Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Holiday! I ate whatever I wanted and didn't stress. I'll get back in my groove now that most of the festivities are over. I fully expect to have a lb or two of true gain as my logging has been lax.

    QOTD: what was the tastiest thing you ate during your celebration? What was the best gift you received?

    My favorite food is always the dessert. For some reason this year I couldn't stay out of the Pecan Pie. The handbag from my husband was my favorite gift- not because of what it was, but because he went out of his way to purchase it and make sure I had a gift to open on Christmas.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I got snowshoes! And the tastiest thing? Umm. Risotto with ham and butternut was awfully good, as was the Christmas sangria I made. I didn't really log the 23, 24 or 25th, but suspect more of my calories came from tasty beverages than dessert! A rarity but likely, ast cousin kept ganging me new things to try.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Back on it today. Body Pump this morning. Have eaten my bodyweight in chocolate the past 2 days lol. No exercise either - xmas day I actually didn't feel good at all (kids had me up at 3am!!) and yesterday I had hoped to get some sales shopping activity but it was more standing around in queues than marching through the malls! So today we have active plans and we are going on hols tomorrow. After previous weight loss (unintended), I'm really not bothered about any temporary gains. Looking forward to refocusing on the weights after the NY.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The best thing was the party platter I picked up at Philly Pretzel Factory for my family's CHristmas Eve party. Everyone cleaned it out!!

    I got back on track today, ad went to zumba. I like taking a class to kickstart my time back at the gym. It gets me motivated and I know I'll show up when I'm on someone else's time. It's a head game. Best gift was my new Kindle paperwhite (so I can read in the dark) and new Nike workout gear. BEst the BEST gift was having the chance to spoil my kids rotten and our day in NYC
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Tastiest- Same here with the Pecan Pie. LOVED it. THe crust was buttery and flaky.

    Best gift-Hubs bought me my first expensive purse. I usually find one in the Dept store brand. But he bought me a Dooney & burke. Even used a store coupon LOL Saved $30

    It will be next year before I get to the gym. Probably the first full week of January. Next week we will be out of town. I feel so bloated, sluggish, and GROSS. Nauseated from all the junk.

    A good friend of mine had gastric bypass surgery yesterday. I am hoping this works for her. She had the lap band years ago and no success. She seems positive and motivated to eat what's recommended. She is extremely obese and this was the last option for her. I'm proud of her. The surgery is life changing.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Tastiest had to be the fresh ham we had at our friends' home, followed by a cheesecake cake. My best present is the grandmother's ring my hubby picked out and had made for me. I don t have it yet - he give me a picture of it!

    I did a spin class yesterday, nothing today though I'd planned to go lift - I didn't sleep well last night. When that happens, I forego the workout for an extra hour of sleep.

    I am ready to "restart" with my 2014 goals in mind. My lifts this last week of December are deloads so the new year really will be a fresh start!

    Glad to hear everyone else is ready to begin anew too! Yea us!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was hoping to post about my lifting session, but I"m still waiting for hubby to get home so I can leave. Apparently he went for a night ride without telling me. I worry. Tick tock

    I realize that many of the gifts I gave my family are self-serving lol. My youngest got a tablet of his own to get my ipad back. My oldest got a chromebook to get him off our computers (he needs his own now AND I will be stealing it to take to work) and hubby got a foam roller. Yes I will be using it as well and now he can massage his own damn legs lol.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello everyone.
    The tastiest foods were halibut with leeks and dessert of lemon bars. We had traditional Italian Christmas dinner which features lots of fish.
    I am in stage five but feeling a little stuck- the workout takes a long time and I feel tired by the end but I haven't been able to increase much even though the number of reps per set is low.
    I am ready to start a new stage but I have about two more weeks of stage 5
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hang in there PM. The increases in these stages, especially on the auxiliary lifts, is miniscule.

    Well I made it to the gym. I love 9 pm on a Friday. It's one hour before closing and the place is dead. I even ran into my buddy Stan who complimented my arms. Decent WO. I hit 100 on my wide DL. I can do better, but I'm not pushing. Maybe I'll give the foam roller a try lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Favourite food: the turkey

    Favourite gift: we didn't exchange gifts this year - 'cause we're heading to mexico in February!

    And, since i'm sure I weight 5-lbs more, I have PLENTY o' dieting to do come sunday.

    Tomorrow is hubby's bday, then back-on-track.

    I am fat and out of shape - all due to a one-week-break! Doesn't take very long....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Tastiest- Same here with the Pecan Pie. LOVED it. THe crust was buttery and flaky.

    Best gift-Hubs bought me my first expensive purse. I usually find one in the Dept store brand. But he bought me a Dooney & burke. Even used a store coupon LOL Saved $30.

    Sounds exactly like my hubby. Made me very happy. I hope your friend has great success with the Surgery!

    Sue, that sounds like a lovely gift!

    PM, that sounds extremely delicious. Hang in there on Stage 5. You'll get a break in 6!

    Sam, I completely understand buying gifts that actually help you out. I contemplated getting an iPad for our kids because they use mine so much. But I think they're a little young for it. The time will come soon enough. Yay for compliments at the gym!

    Oh, Beeps, you're too hard on yourself!

    Got a good lifting session in today. The Strength workouts in Supercharged consist of:
    2 X 10 (or 30 secs) of 2 core exercises
    3 X 6 of DLs and a push exercise or Squat and pull exercise
    2 X 15 of push, single-leg, pull, lunge
    Then 2 exercises as many sets possible of 8 reps in 5 mins

    It is a very intense workout. I always leave the gym feeling like jello even if I don't up my weights. Today was squat day and my legs were already sore immediately after. I'm thinking once I get my eating back in line, I'll have some great results!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You can do it, pm! I'm getting bored at the end of stage 1 a bit as well. Just gotta muscle through!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That does sound like an intense workout cowgirl. I didn't get my son an ipad, he's too young to take care of a $500 piece of equipment. He got a $50 9in android. Or my cousin went with the $200 samsung galaxy. My other son's Chromebook I got on sale for $200. It was less expensive and better than mine. Go figure.

    I'm a little sore this morning which means I'll be a lot sore latter. I tried foam rolling last night. My shoulders are now killing me. I think I need to watch some videos on that. Hubby has used it everyday lol. The best gift he never knew he wanted.

    I've been home for a week and feel like vacation hasn't started yet. As is usually the case with the holidays, there is family drama to contend with and this time it will involve lawyers. I'm just so blessed that my husband and boys are so awesome. They are my solace in the world.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ok I think I forgot to mention. This one is kind of cool. Someone highjacked a pic of my husband during a fatbike race from the internet and used it on come company's merchandizing. Long story short, the "artist" bought the photo license from the pro photographer who took the pic and the company who is using his image sent them all kinds of free swag as payment.
    Check it out, my hubby is on a hoody lol http://mud-sweat-gears.com/products/snow-fear-hoodie
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, that is way cool! Your hubby must be hardcore!
    I'm ridiculously sore too. I haven't been drinking enough water and I think it makes a difference. I really cant tell if rolling helps me or not. i

    My protein and veggies have been low for me lately. Trying to remedy that this week starting today. currently stuffing my face with chicken and broccoli.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You're a better woman than me Cowgirl. I had waffles for breakfast, pizza for lunch, chocolate for snack and pancakes for dinner. I haven't had a fruit, vegetable or protein all day. YEs, hubby is the hardest of the hardcore. He puts thousands instead of hundreds of miles on his bikes and is in better shape at 39 than most people in their 20's. His coach convinced him to go back to competing in MTB racing this year and he is THE fatbike guy for Jersey. I'm just so proud.

    In the gym last night there was this couple working together. Of course the guy brings the reluctant girl into the weight area (thank God for small favors) and tries to get her deadlifting. SHe was a larger girl obviously not accustomed to exercise seems to have never have picked up a weight in her life. To start with the bar can be very intimidating in this scenario. I give her major kudos for giving it a go! Sadly her form was terrible to point where it is a miracle she didn't seriously injure herself. I watched her do one set and was on the verge of intervening when one of the trainers actually stopped his session with a client to help her and showed proper form. I have to say he did a great job too. I may not use the trainers, but it's good to know they aren't complete idiots and they highly encourage women to lift. I NEVER see them walking folks over to a cardio machines unless it's for a warm up or post-workout interval training.

    Well I was thinking about going for a swim today, but hubby id getting home late again. DAmn you off season base mile camp!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ha, the rest of my day wasn't so stellar. Lots of m&ms and cookies. At least I got some veggies and 145 grams of protein in. I'd eat breakfast every meal, but I'd want bacon, eggs, biscuits 'n gravy!

    That's great the trainer stopped the girl. At least he can say, "Hey, I'm a PT, let me give you some pointers..." I've wanted to give advice to people, but at my gym I doubt they'd listen.

    I'm really torn on my goals for this year. Since I've been eating close to maintenance, things are easier- I almost don't need to log my food. I'm finally seeing my strength increase for the first time in a while. I just can't decide what I really want- a slow recomp but with some measurable strength gains or faster fat loss without any PRs. I don't know what will keep me more motivated in the long run. The more I read, the more I think it's better just to keep cutting until I'm as lean as I want to be(or even leaner) and then do a bulk or just eat at maintenance.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam that's great that your hubby is so fit.

    I just ate hazelnut bourbon pie. I did not know there was also chocolate in it!!!!!! It was amazing, but almost half a days calories.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My goal this year is financial, but I know I need to get a fitness one in there. Not sure what it can be.

    THanks PM. While hubby is incredibly fit, I worry that he's going too hard and wearing himself out. THis man of boundless energy is falling asleep on the couch at 9:30 and doesn't really have the energy for anything else once he gets home.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    We did a 7-course tasting menu at a fancy-pants restaurant for hubby's bday.

    I ate only half of each plate that arrived - and my husband ate his own portion plus my half! Everything was deeeeeeee-lish, but I was just so sick of eating!

    Anyway, it was a super-fun time and we really liked the food.

    Today feels like a "no eating" day - we are traveling home! Mind you, that doesn't mean "no calories", as I sit here with plenty o' Bailey's in my coffee. Forgive me - that's what it takes for me to survive these holidays!