Stay-at-Home Moms/Dads---5/11--5/17



  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi Jayberian! I'm new to this one too. I'm sorry for your loss, but I am also happy to hear how healthy your son is now.

    When my children were little (they're 16 months apart) I would try to get up early to exercise before they woke up. It wasn't always possible, so I would also put them in the stroller and go for a walk on nice days. The hard part for me was staying motivated. I didn't, and that's why I'm here now. MFP seems to be a great support group.
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    thank you so much, Amy! i definitely plan on going for walks - as soon as our darn weather starts to cooperate. it's FINALLY starting to get warmer, but it's also been raining. i think today may be a perfect day for it, though! :happy:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to join you...if you'll have me! :) I joined this site last year after my first pregnancy that ended in a loss at 5 months(our first baby boy). :( I had only been on here a few weeks when we learned I was pregnant again. I spent the entire pregnancy on "modified" bedrest. Our son ended up being born on November 4, 2007, six weeks early. By the grace of God, he spent just 2 weeks in the NICU, every day was a step forward for us! He is just over 6 months now and despite one re-hospitalization, he's doing tremendously well. He's even caught up with his milestones! He's our miracle baby for sure. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus accompanied by antiphospholipid syndrome and lupus anticoagulant in 2001, hence my pregnancy complications. I ended up developing HELLPS and nearly lost my liver. Because of this, I won't be able to have anymore children. :(

    Back to the reason I'm here....I put on some weight after 2 back to back pregnancies. I know I was just 5 months with the first, but I had gained some and never got it off before becoming pregnant again. I need to lose at LEAST 20-25 pounds! After being on bedrest, then laid up for a bit after my c-section and another re-hospitalization for myself as well, I've not been able to take as much off as I wanted. So I'm back here and so far so good! But it sure would be nice to have some motivation and support from other stay-at-home mommies! Especially when it comes to exercise. How much can one do with a little one by their side? I bought a body ball a couple days ago and hope to be able to utilize it soon!!!!

    Thanks for reading my long post and I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Jayberian! Welcome. You'll love it here. Every morning I can't wait to log on and see what everyone's up to! I haven't been a member of MFP for too, too long and I'm hooked! Can't do without it!

    As to your background...I can SOOOOO relate! I, too,, lost 3 babies and now I have a 17 year old son! We, too, had complications along the way and on Easter, he was in an auto accident that left him with a broken neck and finger...He walked away from that accident! Literally! He had a neck fusion and has a long recovery ahead but GOD IS GOOD! He NEVER suffered paralysis, loss of sensation, NOTHING! I always said he was a miracle baby, just like your little blessing. God has great things in store for all of you. Keep the faith! When God said "Anything is possible", we wasn't kidding.

    I look forward to learning more about you and, yes, there is LOTS of support and motivation here. Whatever you need, just let us know. We're here!
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    oh wow, Amy! a miracle child indeed! though he does have a long road of recovery ahead of him, i am so happy to hear he didn't suffer futher damage. God is definitely amazing! :heart:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    i wasn't too successful with the p90x this morning. i only lasted 36 min and was beat. and then i attempted the cardiox but that was too hard for me too. one part of me wants to keep trying, but the other would rather do something else. the exercises are just not the kind i REALLY want to do. at least not now.
    i'll keep you posted.

    I know what you mean about the P90X. A friend of mine got it and it IS a wonderful way to exercise, build muscle, etc. But, when he asked me if I wanted to join him, well, suffice to say, it is too intense for me, too. I'm like you. I prefer walking (which is how I started and lost 25 pounds doing it), then I moved up to running on the treadmill (12 min mile - finally), and now, the latest "craze" of mine, the Malibu Pilates AR chair. I just started it on Mother's Day. I absolutely love it! I'm down 37 pounds! I started at 180 and am now 137. But, you have to give yourself time. I started all this last summer and it has taken me almost a year to do all this. Remember, the weight didn't just appear one morning when we woke up! It took time to put it on and it will take time to take it off. It is not a diet. The word "diet" is, to me, the worst four letter word out there! :wink: It, being thin and healthy, is a lifestyle change. "Lifestyle" means that it affects every aspect of your life. Your thoughts, your actions, your concept and perception of food/health...everything. Positve changes (action) will reap positive outcomes! It is a way of thinking. To be "fat and unhealthy" is easy. It doesn't require any thought at all! That is why so many people make the changes necessary to live a healhy life.

    I know I'm rambling but, it's taken me a LONG time to finally realize all this. I'm 41. I wish I had gotten it when I was 25! It is a gradual process. Don't get discouraged, and, if you do, come here. That's what this is all about. Support and motivation. And, trust me, I ain't gonna tell you what you want to hear. I'll tell you what you need to hear to motivate you and support you. We've all been and sometimes still are where you're at right now. But, we move on. As long as God decides to let me wake up each day, it's a great day! Think on these things. You can do it. Just take your time, be gentle with yourself, and don't scold yourself. At least you're trying to do the P90X! I couldn't handle it. Do what feels right for YOU. Just 'cause you see all these people on TV doing the exercise, routines, etc., doesn't necesssarily mean that it is right for you at this point in your lifestyle change. Don't let it bring you down. That's now what it is intended to do. Take it in stride and let the P90X be YOUR goal. Take baby steps until you reach a point that you feel you can try it again. Eventually, with the right steps, you'll reach your goal.

    I know I rambled...I'm just like that. I'm not used to being a SAHM. I miss people. :bigsmile: Please keep in touch. I'd love to help you progress and follow your sucess!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ahmee/amy--you're so sweet. i'm not really discouraged, just the competitive part of me was annoyed it couldn't keep up. but it also left me too sore for days. sore enuf, making it hard for me to take care of the kids. so def not a workout for me.
    and as for being chatty--no worries. i've been sahm for 8+ years and have practically no irl friends here in vegas. (not my most fave place to live). so chat away! :bigsmile:

    jayberian--welcome:flowerforyou: i'm sorry for your loss. losing a child is like nothing else. but how wonderful that you were blessed with another child.
    as far as this part of your journey--go slow, be patient. having a new baby is a HUGE adjustment so that comes first. and the other parts of your life will fall into place with time.

    exercise options: go for a walk w/baby, go to gym that has nursery UNLESS your son is not allowed to be in such "public" places, go to gym when hubby home or neighbor or friend can watch baby, get dvds from library--try a variety, do them during one of baby's naps or put baby in high chair/swing while you work out. you'll figure out something (and just when you do, baby will change :laugh: )

    first try to find 30min 2-3 days a week and then build from there. if you just want heart health, you can break up the 30 min. if you want wt loss, you'll need to do 20min minimum.

    remember--no one is here to judge you--just cheer you on your way.
    again, welcome:heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ***warning: long whine ahead***

    i don't feel well AGAIN. i was already sick with that coughy thing a few weeks back. it flared up my asthma, but that seems better now.

    but for the last couple of days, i am ACHY w/low grade fever and twingy tummy. espec yukky at night--that's when it even hurts to lay in bed and every joint hurts (advil didn't help) and i feel warmest--like inside my ears. kwim?? and my glands are swollen. and i'm tender under my arms. i am not a hypochondriac but i hate being sick and unable to have the strength to take care of the kids.

    dh is out of town for work, no fam here....i can call the sitter service and see if someone can take care of kids. and i thought i'd go to ob/gyn for a check over (i don't have genl dr) or i can make appt w/new dr if he'll see me today.

    dh thinks it's that i'm not adjusting to the heat well: need more salt, more water, more protein (not of dairy source) to get it all back in balance. we are Las vegas and the weather is in mid/upper 90's every day now. but i don't really even go outside--i'm in the car or in the a/c house. but he says my wt loss + increased exercise has changed my body and i need to fuel it differently/better.

    i know what i need to do--call the sitter, sched a dr and rest and drink. just whining and want hugs.:cry:
  • knuebner
    knuebner Posts: 4
    Hey all. :)

    I just joined the site about 3 days ago, and I like to think I'm doing pretty well! I tried losing some weight back in October/November and I actually lost 10lbs in the month (changing my diet and going to Curves 3x/week and Wii fit every day). But then I got a really nasty flu and couldn't keep up with the exercises, etc, so I went back to my old weighs, gaining about 5lbs back. I have a long way to go (100lbs or so), so I'm in it for the long haul!

    I'm a stay at home mom to my 3 year old daughter, Evey. I enjoy staying home with her, because I want her to have the best possible care that she can have. I had some problems when I was very young with a babysitter, so it has made me cautious (perhaps even overly) when it comes to leaving her with people. Sometimes, though, I do wish that I could be back working, both for the monetary aspect as well as the social one. Oh well, in a couple of years!

    I'm really hoping to get support and information from other people on this site, and that it will allow me to stick with a new routine/way of eating so I can lose the weight and keep it off!

    You all seem like a great bunch of people. :) I'm really excited!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Hi!!! I'm a sahm... I have 2 daughters ages 8 and 5 and a 3 year old son that I stay home with. I'm currently doing Turbo Jam and LOVE it!!! This is only my second week doing it but I'm still really siked about the results that are to come :bigsmile:

    It looks like everyone had a great mother's day!!! We went to San Antonio to spend mother's day with my brother and mom... my DH had a blast bbqin' all day!

    Glad I found this thread! Great job to everyone and their workouts, keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    Stacey: Thanks so much for the suggestions, Stacey! I MISS being on my treadmill. Before I became pregnant, I would run morning and night. I thought about it this morning. My husband works odd hours and umpires during baseball season. So I've not really had a chance to get on it. BUT, I plan to make time. Even if I have to wake up at 5 am! The hardest getting over that first hump, trying to get motivated enough to actually DO IT. I'm pretty determined, though!

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Everything you described sounds like my normalcy(Lupus). I hope you get to feeling better VERY soon! :flowerforyou:

    Amber/ronkswife2000: I've never heard of Turbo Jam!! Is it intense/hard?

    knuebner: I trust NO ONE when it comes to childcare! I actually did home daycare for 3 years, absolutely loved it and quit when I became pregnant because of bedrest. BUT the REASON I started doing home daycare was because I knew that I would be having children soon and didn't want to have to take my child to someone else. I know it sounds silly, me not trusting other daycares, yet running my own. But I trust me. :) I'm not saying they are all bad, but you just never know! The parents trusted me and that felt really good! I became friends with them, now they are all like family. Three of the children were actually in our wedding! I would still be doing it, but because Jayden was a preemie, I can't have him around groups of children for a couple years. He and I have become quite the hermits!

    Beckie :flowerforyou:
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Stacey: Thanks so much for the suggestions, Stacey! I MISS being on my treadmill. Before I became pregnant, I would run morning and night. I thought about it this morning. My husband works odd hours and umpires during baseball season. So I've not really had a chance to get on it. BUT, I plan to make time. Even if I have to wake up at 5 am! The hardest getting over that first hump, trying to get motivated enough to actually DO IT. I'm pretty determined, though!

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Everything you described sounds like my normalcy(Lupus). I hope you get to feeling better VERY soon! :flowerforyou:

    Amber/ronkswife2000: I've never heard of Turbo Jam!! Is it intense/hard?

    knuebner: I trust NO ONE when it comes to childcare! I actually did home daycare for 3 years, absolutely loved it and quit when I became pregnant because of bedrest. BUT the REASON I started doing home daycare was because I knew that I would be having children soon and didn't want to have to take my child to someone else. I know it sounds silly, me not trusting other daycares, yet running my own. But I trust me. :) I'm not saying they are all bad, but you just never know! The parents trusted me and that felt really good! I became friends with them, now they are all like family. Three of the children were actually in our wedding! I would still be doing it, but because Jayden was a preemie, I can't have him around groups of children for a couple years. He and I have become quite the hermits!

    Beckie :flowerforyou:

    Turbo Jam is by beachbody, you should go to and check it out. It's kind of a mix up between dancing and kickboxing. It can be intense, but you can always start with the modified moves and work your way up. The only thing about it is getting the moves down, it's a little tricky. It's very upbeat. I'm on my second week and I've been able to keep up with all the videos so far so it's not to hard I don't guess but man do you get a great workout! I bought mine used through craigslist cause I couldn't afford to by it through beachbody.

    This link might help:
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60

    Turbo Jam is by beachbody, you should go to and check it out. It's kind of a mix up between dancing and kickboxing. It can be intense, but you can always start with the modified moves and work your way up. The only thing about it is getting the moves down, it's a little tricky. It's very upbeat. I'm on my second week and I've been able to keep up with all the videos so far so it's not to hard I don't guess but man do you get a great workout! I bought mine used through craigslist cause I couldn't afford to by it through beachbody.

    This link might help:

    I'm going to check that out, that you so much!! I love dancing and I love kickboxing!
  • Jayberian
    Jayberian Posts: 60
    HOLY GRANOLY!!! :noway: that IS a bit expensive!! i'll search out craigslist, too!! lol
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi!!! I'm a sahm... I have 2 daughters ages 8 and 5 and a 3 year old son that I stay home with. I'm currently doing Turbo Jam and LOVE it!!! This is only my second week doing it but I'm still really siked about the results that are to come :bigsmile:

    It looks like everyone had a great mother's day!!! We went to San Antonio to spend mother's day with my brother and mom... my DH had a blast bbqin' all day!

    Glad I found this thread! Great job to everyone and their workouts, keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

    welcome--our kids are about the same age--my oldest is 8.5, my middle girl will be 5 next month, and the baby will be 2 1/2 next month. glad to hear your mother's day was fun.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Everything you described sounds like my normalcy(Lupus).

    Beckie :flowerforyou:

    i'm sorry that you have to suffer that everyday. :frown:
    sometimes i imagine the worst when i'm feeling so crummy, but i know better. it's just that i rarely, thank goodness, get sick. (i need surgery for various things each year, but not regular sick :laugh: ). so, i did go to urgent care and get checked out--just the flu. but i am glad they did a chest xray too. i still had a wheeze, but no pneumonia, thank goodness. now naps and rest and many advil later, i feel much much better. the sitters i had were also a huge help b/c i cd rest in bed and know my kids were being well cared for.

    well, i'm off to bed to make sure i'm well rested for tomorrow.

    welcome to the other new folks! mfp is a great site and this thread can be wonderfully supportive too. :heart:
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Can I join!? It's so nice to find people who are parents and want to live healthy lifestyles! My name is Katy, I'm 22 and have a 16 month old son named Landon. I'm a SAHM but go to school full time. (I just finished up all my finals this week yay!) I'm majoring in criminal justice and hope to graduate this fall.

    Before I got pregnant I was keeping my weight down with Weight Watchers and once I found out I was preggo, I figured I could finally eat whatever I wanted! Big mistake! I gained around 70 pounds and am the biggest I have ever been in my entire life! I'm still trying to get out of the 200's but I cannot seem to stay motivated. Argh, I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but I just wish I would of made smarter choices when I was pregnant. Anyways, I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you!:smile:
  • CourtneyTree
    Hi everyone! Im Courtney, a SAHM to 8 and 7 year old boys and a 2 year old daughter! Im also a military wife, vegetarian, photographer, dog lover to my yellow lab and I recently became a runner =) I used to HATE running, but now I crave it and im just finished my goal (accually I was over by a mile!) and completed 11 miles this week!
    My family and I are living in Okinawa Japan and loving EVERY second of it! If we could, we would stay here forever!!!
    My husband and I are HS sweethearts! We have been married for 9 years and we are not even in our 30's yet =)
    Anyway, enought blabbing... just wanted to intorduce myself!
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Welcome to all of you new ladies! Glad to "meet" you!

    A little about myself--my name is Brenda, I have a 6 month old daughter, and I live in India. I've lost the pregancy weight, but I have about 20+ extra pounds to lose on top of that, so I'm slowly trying to get there. I haven't been motivated lately on the exercise front--just too tired with the baby (she's been teething so VERY sleepless nights).

    Just wanted to say we can all do this together! Let's become mom and dads who have amazing energy for our children! That is definitely my goal. :)
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Hi!!! I'm a sahm... I have 2 daughters ages 8 and 5 and a 3 year old son that I stay home with. I'm currently doing Turbo Jam and LOVE it!!! This is only my second week doing it but I'm still really siked about the results that are to come :bigsmile:

    It looks like everyone had a great mother's day!!! We went to San Antonio to spend mother's day with my brother and mom... my DH had a blast bbqin' all day!

    Glad I found this thread! Great job to everyone and their workouts, keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

    welcome--our kids are about the same age--my oldest is 8.5, my middle girl will be 5 next month, and the baby will be 2 1/2 next month. glad to hear your mother's day was fun.

    Thanks for the welcome!!!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Can I join!? It's so nice to find people who are parents and want to live healthy lifestyles! My name is Katy, I'm 22 and have a 16 month old son named Landon. I'm a SAHM but go to school full time. (I just finished up all my finals this week yay!) I'm majoring in criminal justice and hope to graduate this fall.

    Before I got pregnant I was keeping my weight down with Weight Watchers and once I found out I was preggo, I figured I could finally eat whatever I wanted! Big mistake! I gained around 70 pounds and am the biggest I have ever been in my entire life! I'm still trying to get out of the 200's but I cannot seem to stay motivated. Argh, I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but I just wish I would of made smarter choices when I was pregnant. Anyways, I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you!:smile:

    I lost 30 pounds with Weight watchers!!! I love it....

    Welcome to the group, I just joined myself :flowerforyou: