2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kate, sounds like you have a plan for getting back on track, that sounds good.
    Ashley, you might find it's not so hard to be restrictive when you stop nursing, maybe you won't be that hungry so don't torture yourself prematurely!
    My weekend was bad with drinking. But I did run Friday and Sunday, it was a little better yesterday, but still not great, so I am just running now, I think. Maybe I should stop every 10 minutes and do some pushups or something!
    So this week: running Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Trying to limit drinks to two per evening/outing. Tuesday is my 3-year anniversary and tonight is the outdoor movie ET and so I'll have to have some Reeses Pieces...
    Chloe, enjoy your rest and your vacation, you might have a woosh effect, and you'll be refreshed and ready for Insanity. Maybe that is what I should try for my Halloween 2012 slimdown (I think that will have to start pretty soon after Warrior Dash but I will take a week off, likely)
    Jen, your pic is great? was the concert so much fun?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Agree with Amy- the photo is awesome!!

    Amy- I think it's that end of summer bug. Or at least that's what I'm convincing us of! The outdoor movie sounds fun! Enjoy it!

    Chloe- ENjoy your vacation! It'll be awesome and then you can get back into the swing of things!

    Kate-Bless you for your attempts at finding ways to balance out your healthy ways with your busy schedule. It gets so complicated when we are thrown off schedule!!

    For me, well I did some Yoga last night after my legs workout thinking it might help relax me. Unfortunately, now I just got back from running up town to get an Icy Hot patch because my back was killing me. Not sure if it was the workout or the yoga but I'm not feeling too 100% and I still have a chest/back workout to get in. Yowser. Hopefully some heat (cold would be better but it isn't an option at work!) and tylenol clear it up so I'm good to go tonight. This weekend was alright for me. We stayed in because of the heat/storm mixture and I did ALOT of prep cooking and cleaning. Think the majority of my weekend burn came from just doing things around the house. Did get in all my workouts and my eats were pretty much on par. I was less hungry at meals and just snacked on random things 98% of them good choices (though I did sneak one cookie and a little bit of Lays potato chips even though the fit in my calories) Prepped through Thursday so no excuses. :wink:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Alright, I went happy medium and changed my max calories to 1900 (I was aiming for 1800-2000, so this is still pretty much on track). I also changed my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. That still gives me 190 carbs a day. I guess that's what happens when one eats so much...... I'm interested to see if I can make this. Oh, and I'm supposed to have 143g of protein a day. That will be tough. So its an experiment of sorts.

    Amy, enjoy your Reeses. :smile:
    Reese, hope you back feels better.
    Kate, sounds like you're refocused!
    Chloe, sounds like you have a plan as well!

    I think its good that we are all realistic and try to stick to something but understand life happens and adjust. Hope everyone else is doing great and had a fatnastic weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I had a GREAT long weekend! I did hit the gym Saturday morning, before the drive to OLDtown, but otherwise did NO exercise. And, all that de-carbing I did last week I'll have to repeat because I spent Sunday and Monday eating whatever I wanted and drinking whatever I wanted. It wasn't pretty....

    I'll get in 2 x weight-training workouts this week and then I'm on holidays, for a week, starting Saturday. I'll welcome the break, for sure!

    I don't think I'm in any mental shape to handle any "cut", at this point in time. So, I'm aiming for maintenance and hopefully whittling a 1/4" here-and-there as I work through August.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sounds like a reasonable plan, Beeps.
    I had my rest and candy and popcorn last night. I will jog tonight but it is my anniversary and we are going out to dinner.
    For now I am not cutting either, but I might have to try after Warrior Dash. It might be an interesting experiment...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    For chui - I finished my 10th work-out in Stage 7 (yes, I am doing the stage 7 twice....but, I modified the second set of work-outs). 2 more and I'm done. But, since I'm only going to get one more lifting session in this week, I might call it "over" at that time.

    I just got some ****ty news, today, re: something BIG, for my career, that has been in the works for 3 months is a NO GO. So, I'm trying NOT to let this bad news wreck my day - or my entire life, actually.

    Since hubby and kids are on holidays, it makes it even MORE ****ty that the news came, today.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Why won't this stupid site let me type out S-H-I-T-T-Y without the hyphens??????

    Soooooooooo lame.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got it anyway:flowerforyou: you can't type ****ty or other bad words like ****
    Sorry about our bad news!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- Sorry to hear about crappy (hey...it let's you use PG words, lol) news. Glad you are keeping a good perspective about it. Still sucks though!!

    Amy- Cutting season sucks. I'm over it. :tongue:

    Things are good on my end. Knocked out every workout on my 'to do' for the past 3 weeks. Adding a couple extra workouts in when I had the energy. Took my active rest walk this morning with my Mama. Chat and a nice cool morning is a good way to start the day. Crazy busy at work. But it's going fine with all my prep cooking-thank goodness. DH, however, is eating me out of house and home. I wish I had an Iphone so I could take a photo of all the food I prep him (only to have to do it again in 2 days!! :sad: ) It's crazy how many calories that man puts away to build muscles- it's like having my own buff Michael Phelps! He looks so good and is doing so well -the inspiration he offers just from his hard work is enough incentive to keep me in the kitchen!! :laugh:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I'm back from vacation!!! I had a great time and ate lots of yummy southern food and drank EVERY day! LOL. I feel HUGE! I did make good breakfast and lunch choices and walked A LOT so hopefully some of it is just bloat. I was feeling pretty good about myself before I left and would like to feel that way again soon.

    My pre-vacation measurements - 5'0 131 pounds chest- 30.5, waist - 28.75, hips 32.5 I'm pretty boy shaped except my booty is HUGE from behind!!!

    My plan for the rest of this week is to eat CLEAN and WORK OUT! I want to start a program on Sun or Mon to help me stay focused when I start the school year on Mon. I will probably do another round of P90X unless I can get a hold of another program by then. This time, i will actually take before and after photos/measurements.

    You ladies sound like you are doing great!

    Beeps- sorry to hear about the job. That must have been a real let down.

    Better- I lost weight the first month after I quit nursing with no special effort. I'm not sure why...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Amy, mama and kclynch, thanks for the well-wishes. It wasn't good news, for sure. But, today is a new day and I have a million reasons to be thankful. I am thankful. Not least of which for the support I receive here.
  • hi there, im new to the group, can someone fill me in on burpees and the 2 week challenge. I know I may be late, but I need the support!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - I'm sorry for the bad news! If there's one thing I've learned in my relatively little work experience its that for every opportunity that disappears, another one usually fills its place in time. Its Just sometimes hard to see them. I hope that's true for you here!

    Reese - sounds like you're back on track and big congrats on getting ALL your work outs in! And way to go on feeding DH :) you're a wonderful wife!

    KC - welcome back!

    I took 2 week measurements today...I didn't want to but i also didn't want to be thrown off my schedule...I lost more inches most placed! I up a little in my neck (which doesn't matter and is potentially even good) but other than that I am the same or less. So from June 25th I am halfway through and I am down 10.5 inches total. No loss in the stubborn waist but some on loss on my thighs, pouch, butt, bust and arms. If I can keep whittling, this will be good.

    I feel encouraged to get that positive indicator even though my weigh is refusing to budge from the 141-143 range. These stage 7 work outs are a monster so far and I am hopefully this high intensity will just what I need to breakthrough.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Reese, I wish I had wife to prepare me wholesome meals! I didn't get to the grocery store this week and haven't been able to pack my lunch. Today I got vegetable beef stew in the cafeteria-I strongly suspect they take the stuff from the salad bar that looks tired and turns it into beef stew! There was lots of cauliflour! a little broccoli too...
    Anyway, good news, the run last night felt good. I was able to run continuously for 30 minutes without any trouble! I got 5k with the 5 minute warmup, so that is something, I hope it wasn't just a fluke and I am over the hump now!
    Kate, your measurements are coming along nicely.
    I will have to start the "mermaid cut" August 29, giving a rest from Warrior Dash and a family visit, then I think I will have to get really strict with my diet (lots of planning and prep) and something manageable with exercise, looking for suggestions. I know me and I know if I am killing it on working out I will not be able to keep my diet as strict as necessary, so what's your advice? Hiit? Strength? is 4 days per week enough?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    chui - do you mind if I ask you "how many" places you are measuring?? It always seems very disconcerting for me to read "I'm down 10 inches!" if I don't understand the context (i.e. "down 10" when only measuring bust, waist, hips, for example, is MORE MEANINGFUL, to me, than "down 10" when measuring neck, biceps, over chest, under chest, natural waist, belly button waist, hips, upper thigh, middle thigh and calf). So, if I could understand that, I'd have a better visual of what has gone on for you, during your successful cut!

    Amy - what's the "mermaid cut", again? (PS - CONGRATS on the 30-min run!! That's AWESOME.)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    my halloween costume is a mermaid, bare mid-section and all, so I am calling it my mermaid cut. Starting August 29 and ending October 31 so it is almost exactly 9 weeks.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hi there, im new to the group, can someone fill me in on burpees and the 2 week challenge. I know I may be late, but I need the support!
    Welcome! the two week challenge is a user choice, just tell us what you want to do for two weeks, nutrition or exercise or both, and check in with your progress and results.
    The burpee challenge, which I am not thinking anyone has completed, is where you do 100 days of burpees, but 1 burpee on day 1 and 2 burpees on day 2 and three on day 3 and so on, until day 100 when you do 100 burpees. you can break them up throughout the day or however you want to get them done. but if you miss a day, you have to make that up before you go on to the current day of the challenge. I got to Day 30.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    I feel like I've had a one track mind all day, and I've posted about it a few times already- I just need to get one last thing out. I can feel myself getting cushier in the stomach area. Just today. I know it could be any number of things (including my imagination), and I'll be the first person to tell you that one day does not make or break you. However, I have a sneaking feeling I've been slacking off more than I've been kicking butt recently. Nothing really obvious, just a concern. And last night was bad. Had a couple bad days prior to that as well. It scares me more than anything to think of all my progress going down the drain. Here's what I'm going to do- focus focus focus on good eating. As clean as I can- no extra sugar or anything. And, starting Thursday, I'm going to be lifting every other day. I'll do my best to stick to this. I have a run planned tonight- going to try and sneak those in as I can as well. My birthday is Friday, so I'll be a little more lax for dinner Friday night, but right back to it on Saturday. It helps me to psych myself like this. I'm sort of rehashing my 2 week goals here. In addition, it really helps to see everyone else's daily routine. It's not going to be easy or perfect all the time, but we do the best we can!

    I hope everyone is doing well!!

    Beeps, I'm sending good vibes in your direction. I hope it feels better now a couple days later!

    KC- Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm new to this group and wanted to say a quick hello :) What are your goals?

    Amy- awesome costume idea :) and I second beeps on the running congrats!

    chui- Great job getting back to it after a couple off days this weekend- that can be especially hard for me.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Chole- Have fun on vacation! You'll get back to it, love the attitude.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    chui - do you mind if I ask you "how many" places you are measuring?? It always seems very disconcerting for me to read "I'm down 10 inches!" if I don't understand the context (i.e. "down 10" when only measuring bust, waist, hips, for example, is MORE MEANINGFUL, to me, than "down 10" when measuring neck, biceps, over chest, under chest, natural waist, belly button waist, hips, upper thigh, middle thigh and calf). So, if I could understand that, I'd have a better visual of what has gone on for you, during your successful cut!

    Amy - what's the "mermaid cut", again? (PS - CONGRATS on the 30-min run!! That's AWESOME.)

    Beeps - yes this is VERY important. I measuring a LOT of places. I do it because then I am able to see change more than hips, waist, butt and it gets at more of what I want to know. So I measure the thinnest part of my thigh (more towards the knee), the widest part (towards the hip), butt, hips, 'pouch' (largest place above my hip bones below my waist), waist (thinnest part), under bust, bust, neck, arm. Whew! Here's where I'm down in each spot to explain. It's not a lot but I am happy with it.

    Thinnest Thigh 1.125
    Fattest Thigh 0.75
    Butt 0.5
    Hips 1.25
    Pouch 1.5
    Waist 1
    Under Bust 1.875
    Bust 2
    Neck 0.25
    Arm 0.25