Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey ladies. no lifting or cardio today. I bought 2 bushels of apples for $13 each . I have a bushel left to make applesauce, apple butter, and apple pie filling. I would like to get it finished today.

    I was actually eating more meat than I thought ! I'm not a big eater but it seems I was eating close to portion size by guestimating. That's pretty good news. The bad news , I wasn't logging near enough.


    due to weighing food, I've managed to lose about half a pound without changing my diet!!

    Good enough Beeps! :wink:

    Keep up the fight, ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    that's friggin' AWESOME, manic!

    I read, and read, and read that "weighing/measuring" is 100% the way to go (if you're plateauing, for example, or gaining....).

    Instead, I end up relying on protein shakes or protein bars because they have an identifiable measure (without weighing/measuring)....one day, when I'm near a kitchen, things might change...
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    the previous post should say "not a big MEAT eater" I am definitely a big eater :laugh:

    OH , and I forgot to tell yall I've lost another 1/2 inch off natural waist. But nothing on the lower half BOO!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm so ticked off - MFP acted up for me all day yesterday! I posted 2x here, both of which have never made it I can see! I hate when that happens, cuz I can't remember what I said now.

    I lifted yesterday - but I switched around and did OHP, incline bench, lat pulldowns, rows, and suicides. I am still unbelievably sore from Saturday's workout - quads, hams and glutes are as sore as they were when I started NROL4W and rolling, strectching and even my spin class today hasn't really helped much. I love that I worked hard but wow, it even hurts to get out of my chair!

    Wow Sam, wish there was a Muscle Maker near me!! Re: TRX, you have to come workout with me some Saturday morning - my trainer is the best TRX guy in the gym and really gets you working! I made a donation for your kids - I think it's awesome that you are that dedicated, sadly not all teachers are! Your students are very lucky.

    Jo, I honestly don't know how people are nurses or assistants in hospitals/homes/hospice. I will say this - I think too much is expected and consequently many cut corners especially when it comes to basic cleanliness. I'm not criticizing all nurses, but I had several instances where the nurses on my husband's unit were NOT careful and the iso rooms were not cleaned well! I think being a mid-wife must be the coolest thing in the world!

    I have the same thigh issues. I've found that Gloria Vanderbilt jeans (Costco around $15-$19) actually fit me best. I wear a 12 generally - but it really depends on how the pants are made!

    Beeps in my earlier post that disappeared I said Happy Thanksgiving (I'm late now!) and I also said have a fun date night!!

    Mary, congrats on both the inches lost and the weight loss!! Way to go girl!

    Oh yea, I also set my goals for this week

    1. lift at least 3x and spin 2x
    2. track cals carefully (I've been pathetically lax lately!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Thanks, suelegal....our catered meal was terrible....so, off to hunt for new caterer before Xmas is upon us....

    I like your goals!

    Mine are this:

    1. maintenance calories this week (TOM);
    2. 2 x lifting this week (Monday holiday stole one from me!);
    3. scheduled cardio on Saturday;
    4. don't let head POP off when 6th weekend in a row is hijacked with incoming company (from out of town). Why? Because there's a 7th next weekend.
    5. find some extra zzzzzzzzzzzz's SOMEWHERE. Something's gotta give.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks for the info Beeps. I might invest in VI for Christmas and make it 2014's workout.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hiya ladies,

    I am halfway through S5 and am starting to think about where I want to be going after I've finished NRs. I have been looking at Abs and Supercharged. I have also been looking at the Venus Index, however I'm not too sure yet. I've seen after pictures and the results look amazing but the video presentation is rather naff so was wondering if anyone here can give a personal testimonial?

    I am still struggling with weight/fat loss. I have packed on 5/6 lbs since starting NRs which is frustrating me beyond beilef. I want to ideally lose 20 lbs while still maintaining LBM. Yes, I want my cake AND I want to eat it! Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Have a rock'n'roll tuesday!

    I love Supercharged as a progression from Women. I have had great results from it. I am down 17lbs since starting it in March. Supercharged has more of a focus on overall conditioning which has been good for me. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the mainstream lifting programs though.

    You can lose 20lbs and retain most of your LBM (well, at least the LBM that counts). The key is eating at a very modest (10%-20%) deficit and not overdoing the cardio. Keep your protein levels high. The leaner you get, the more protein you need and the smaller the deficit . I love reading the "Eat, Train, Progress" forum here on MFP. It's full of info(actual intelligent, research-based discussions) on lifting and cutting.

    I love everyone's goals! It helps me to be "accountable" to others.

    Mary, that's great! Keep up your hardwork!

    Sue, that sounds like a great workout!

    I bought a pair of size 8 jeans from Gap Outlet last week. Wore them today and they nearly fell off me once I'd worn them for an hour. Hate it when that happens. I never know WHAT size to buy. They were 60% off, but still....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just popping in. I have a couple hours of paperwork to do tonight so I'm saying hi, no workout for me. I hope my new schedule with my week in reverse works out for me. I tend to accumulate tiredness as the week moves on, so having mon and tue off and doing Wed Th, Fri may be tricky but I have to give it a go.

    Mary Congrats in the 1/2 in and weight lost!!

    SUe I owe you big!!

    And thank you ladies for entertaining my project. It will be 100% funded tonight IN UNDER 48 HOURS!! I'm in shock.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Going to go check out the 'Eat, train, progress' forum now. Your results are amazing cowgirl. Thanks for your input. I really struggle with the protein intake and need to get that in check.

    I always find with Gap jeans, you need to buy a size smaller as they stretch once you put them on. Its frustrating though especially as you got them at such a good price. But hey good news, that means you're a size 4!

    Just been reading about your project Samntha, congrats on getting it done!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    chubby - you are just sharing about the 'eat, train, progress" forum N-O-W?!?!?!?!? Sheesh....i'd have liked to know about that "little secret" oh, a year ago....off to see it, now! (Better late than never!)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Eat, I *thought* I was buying a sz smaller- they were quite snug when I tried them on, LOL!

    Beeps, I am just now discovering the forum myself...I've been a member for a while, but just recently started reading all the good stuff. There's some "junk" to sort through, but it's got a lot of great info.

    No lifting today. Doing some much needed closet purging of the entire house.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    chubby - you are just sharing about the 'eat, train, progress" forum N-O-W?!?!?!?!? Sheesh....i'd have liked to know about that "little secret" oh, a year ago....off to see it, now! (Better late than never!)

    Haha yeah- me too! I want to check it out as well!

    I have been working for the last 2 years to build LBM. It's HARD. Eatrunstretch despite everything I lost some muscle with my last 20lb. Sigh. Well, I feel good and look good- at least in clothes- so that's OK.

    Had a little victory in the gym today! I am (as a lot of you know) starting the NROLFW the second time around with some modifications. Have had my dead lifts stuck at 6x115 due to grip strength- which is frustrating. The grip strength has also been the limit for my lunges. Anyway, today after I did one set of 6x115 it suddenly occurred to me that my prior trainer in my old gym had me do dead lifts with one hand overhand and the other hand underhand, instead of both overhand (like they show in the book, I think). So I tried that- and did two sets of 8x115. Woohoo! Every little bit, right?

    Love the story of the jeans, chubby! Too bad you can't take them back!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'm just going to short-cut it then, chubby....tell me WHICH threads in that group to:

    a. read; and
    b. avoid

    Thank you!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Damn, you're giving me another forum to read?! Ok, this is why I'm really only around on the weekend. Off to the gym, hopefully I can get there early enough to do my lifting/zumba combo, if not I can now do the Thursday class :)

    Oh and Cowgirl I think you just sold me on Supercharged. Is it in paperback yet lol?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I lied. I did the whole Zumba class. I couldn't resist.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm just going to short-cut it then, chubby....tell me WHICH threads in that group to:

    a. read; and
    b. avoid

    Thank you!
    Normally anything posted by Sarauk or SideSteel (the mods) is definitely worth reading. I love reading through the BF estimation thread just for fun. Even the question threads posted by members turn up some valuable info.

    I was reading something on another website about macros for your body type. I was thinking the whole endo morph, ectomorph, mesomorph is another one of those "does it really matter?" Things, but this info was interesting and matched up with how my body responds. What do you ladies think? Is there something to the somatotypes?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice work on your deadlifts Kathleen .

    I already liked the title of supercharged-- chubs endorsement makes it more appealing

    Unfortunately behind in my workouts this week, I will get back to the gym Friday .

    I have been a member of sarauk2sf for a few months and reading eat train progress--I am curious and that thread is high volume
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just had my first NROL4W workout (Stage 1, Workout A) yesterday. I'm not new to lifting, but man that kicked my @$$. Loved every second of it. I've never done a push-up AT the gym before--only at home. Was a little weird because I did it right next to the seated row machine because of the alternating sets. A few guys looked at me, but I've got a solid push-up, so I was okay with that :blushing:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    chubby - I don't believe in "macros for ecto/endo/meso" bodytypes. I do think, however, your "bodytype" might dictate what body-shape you can actually transform (or not) into...

    I did check-out that "bodyfat by looking at you thread" and I had to stop looking because I think it's pure b.s. Not even "for fun" could I do that to myself. Mind you, I've been saying, for 6 MONTHS, that I would go get a DEXA done and I still haven't managed to do that. In November, FOR SURE....I'm still feeling 'afraid' of what the results will show. Which is a totally LAME reason for NOT getting one done!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lol, Beeps. I think it's funny when someone posts and acts disappointed when their "estimate" is higher than what they thought it should be. People have a skewed view of what BF% looks like thanks to all the BF% charts floating around online. I think the mods of ETP underestimate a LOT.

    Primal, welcome to the fun! Sounds like you're waaaay ahead of where many of us started.

    I lifted this morning and it felt great.