

  • I would say a heart rate monitor. I have one but havent used it during a CF workout yet. And I would add the cal's during your WOD, and the warmup seperatly. It willbe easier for you to find and just quick add in the future and it could help us othe CF out too ;)
  • Ive ben doing CF for a few months now and i am still around the same wight as I started, but I can REALLY see a huge change in my body! Are you also doing Paleo diet? That will help TONS if you stick to it! Then youll see quick results!
  • lol, thanks! ya my husband always laughes at me. I LOVELOVE PB, so I pile it on! Thanks for the help! =)
  • Thank you for looking it over! My only snack was a apple and PB, which I THOUGHT was pretty healthy! lol... and it seems like everything I eat is right around 100calories, besides fruits and im lost and stuck...oh well. I guess I will play around and hopefully find some new snack and light meal ideas!
  • Thank you for looking it over! My only snack was a apple and PB, which I THOUGHT was pretty healthy! lol... and it seems like everything I eat is right around 100calories, besides fruits and im lost and stuck...oh well. I guess I will play around and hopefully find some new snack and light meal ideas!
  • thank you all! what I mean is.. my daily cal's are 1200. And like today I only worked out for 20 mins, which gave me a extra 170 calories to add to my food. (so todays total was 1370 I was allowed but I will make this last one public.! And I ALWAYS make my own meals. the only thing I did not home make was the garden burger…
  • Completed day 10, and my 2nd day of level 2 today! woohoo! The first day really made me feel it in my bum and thighs! Perfect! =) After the Shred the baby and I went on a 3.5 mile bike ride! Felt great! Today is hubbys bday, so we are heading out to the Okinawa Dragons baseball game! I hope I wont sabotage my calroies…
  • I was planning on moving on day 10, to level 2, but hubby talked me into level 2 today (my day 8) and it was really nice! I really liked the change in excersizes, and while nothing felt extra hard, it was diffrent and that was nice! Good luck to you guys! I weigh in, in two
  • Completed day 7 today! I felt extra tired and not motivated. All I will say is....PMS!!!
  • Even though there are only two of us...Want to share measurements!? I just took mine today for (I think) the first time ever! lol... I am only really interested in working out...AKA..making smaller my upper thighs, arms and hips... Hips= 35.5 (which I feel is a huge number!!!! eeekkkk) Arms = 11.75 (hate my big arms!)…
  • WOW supermel! GOOD job! With the holidays we have had, I have been pigging out! (v-day, and anneversary, and lots of outtings) so im nurvous to weigh-in. Maybe tomorrow. and I still have not gotten a measuring tale..oh well... anyway...skipped The Shred yesterday. I had a migraine for about 24+ hours, and there was NO way…
  • sounds good girls! Crys- how are you liking it? I was not as sore as I thought. I heard alot of "horror stories" about how sore you always are, but I feel wose some days after the gym! Today after my day 2 of the shred, I took my toddler (in a riding seat) on a 4 mile bike ride! BIG legs are killing me!…
  • Just wanted to drop in and say HELLO! Life has taken me on a crazy ride latly..but im still here! I am even down a few lbs! GO ME!!!!!! Hope everyone is well!
  • Hi everyone! Im back from vacation! Not to much time to ramble on about it here,so if your at all intrested here are my blogs... ( ) and ( ) I cant wait to jump back into my diet. (hubby goes back to wrk tomarrow! so that should help us both out!)…
  • I havent been on (the site, or my diet) because we are traveling from Japan to California for vacation. I will probably not be around to much , threw June. Everyone keep up the good work, hopefully there will be some big changes when I come back around in July!
  • I know, I never check in here around the weekends. I always tend to cheat on my diet on weekends, which puts me in a funk... I am also getting annoyed at entering ALL the foods I eat a day. I make homemade meals ALL day long, and it get tiring adding in all those ingredients. Today I did well! Did a 2 mile run and ate…
  • KIDV- I understand where your comming from. My scale has been stuck too. But I cant totally blame that, I have a few good days, then I go off my diet and ir totally kills it! It has been SO hard, w/ the weather getting so warm and beautiful, we have been going to lots of BBQ's and things like that. I also have to bump up…
  • Hi everyone, I have been doing well. I have not weighted in recently. Maybe some time on the weekend. I have really been cutting down on my drinking! Hopefully it will help shed some LBS! My oldest son has been sick w/ strep throat, and I feel like I MIGHT be getting it. I hope not, mostly because my FAV "sick food" is…
  • The tofu slices were sitting in fresh herbs. (Thyme, lots of basil, parsley and fresh pepper) I threw all of those in the food processer w/ a garlic clove and a tiny drizzle of EVOO , just to hold it all together! IF you use a whole block of tofu, you can just slide it all but one portion for the day, into a ziplock baggie…
  • Looking for answers on the internet, I found this.... Here is a quick run down!:happy: Vodka & diet coke (175ml): 56 cals Gin & tonic (single): 56 cals Low alcohol lager (pint): 57 cals Vodka & tonic (175ml): 58 cals Vodka sugar free red bull (1/2 can) (150ml): 59 cals Bacardi rum & diet coke (single): 65 cals
  • The way to go is Bloody Marys! The mix is super low cal and somewhat "healthy". Or you can try vodka w/ Light cranberry juice, or a rum w/ diet Dr. Pepper, or diet coke (for more flavor, try diet cherry coke, or vanilla, lemon, and so on...I also throw in a lemon slice for fun !)
  • Hi, good for you! I also know that most of my weight I want to loose is from drinking to much! oh well, live and How is everyone doing? The weather on the island has gotten SOSO humid. Today hubby and I went out for a run and I could barly make 1.5 miles, I was dieing at the end! It felt like running in a sauna.…
  • coffee & rice cake That was it because I was going running. Im gonna make up for it at lunch w/ a herb tofu sandwich!
  • Hi everyone! Im Courtney, a SAHM to 8 and 7 year old boys and a 2 year old daughter! Im also a military wife, vegetarian, photographer, dog lover to my yellow lab and I recently became a runner =) I used to HATE running, but now I crave it and im just finished my goal (accually I was over by a mile!) and completed 11 miles…
  • GREAT, so what are all of you doing for excersize? Im lucky to have my husband woking Swingshift. (3pm-11pm) so after I drive my older two, to school in the mornings I eaither come home and jog w/ hubby pushing the jogging stroller, or I go to the gym while he stays home w/ the baby. Two days a week I do a double workout…
  • OK! =) One of my FAV lunches (I always talk about) are my veggie burger wraps! -I use 2 (sometimes 1 depending on how im feeling, starving-2 or just want a filling snack-1) Morning Star patties (I LOVELOVELOVE the asian veggie ones!) -3 small lettuce leafs -3 large cabbage leafs -1/2 shredded carrot -some slices of red…
  • I have met alot of really nice people on here, but it seems like very few of us have kids. I am a mommy to 8,7,2 year old. Im looking for some mommys who want to start a group w/ me! Chime in and let me know your here =)
  • What type of recipes are you looking for? Breakfast, lunch dinner? What flavors do you like?
  • Right now my family and I live in Okinawa Japan, MOST of the japaense here live a vegetarian diet, so its SUPER easy to find food and restraunts that are vegetarian or vegan, they are EVERYWHERE!!! Since I live in Japan (and still love fish) I do eat sushi (ALOT!) Its amazing here, as you would guess! I do not eat packaged…
  • fat free yogurt w/ pecans and flaxseed 1 cup coffee w/ creamer (vanilla cinnamon) water green tea