On rest days I rest - I might walk up to Times Square if it falls on a work day, and I might do a couple of flights of stairs if I'm doing laundry, but generally I just rest.

    Beeps I do the very same thing - I always try to at least do the same weight but usually I push for more, even if it's only #5 more.