How am I 200cal's OVER?+ excersize

I spend my days eating mostly veggies and fruits... Green smoothie for breakfast, garden burger cabbage wrap for lunch, apple and PB for snack. Then I eat a "normal" dinner. (RARLY meat.. tofu, fish, a starch and veggies...)Then im at least 200 calroies over my daily am I ever going to loose weight. I thought fruits and veggies were GOOD and the ammount that I take in was SO confused....


  • StephanieCanene
    I measure everything and record it here before I even put it in my mouth. Considering waking up, coming online, and planning your whole day if possible. It's shocking to find out just how many calories are in items, just be careful and stay positive. You can do this. :)
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    if you make your food diary public people can comment (be prepared for all kinds of comments but most will be helpful even if harsh) also look through some diaries that are public maybe you can get ideas, if your really stuggling there are plenty of online 1200cal 1300 cal etc menus online that might give some ideas - just make sure they are a reputable site and not suggesting anything you think is lopsided or extreme
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Hard to address not seeing exactly what you are eating and knowing what your calorie limit is. I try to enter the foods I as going to eat ahead of time, so that I know what I will be taking in prior to putting them in my mouth to help limit my caloric intake. Plus I spread my food out over 6 meals a day so that I never feel hungry. Just a suggestion that I hope helps you find a way to prevent going over every day.
  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61
    Try pre planning your food dairy the night before, I do this so I know how much calories I am eating and how much exercise I need to do, then I just add take things off, but I was a bit shocked when I found out veges, apples bananas count for calories but doing the night before it lets you know :) just a suggestion!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    What do you mean by "+exercise"? Does this mean you ate 1400 cals but also went to the gym? Or does it mean you at 1400 net (after deducting exercise calories)?

    If its the former, you need to eat your exercise calories, so the more you work out the more you need to eat. Not clear what you mean by "over" in this sense.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Beware hidden calories in your smoothie and garden burger. remember the food industry is not your friend (IN ANY WAY) so if you can swap that for something you made, or that came right out of the ground (or off the tree) you'd be better off. But take everyone's advice...plan ahead!
  • CourtneyTree
    thank you all!
    what I mean is.. my daily cal's are 1200. And like today I only worked out for 20 mins, which gave me a extra 170 calories to add to my food. (so todays total was 1370 I was allowed
    but I will make this last one public.!
    And I ALWAYS make my own meals. the only thing I did not home make was the garden burger pattys!!! =)
  • livingnlove
    Hi, I checked your food diary for today and you might want to evaluate all the items on there that are over 100 calories and see what you can cut from your day. That would probably help. Also, if you try to keep meals around 400 calories and snacks under 200 you should do ok.
  • CourtneyTree
    Thank you for looking it over! My only snack was a apple and PB, which I THOUGHT was pretty healthy! lol... and it seems like everything I eat is right around 100calories, besides fruits and im lost and stuck...oh well. I guess I will play around and hopefully find some new snack and light meal ideas!
  • CourtneyTree
    Thank you for looking it over! My only snack was a apple and PB, which I THOUGHT was pretty healthy! lol... and it seems like everything I eat is right around 100calories, besides fruits and im lost and stuck...oh well. I guess I will play around and hopefully find some new snack and light meal ideas!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    My only snack was a apple and PB, which I THOUGHT was pretty healthy! lol... and it seems like everything I eat is right around 100calories, besides fruits and im lost and stuck...oh well. I guess I will play around and hopefully find some new snack and light meal ideas!

    Hi there :)

    I had a quick look at your diary, too. The apple and PB is a healthy snack, yes, but I'd suggest that for a snack, 3tbsp of PB is too much. Maybe 1 or 1.5tbps?

    The red wine shot your calories over, as well ;)
  • CourtneyTree
    lol, thanks!
    ya my husband always laughes at me. I LOVELOVE PB, so I pile it on!
    Thanks for the help! =)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    can you cut out your snack and just eat your meals? or make your snacks smaller?
  • micnic
    micnic Posts: 16 Member
    I'm chiming in on this a little late but I checked out your diary and noticed you are getting ALOT of "empty" calories from your beverages. Sodas and alcohol are boosting your caloric intake up alot. I would suggest watching the intake of those and pre-planning your meals for the day should help. Good luck. :)