Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Looks everybody has been so busy. YEsterday we walked approximately 3 miles in Manhattan having the time of our lives, eating the world's best Pizza, giant pretzels from street vendors, and waffles and dinges YUM. The kids saw Santa at MAcy's in Herald square (always a wonderful experience), rode the ferris wheel at the toys R us in Times Square, watched the ice skaters in Bryant Park , and then stood under the tree in Rockerfeller Plaza :)

    Today I kicked off my vacation with a long winter nap.

    what? REALLY? you were right outside my office and didn't holler at me? I am katty-korner across the street! In the same building as Bubba Gump and Hard Rock!! Girl!
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift on yesterday followed by 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I forget how much I hate the stationary bike. Prefer Elliptical if I cannot get outside. I just don't find them comfortable at all. I use to do a spin class at 5am twice a week and I really miss that. I tried one once at the gym I go to now and it was the most boring thing in the world! The instructor was not at all motivational, there was no encouragement, no excitement, nothing. He just cranked up some crappy 80s techno music and would occasionally tell you to up the resistence. There are times I really miss living in the States!

    Anyway, I guess I at least got 30 minutes of cardio in. I knew I had to go into town after work and wouldn't get a run in. My inserts have rubbed/pressed weird on my arch and I can barely walk without feeling like the muscles in my foot are being torn apart. Not sure what that is about. I took my inserts out for my run on Thursday, and it was not great but better. I can also still use my Vibrams since they over exaggerate (n a good way) running on the forefoot. I just cannot run much more than 7km in them until I build up more (they REALLY work the calves). It is disappointing because I really want to get at least one long run in each week. Gotta love set backs from injury. At least it doesn't effect my lifting!

    Christmas dinner with friends tonight. I need to get a dessert made for that and I would really like to bring in some Christmas goodies for those of us that are still at the office on Monday! At least half the people in my department are already on hols.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I did start stage 5 today with my Dad.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Looks everybody has been so busy. YEsterday we walked approximately 3 miles in Manhattan having the time of our lives, eating the world's best Pizza, giant pretzels from street vendors, and waffles and dinges YUM. The kids saw Santa at MAcy's in Herald square (always a wonderful experience), rode the ferris wheel at the toys R us in Times Square, watched the ice skaters in Bryant Park , and then stood under the tree in Rockerfeller Plaza :)

    Today I kicked off my vacation with a long winter nap.

    what? REALLY? you were right outside my office and didn't holler at me? I am katty-korner across the street! In the same building as Bubba Gump and Hard Rock!! Girl!
    AH, Now I know exactly where you are. I'm not afraid of the city anymore, so we will definitely have to meet up.

    My exercise today was bouncing around at Pump it Up and finishing my Christmas shopping. I didn't go over-board, I jumped off a cliff into the the abyss of the ocean. I ended up with some extra money this month...I spent it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    should I just give up on getting to the gym before thursday? Congrats to the ladies getting it done!! ANd Happy birthday Mary :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    It's looking like Thursday for me after today didn't go well. Midway through the first set of rows, the headache I had Thursday through Saturday returned with a vengeance. I tried to continue but couldn't. Stupid time of the month. So I'm hoping to get a run in tomorrow or Tuesday but that's it.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I did start stage 5 today with my Dad.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Why? Don't give up :flowerforyou:
    should I just give up on getting to the gym before thursday? Congrats to the ladies getting it done!! ANd Happy birthday Mary :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    It wasn't *my* challenge that I was in, it was "kcthatsme" - she'll run another one come January (I bet sign-up is right now!), so I'll dive right back in when I return on Dec.30th.

    I think I *know* what went wrong: I believe is that even though I *think* I've been eating at a "deficit", clearly I have not been! A couple of things went REALLY wrong, particularly at the end.

    What went wrong?

    1. I was supposed to have only 1 eat-up day per week. I was PERFECT in September, but come October/November/December, most weeks I had 2. Some weeks I had 3....those "eat-up" days can easily diminish into NOTHING all the low-calorie days.

    2. I think my low-calorie days weren't quite low-enough. So, come January, I'm going to knock off another 100 calories per day to make sure I really AM in the calorie-deficit I think I am.

    3. 3 x weekly work-outs is great, but I think it won't help me move off the rest of this bodyfat. I have to decide if I can throw in another couple work-outs, without turning into HUNGER DEMON. Might try it. Might not. Might wait until spring where, at least, I can get out walking every single night if I choose!

    I will be very honest by saying I am 100% HAPPY with the way that I look in my clothes! I have now been weight-lifting for 2.3 years and the WAY that my figure has changed is, for me, nothing short of MIRACULOUS. I worked HARD for it and I'm really enjoying myself, when clothed.

    However, when "less-than-clothed", I still have some work to do. I don't believe I have 20 lbs to shed, but I do believe another 10 lbs shed (which has more to do with what that equates for in inches lost, than the scale.....I hope you understand that) will really keep me within striking distance of where I want to be.

    Goals are SO individual - it's totally okay that you don't have the same goals as me. It's totally okay that I don't have the same goals as you.

    I also want to work on unassisted pull-ups in 2014 and better/more push-ups, too. The bodyfat coming off will help the look of my lower body. The pull-ups/push-ups work will help the look of my upper body.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Here's the next challenge (running Dec. 30/13 - April 14/14) --->>> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/18086-creating-the-best-me
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Monday workout DONE! Squats at 100, SLDL and stepups, back extensions and abs for accessory work. It was very difficult today - the gym was just too hot and I was sweating like crazy. I ran out of energy but I kept pushing through. Not my best day but a good workout nonetheless

    Beeps I love how clear you are about your goals! I also am glad to hear you say you are happy with how your look clothed. I'm not there yet but I realize that despite continuing my program I have not been pushing myself like I did with NROL4W.

    Here's what I know I've been doing wrong.

    Half-assed tracking/logging - that is my biggest problem - and always has been! both food and exercise!

    Not pushing myself enough (partly due to half assed logging) - instead of increasing or maintaining, I realize that I actually have dropped down in some of my accessory lifting.

    Not finishing hard. One of the women I know who is also doing 5/3/1 suggested doing drop sets - starting as heavy as possible and then as I become fatigued, drop weights. I haven't been doing that but my new rule is GO HEAVIER first!

    My goals for 2014 are similar to yours Beeps
    I want 10 pounds off
    I want to reduce body fat
    I want to do an unassisted pullup/chinup!

    To achieve those goals, I'm going to
    Lift 4x per week
    Maintain a better and complete lifting log (spreadsheet) with monthly goals (in theory, I should have had this doing 5/3/1 but...)
    Eat at a 150 cal deficit (technically right where I am, but again, crappy logging!)

    The trainer I've been working with has left the gym, so I have to find someone else - I actually got a recommendation this weekend. I will call him and see if he's willing to work early mornings. I'm not looking for a full time trainer but I know I need someone to occasionally spot me and keep me honest. Although I have several acquaintances at the gym, none lift like me, except for 1 woman and she's off on her own too.

    Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and Peaceful Solstice
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Here's the next challenge (running Dec. 30/13 - April 14/14) --->>> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/18086-creating-the-best-me

    Thanks for the link. When I look back at the last six weeks I have really been getting one weight training session in a week. So to start my new year I am setting a goal of two a week and three HIIT sessions and walks when I can. I'd love three days a week to weight train but not realistic I can make to a gym that often usually.

    I want to post a selfie but first I have to teach myself how...

    I sucked down four egg nogs with rum yesterday and I'm down a half pound today. :huh:

    :drinker: Here's to a happy holiday, stay safe everyone.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    :drinker: and to you Rocky :-)

    Going to combat today, had a rest day yesterday after DOMS and general 'yuk' feeling meant body was not capable of a workout. Don't know what that was about. Hoping to get a walk in on Christmas day too.

    My plan is to start supercharged hypertrophy in the New Year - we are away after Christmas until NYE anyway. In the gap, I shall re read the book and focus on creating some goals. While doing that I shall continue to log and remain active.

    Merry Christmas everyone :smile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I had a yuck day today. Hate it when that happens. My mind was willing, but the body wasn't!

    Sue, I like your goals!

    Beeps, that's the great thing about logging- we can look back and see where went wrong. But even though you didn't lose any weight, I'm sure you did a little recouping. You will OWN 2014!

    Rocky- I think 2 days a week will still get you results. 1 day a week probably won't do much, so I think that's a great goal. Merry Christmas to you too!

    I had a very crappy lifting session tonight. I got to the gym and my body just would not do what I was asking it to do. I decided my crappy diet and TOM must be taking its toll on me and got out of there after some mountain climbers, squats, inverted rows, shoulder presses, and bird dogs. I will hit it hard Thursday.
    I've been thinking a lot about goals lately. I'm so torn between increasing my lifts and losing fat. Those two don't go together for me anymore- I have to pick one or the other. I think I will go to a 15-20% deficit in January and try to get another 10lbs(and inch from my waist) off by Summer. Then I will look at maintaining through the Summer....maybe.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lifting was great today! The gym was almost empty I could almost run laps in there, and not bump into anyone.

    I keep repeating the last week of Stage 1 until January when I will move onto Stage 2. Will continue lifting at the hotel while on vacation.

    Love seeing your goals on here. Keep lifting ladies and enjoy the holidays!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, everyone. Been MIA. My Bday was Sunday. Kids made me breakfast in bed served on new Fiesta dishes. (son purchased them ) Husband gave me a BookBook for my iphone. Love it. Looks like a small book . It will hold iphone and license and a few cards. I requested NO cake. I don't care for bday cake. I did request Chocolate no bake Oatmeal cookies. Thankfully, Walmart has them in the deli. LOL

    No workouts this week. Only got 2 in last week. Hopefully next week I can get 4 in at least.

    I am in awe of yall who are lifting and eating correctly. I just can't this week.. Not even logging.
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    Got my lift in this morning. I didn't make it yesterday (Monday) despite my best efforts. The weekend was really busy and I just couldn't get out of bed at 5. Today was a little easier, though I had to fight the urge to roll over for another hour. Looking forward to half day at work and two days off. I have just three more sessions in Stage 1. I am not really planning on taking a break in between. I am trying to get back on track with my running schedule as well. Not sure what my goals for 2014 are yet. I will have to sit down and think about that over the next week, see if I can set some mini-goals as well.

    Have a great Christmas everyone!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I did stage five b today. I am looking forward to stage six as this feels repetitive. I guess I'd rather 2 sets of ten than 4 sets of 4 or 5.
    I am working today and tomorrow - but plan to celebrate at dinner- I am going to log out of curiosity

    Happy Holidays to everyone
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Merry Christmas ladies! Eat drink and be merry...even if you don't celebrate. Yeah, No gym until Thursday. It's all good.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone! I'm finishing up a pair of socks that I've been knitting for a girlfriend - we're driving up to their home to spend Christmas day with them. I still have a pile to wrap but it's for the Ohio gang. I'll do that next weekend. Hope you all have a wonderful day!