2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    seems like someone asked about the Burpee Challenge. that was an ill-fated Challenge for me, it is 100 days of burpees where you do 1 burpee on day 1, 2 on day 2 and on the 100th day you do 100 burpees. I got to 30-something. If you miss a day, you make up the missed day and also do the current day. Would like to see someone complete this:happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    haha, Amy, *I* asked about the burpee challenge - because I was *out* on day 4, lol!! So, even to all of you who gave it the good ol' college try, YAY!

    I would like to be part of a challenge (maybe here?) where we are all (or most of us) are trying to do 1 thing the same! But, when you factor in people's jobs, families, vacations, whether they are strength-focused or cardio-focused, etc., it's easy to understand why this doesn't just "happen".

    jen - you drop poundage SO fast, I'm not even worried about you!

    Amy - since you know what mental blocks you've overcome before, that should help you push through any of 'em this time - YAY!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    no, Beeps, I think someone wondered what the Burpee Challenge was. I know you know what it is:)
    I was reading my Allure and saw these two things I thought were interesting:
    1. after an unhealthy meal, compassion is more helpful than critiscism. In a study, some participants ate doughnuts. One group was told not feel bad, everone slips sometimes and one doughnut doesn't make much difference. Later, the researchers passed out candy. Among the women who rated themselves as highly restrictive eaters, those who had gotten the pep talk ate less candy than those who hadn't. Dieters are prone to overeating in response to stress, including guilt about what they've eaten.
    so there:bigsmile:
    2. unprocessed whole foods take more energy to break down and digest so you burn more calories when you eat them. People who had a whole grain sandwich with cheddar cheese burned 50% more calories digesting than those who ate white bread with processed cheese. likewise, people who snacked on peanuts vs candy (of the same amount of calories) gained 1/3 as much weight.
    so a calorie is not a calorie, as if we needed another reminder...
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    The burpee challenge sounds so hard! I guess the idea is to build gradually, but still... 100 in a row? I'm
    Officially done stage 2, and amidst nervous for the body weight matrix in stage 3. I look forward to heavy lifting, and feel like I'm in better shape, but somehow fast-paced, insanity-type workouts scare me. That's what I believe metabolic conditioning is, am I right? Somehow I don't feel in shape for that kinda stuff even tho I can jog and
    Good job for getting out there, Amy! You can do it. I'm seeing some great goals, keep me posted, girls!

    Tonight was supposed to be my running night, but I got barely any sleep, so I'm exhausted. Did get my three lifts in a row in, tho! I'm going to run tomorrow and lift Friday (i hope). Also want to add more veggies to my days.

    Have a great Thursday, everyone!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies....sorry I have been so MIA lately. I have been crazy busy at work. Also (I guess I can vent about it here,we are trying to keep quiet about it in RL), I was a little anxious/excited my TOM is late so I thought I might be pregnant, but I took a test and it was negative. I am thinking my period is just late from going off the pill and also doing Insanity. I am not really in a rush, I would like to just kind of let it happen when its supposed to, but my best friend just got engaged and I will be her MOH and they are planning for a wedding in October of 2013 and I would really like to not be pregnant for that.

    Anyways, other than that, my diet has been ok, not stellar. I have been getting all my Insanity workouts in, they are getting much easier cardio-wise, but my legs are struggling more than they did in the beginning, not sure what that is all about. I am going to get as many workouts in as possible until Tuesday, we leave for vacay Wednesday morning. I am going to bring my ipod and garmin watch to hopefully get in some runs while we are there, but I'm not sure how the set up is there and if it will be possible or not.

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck, Chole, on both things :) I know you can get a lot of them in before you leave! Take it one day at a time. Impressed the cardio part of insanity was not tha hard part for you!

    Can anyone shed light on the subject of sugar alcohol? I didn't have time for lunch or breakfast really, so grabbed a card conscious supreme protein bar. 410 cals, and only 5 sugar!! Then I realized 22 sugar alcohols :/ kinda makes me want to go back and take gen. chem.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I popped across the street to my sister's house today and she was just pulling out a freshly made apple pie. After eating really well for the last few weeks I decided to go for it - tasted heavenly! I must confess that was my lunch today. I had to work it in and still meet my goals. I think I can do it since I am having turkey burgers, zucchini & quinoa for dinner. I have to buy the quinoa that has stuff in it though, it is really gross plain. I did not get a chance to do my measurements this week. The fitness studio where I work was under construction today. I had to do the books quick & get out so they could cut the power. I'll do it next week and post.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    what else in your quinoa, abi? I have the plain stuff and it isn't gross, just, well, plain...makes me want gravy:happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good luck, Chole, on both things :) I know you can get a lot of them in before you leave! Take it one day at a time. Impressed the cardio part of insanity was not tha hard part for you!

    Can anyone shed light on the subject of sugar alcohol? I didn't have time for lunch or breakfast really, so grabbed a card conscious supreme protein bar. 410 cals, and only 5 sugar!! Then I realized 22 sugar alcohols :/ kinda makes me want to go back and take gen. chem.
    I don't know for sure, I saw this:
    Sugar alcohol is a bit like a sugar substitute, it's like sorbitol or xylitol. It is not like the sugar found in alcoholic beverages, which is whole nother oprah...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    what else in your quinoa, abi? I have the plain stuff and it isn't gross, just, well, plain...makes me want gravy:happy:

    Lol, Gravy!?!?!? Haha!! :laugh: Nice!

    Sorry ladies, I've been crazy busy trying to get routines together for my Disco Zumba event tomorrow night, get a costume, get clothes for my trip to KC to see Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias :happy: AND keep everyone happy at home :noway: !! I'm exhausted and just can't wait til 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning when the bestie and I hit the road!!

    I hope to take some measurements tomorrow, as I haven't done that yet!! Ya'll keep rockin it !!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm with Jen- things have been chaotic at work...something about 'almost back to school time' makes my job workin' with the kiddos mass chaotic this time of year!!

    Things are good on my front. Fluctuating back down on the scale...was way up last week but it's back down this week. Blaming TOM and sodium because a 4lb drop has to be related to that!

    Missed my workout yesterday for some QT :bigsmile: with DH so made up for it today. And there's a possibility of more QT time with him @ the gym, if my Dad takes the kids to the fair tonight. If so, I'll be hitting up 1RM tonight on Deadlifts, squats and bench press. It's been a while. Not sure there will be a change...but it's fun to hit that up a few times a summer with him.

    I finally got 'before' pictures and measurements (total slacker, just wasn't feeling it mentally) So for whoever asked about stats. I'm 5'8.5", weighed 157 (damn it) this morning (which is still up 4lbs from beginning of summer), 37.5-31-36. What does that make me a pear?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Nope, mama, that makes you an hourglass....

    (You can see my pear measurements, above.)

    A pear HAS to be bigger on the bottom. Period.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Well, an hourglass might have a more defined waist....but, if your waist measurement was similar to your bust/hips, you'd be a "boy figure" - i.e. just straight up-and-down.

    As it is, I think you are hourglass and, as you whittle your waist away, this should be pretty noticeable, I'd think!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Boy shape here:happy:
    So this week I got the run Sunday, speed work Tuesday, cross-train wed, rested yesterday. I can do a 4 mile run tonight or tomorrow but I think I should do it tonight, so I can do it again Sunday and start the whole cycle again.
    My diet has been ok, not great but not terrible.
    In fact, if you don't count dinner last night and the drinking, I have been doing pretty good, making meals and eating well, but it's TOM and I crave sweets and fats...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wooohooo, what a blast tonight at Disco Zumba!! So glad it is over though, that was a lot of work making up and learning all that choreo!! Now I get to sit back and relax on my trip tomorrow!

    Ok, got my measurments this morning:

    Weight: 115.2 (goal is 110)
    Height: 4' 11.5
    Chest 34.25
    waist: 27.5 (has been 25 at one point :grumble: )
    Hips: 34.5
    Thigh: 19.25 (smallest was 18.5 I think)

    I've gotten in a ton of exercise this week and I'm not sure if I should rest tomorrow or not...Mon weights and HIIT, 55 min Aqua Zumba (I don't usually teach this and it's like HIIT/Interval training) Tues 45 min Gold, 55 min Zumba, Wed Weights, Thurs 55 min Zumba, Fri 45 min Gold, 55 min Zumba Toning, 55 min Zumba. So yes, 5 days straight of exercise. What do you all think?
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy, the quinoa that I like has sun-dried tomato and seasonings in it. By the way, I also totally have a boy figure, straight up & down with almost no chest. I wasn't super big to begin with, but I lost a whole cup size when I got serious about the diet and exercise.

    Jen, glad to hear your Disco Zumba event went well. Have a great trip! Good luck with the workout schedule next week. It makes me tired just thinking about it - you're a machine!

    Have a great weekend enveryone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Abigail - your quinoa sounds great!!! I will share my recipe when I get back!!

    Mama - hope things settle down for you soon!

    Amy - you said you can only focus on one thing at a time...but it sounds like you are making good strides and effort to be conscious of your food too!! You go girl!! Sounds like training is going well...keep at it!

    Well, after yesterday's three-a-day, I decided to give myself today off :bigsmile: (see Abigail, not a machine :laugh: ) We will be walking around The Plaza to shop, be dancing at the concert and then walking around the Power and Light District before/after the concert, so I will still be somewhat active. I've been at a good defecit all week, so I plan on having a cheat lunch (chips, salsa and margarita) but plan on having grilled chicken or salmon for dinner, and then just sticking to vodka waters tonight. I will try to log as best as I can, but I am not promising anything :blushing: Tomorrow will be right back on to normal!

    Have a fantastic day ladies!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I think my plans are changing a little bit. I think I am going to just take a rest week this week. I have stuff to do tonight and tomorrow to get ready for vacation and then we leave Wednesday morning. Then when I get back I think I am going to start Instanity over again. I was kinda already in vacation mode this weekend, didn't workout, drank to much and ate too much. Feel like a blob today. So I think today and tomorrow are going to be detoxing days. Going to have very low cals, so getting workouts in will be rough. Anyways so thats my plan. But, when I get back next Monday it is on!!! I need to get out of summer mode and get it together!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I did well on my goals last week: 4 days of 6w6p (well my last session got cut 5 minutes short because baby woke up) and I ran twice. I've been working on my speed on the mill and its not terrible. I typically hate the mill.

    My eating and drinking was decent. Yesterday I had a burger and beer for lunch (but salad on not crinkle fries!) and pizza for dinner, but it was Dominos thin crust so I actually stayed within my calories. I just learned I can customize my cals so I think I am going to aim for 1800 max for a while. I have been trying to stay between 1800-2000 a day and that is basically not restricting at all and I feel like I need to pull in the reins a bit so I'm going to see how I do with 1800 as a goal this week. Is it time for new goals or is that next week? I may look at my carbs soon too. I keep talking about it and not doing it.

    I'm really torn about my diet. I am able to eat so much more while nursing and it not affect my weight and I need a bit more cals than normal to sustain milk supply. Sometimes I think I should just enjoy the time while it lasts, but I also feel like it's going to be shocking to my system if I go from free for all to "restrictive" again once I stop nursing. I dunno.....what do you all think?

    I'm liking my workouts and feel more focused so that's good. This will be week 3 for 6w6p so technically next week I'd step up to level 2. I was debating adding another week in since I'm only doing 3-4x instead of 5x, but I think I'll be ready to move on. I think I am starting to see my abs "toning up" but there is a big layer of fat/skin on top. I'm hoping it will eventually dissapear and not a permanent result of having a baby. If that's the case, I'm totally getting a tuck after baby #2.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all! I'm back from Boston and ready to get going on the week. I did well Monday-Thursday but Friday-Sunday was not great. This week officially is a cut 'fail'. I missed two works outs and actually when over maintenance calories 2 days - not to mention the fact that my macros were a disaster. I am officially half way through my cut I am getting more and more nervous that I am not going to be to progress past where I am not and weeks like last week guarantee that's true. I *have* to make the hard decisions here. I am not doing myself any favors and I am ruining good effort by letting thing go. From here on out I stick to the plan or I forfeit the right to complain about my stubborn fat, ever!

    So starting fresh: Stage 7 begins this week and I have the usual cardio and recovery sessions. I am cutting calories down from 1550 to 1400 to help make up for last week and get me on track on again. I'll up back next week to 1500. Starting the reported brutal stage 7 should help kick me into shape again too!

    Ashley - my instinct is to wait until you're done nursing to get restrictive. Enjoy this time. Mentally, you're clearly a little hesitant so don't set yourself up for failure by trying to stick when you're not fully committed. Decide where the happy is and then plan a more restrictive phase after. That's my 2 cents anyways!

    Chloe - a week off can do worlds of good! Insanity will be there when you get back!

    Jen - goodness! So funny that you were so close. I am literally right by the plaza in my office right now. I wish I had been in town to meet up!

    I know there's lots more responses - I've read them but I'll try to respond better later! PS its funny so many of us have similar proportions!