Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam have you tried trx?

    Trying to get my trike on here
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Had to miss my workout today.... was on the way when I got called to a homebirth.... turned up in all my gym gear LOL. Good job I had a change in the car ;-)

    Oh well, never mind, good news is I get to skip my night shift tonight and so can do my workout tomorrow morning instead. And a beautiful baby girl has made her parents (and me!) very happy :flowerforyou:

    Love my (soon to be) job. Love lifting too..... but babies don't wait :wink:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've been eating like a pig and maintaining. I should up my calories a bit and eat smarter.

    For the start of the school year, my goal was to lift twice a week and run twice a week. I need to lift three times.

    I'm a guesstimator, too.

    Pmag, I don't know how to answer your front squat question. That's what I do when the program calls for back squats. I don't have a rack :embarassed: You have a hard time with balance when you're in the standing position, the bar is resting on your fingers and against your shoulders?

    Today, I lift. Right now, I stink. I should shower.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo do I take it that you are an RN practicing as a midwife? That's pretty cool. I'm enjoying my kid free husband free day off...doing reams of paperwork <sigh>

    No I haven't done TRX but I REALLY want to. My last gym had a separate studio for it, my current gym has nothing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    No lifting, today. Boo.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, though...
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    So I asked about weighing meat before or after cooking. I need clarification please. Do I want 3 oz weighed before I cook?

    I lifted today .
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo do I take it that you are an RN practicing as a midwife?

    Nope, I'm a second yr Midwifery student - direct entry. I've not done nursing xx
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ok, cool.

    Rest day today. Gotta love that 24hour mark when your legs start screaming at you.

    Had lunch at the Muscle Maker Grill. Where has this place been my whole life. Oh, that's right, less than a mile away. I was just to dumb to go. Huge plate of food, absolutely delicious, 450 cals, 61g protein, kept me full fr 6 hours. unheard of.

    Pumpkin pancakes for dinner. I'll be sic of it when the box is empty lol. Still under by 500 cals for the day. Ate dinner early, so I'll have something later.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh, and please don't hate me for posting this here, but I need all the support I can get. I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I've created a classroom project request at DonorsChoose.org, an award-winning charity.

    I'm asking for donations of any size to help my kids. For the next week, any donation you make to my project will be doubled (up to $100). If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class.

    Here's my classroom request: Netbooks For Tech Savy Learners http://www.donorschoose.org/project/netbooks-for-tech-savy-learners/1100118/

    To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the match code INSPIRE on the payment screen. This awesome match offer lasts through October 20, 2013.

    I understand that for many, making a donation right now may not be possible. Could you to vote for my project at Limades for Learning? It doesn't cost anything but 30 seconds of your time. http://www.limeadesforlearning.com/teachers/view/679322/default/1100118 You can vote everyday, and earn extra votes when you eat at Sonic. It sure would go a long way to earning the new laptop I desperately need for my classroom. (Have the grilled Chicken Sandwich, it's my favorite and healthy option)

    My students and I greatly appreciate your support.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    WTG Kristie and Rildev!

    Here are my catch-up comments:
    1> I had a migraine on Friday which was the same day apparently all y'all were sick- weird.
    2> Read with interest the BF% comments. I previously went to a gym that used the thingy that you hold out in front of you. When I switched gyms (and then switched again) I lost that, so started using an online calculator based on measurements. Now I have pretty much decided it;s a waste of time and I don't care anyway. What I want is for my weight to be up a little and my hips and thighs to be smaller. There you have it. Why calculate?
    3> Working my way through Stage 1 again. It's not as much fun as the other stages - but I got my squats up to 135lb today so I am happy with that.
    Headed on another trip Saturday, though.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    On and Pearl- that's EXACTLY why I don't have a food scale. I'm obsessive enough as it is.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!
    Mary, weigh it before you cook unless your packaging says, "Serving size: 3 oz cooked". The only way I have success is by weighing my food. I think you will find yourself meeting your goals easier by tracking more carefully.

    Pmag and Geeks, I will check in here with you guys on Mondays. My main goal until Thanksgiving is to be under my weekly total on cals. Then I'll give myself a little diet break.

    Jo, seems like people either love or hate delivering babies. I found the whole thing disgusting when I was in Nursing School. Now that I've had my own, it's not quite as bad, but I'm not sure I could ever do it myself. Kudos to you for being able to provide that service to women.

    Sam, I'll check out your site! I have the same issue with the thighs. Even the "curvy" made jeans are tight on my thighs. Right now, one of my thighs is only about 5 inches less than my waist. No wonder I can't find jeans that fit.

    Beeps, reality check- did you really eat that much over maintenance or is it just temporary water weight?

    Had an extremely busy weekend. I am feeling better today and did a short lifting session. Weight is down this morning to less than what I weighed after I had my first child. Thinking it's partially because I hadn't lifted in five days.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Sam - muscle maker grill sounds amazing!!!

    Cowgirl - lol, I feel the same about nursing. I had to do a nursing placement last year and I hated it. Everyone is ill and miserable - I cried every day! I think nurses have to do far worse things than midwives, lol. I was glad I had the experience - my Mum is a nurse and I never really realised what her job entailed until I was doing it myself. Kudos to ALL the nurses out there, it sure isn't easy.

    I did my last Basic 2A workout today (supercharged). Had to drop weights for the Bulgarian split squats as my legs are not playing the game at the moment. Going to have some DOMS I expect.... one more B workout but not sure when. Maybe Thurs. Then I am working all weekend so probably won't get to lift until Tues. That's ok. I need a few days off.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Chubby - I think my maintenance number is lower than what many calculators, including at Venus Index, provide for a woman who is 5'9". I am tired of going too low, though, and am learning to accept a slight deficit keeps me happy.

    Manic - why are you trying to weigh food? Be clear about. The "why", or progress maybe impacted.

    No lifting until Wednesday. Date night tomorrow night. BOOM!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I had a busy day back at work after a week off---and I took a forty five minute lunch to get my sacroiliac steroid injection. I am hoping to see some improvement over the next week.
    Runzalot- I have trouble keeping the bar in the right place as I bend too far forward in the squat part of the front squat. Then I have trouble at the top of the movement- I do feel as if the bar will go shooting up.
    I think the squat problem will improve with practice and the throwing the bar will get fixed with a heavier weight but I would appreciate suggestions.
    Is it better to have your feet wider than shoulder's width apart?

    Chubby- appreciate your checking in- I won't lift tomorrow because of the injection but can still make 3x if I can do wed and fri..

    Sam- will check out your site kudos for trying to get what your kids need.
    Beeps hope your date nights good
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Hiya ladies,

    I am halfway through S5 and am starting to think about where I want to be going after I've finished NRs. I have been looking at Abs and Supercharged. I have also been looking at the Venus Index, however I'm not too sure yet. I've seen after pictures and the results look amazing but the video presentation is rather naff so was wondering if anyone here can give a personal testimonial?

    I am still struggling with weight/fat loss. I have packed on 5/6 lbs since starting NRs which is frustrating me beyond beilef. I want to ideally lose 20 lbs while still maintaining LBM. Yes, I want my cake AND I want to eat it! Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Have a rock'n'roll tuesday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I went to Venus Index through californiagirl here at mfp....so (thankfully), I skipped all the smarmy-marketing (that, I'm now told, is "standard Venus").

    I'm pretty happy with Venus - have been there over 1 year, now.

    Mind you, I started with NROL4W, then moved onto NROL4Abs and finally NROL4Life. I actually own "supercharged", but am too lazy to do a "design-your-own" program. Venus spoon-feeds me my work-outs which for me is JUST FINE.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    How do you feel the Venus workouts compare? I'm particularly curious about the way Venus claims to 'work with women's bodies' and really 'customize to your goals.' How different is it?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    pearlmullet - Venus pays attention to some of the smaller muscle groups (bi's and tri's come to mind) that NROL doesn't bother with. And, there's recognition that, for some exercises, going heavier-and-heavier isn't the point (i.e. lateral raises come to mind - even Venus'es with GREAT arms don't go very heavy on lateral raises....).

    Of course, there's the standard fare:

    1. different types of squats
    2. different types of deadlifts
    3. different types of lunges

    Also, Venus tends to focus more on DB usage (i.e. to correct imbalances and force each side to "do its share") where I see NROL using BB's. DB's take MORE TIME (which sometimes sucks) - because often doing things one-side-at-a-time. BB's, can be used in a pinch.

    NROL series has some WAY MORE FUN moves. I don't have the series in front of me, but some of the warm-ups were awesome (and interesting) as were some of the moves (in later stages) - just fun to do "different" things. Venus, in the end, has fewer exercises in its repertoire, I think.