

  • I think everyone here's exaggerating just a bit. You won't necessarily end up "thin but with a disgusting body" as everyone here is practically implying, if you simply lose weight without exercising. It all depends on your genes, and what type of body you have to start with. It also depends on how old you are. If you're…
  • You look amazing, you're truly an inspiration for those that are just getting started on this journey. Congratulations. :flowerforyou:
  • I suppose it might depend on what brand you look to buy.....try to go to your local supermarket, and compare for yourself, rather than looking to the internet. Grab white rice, and brown rice, of the same brand, and compare them, and see if different brands maybe have different amounts of the "good stuff"(i.e. fiber,…
  • I don't really focus on the "before-during-after" pic stuff....I always assume that I'll be taking pics no matter what, anyways, when I go out....with friends, or family....birthday parties....etc, .in the meantime, I simply make do with whatever compliment I get from people I don't see every day. I don't notice my…
  • Just came to say what everyone else already said: healthy foods, water, and regular exercise. That's the best way to "detox".
  • There's nothing wrong with anything. =P Seriously, you can add a bit of sugar to anything you want, it doesn't undo the health benefits of Green Tea. I usually just add a zero calorie sugar substitute. Don't think about it too much, everyone has different tips, and traditions, when it comes to preparing tea, or coffee, or…
  • Well, not that they'll ever tell you that your weight is the reason, but yeah.
  • Don't worry, apparently, all brother's are like that....especially older brothers. At 21, he's still pretty young and immature. Mine was pretty much the same. Just ignore him, or insult him, whichever. He'll mature eventually, and one day, you'll find out he was always very protective of you, in his own retarded…
  • Personally, I believe everything counts. (Coffee, tea, even the water amounts in certain foodstuffs) However, for the purposes of MFP, I only log in actual water in the water count, and everything else, in my food diary.
  • It's not impossible, you just need a few days to figure out which foods are just better than others when it comes to "calories per amount of food", and simply make adjustments accordingly.
  • Yes, and because why not. =P I drink it black, with sugar substitute.
  • well, going by the calorie limit we get here, and logging all your food, should help you. But what the other commenter said is true, your goal is too high. You're more likely to get pretty frustrated. Just limit your calories, fill up on healthy calories, and exercise....there's no magical ingredient. as for…
  • Someone here had posted a link that explained something interesting about starvation mode, and how it was mostly a myth. I can't remember the particulars, but it won't set in if you don't eat for a day or two, so I wouldn't worry. That said, I wish I had your problem...usually when I'm stressed, or depressed, I have to…
  • So true. I've been living alone for only a year now, and the other day I was on the phone with my mom.....I think we talked for like two or 3 hours. Some of it was pretty stressing, and I wanted to hang up.....halfway through the phone call, I realized I had found myself in the kitchen, stuffing myself....I'm pretty sure I…
  • I pretty much have the same thoughts as everyone else who already commented. I write it down because looking at it is "sobering" in a way. Helps make sure to keep the calories and the things i ate, all in perspective, and as a reminder not to do it again. Aside from all the calories ingested on a binge, having to write it…
  • I think I remember reading that you should eat lightly when you're going on a fast, not stuff yourself right before. I think it's because it makes it harder to do, or something...
  • You might want to consider some type of liquid diet, instead of pills. There's tons of suggestions on the internet for liquid diets.
  • That's weird....I never had any problems with sugar might want to consider trying out different brands, if you haven't tried that already.
  • Good luck! I'm doing the same thing. I'm like the Cookie Monster, hahaha, so I just threw them all in the trash. I have no cookies in my house right now.
  • Well, I think that as long as you eat back at least half the calories you're burning (apart from your usual 1200), and your body feels fine after all that exercise, then you're doing fine. MFP adds the calories you burn to your usual daily calories (whenever you actually add them to your exercise diary, that is). So…
  • You're probably nauseous because you eat very late, and wake up very early. it happens to me sometimes. Try to have your last meal of the day earlier, instead of so late (at least whenever you have to wake up so early the next morning) Also, despite what others here tell you, sometimes eating as soon as you wake up makes…
  • I have an obsession with the scale.....I'm trying to force myself to only weigh myself once a week....but I still step on the scale about once a day, at least, even though I know there's not gonna be a change from the last time..sometimes I even weigh myself more than once a day....why, I don't know...but I still do it,…
  • I don't personally have a time limit.....although well, maybe one hour before I'm planning on going to bed, since I usually have really weird dreams if I eat and go to sleep. As for the fear of gaining weight if you eat late at night.....I don't think it matters as long as you're counting the calories and not going over…
  • Hi, there, welcome! and good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Yeah....not sure how helpful this is gonna be...but....I have as much trouble as the next person even remembering to drink water, you know? So what I do, since the recommended is 8 glasses a day of 8 ounces, and I just happen to have 8 ounce glasses at home, I just go into the kitchen and force myself to drink water. In…
  • This is exactly my opinion. My first reaction was"wait...what?" If we're talking about regular supermarket mushrooms, they can be eaten cooked or raw. There's no "reaction" to eating raw mushrooms bought in a supermarket. so funny, though.
  • Well, you said you like veggies, right? so buy a wide variety of veggies, and nuts, and experiment. Salads can be boring, but they can also be really fun and interesting, if you use the right ingredients. There's a lot of salad recipes out there on the internet, and there's always something you can use to make a salad that…
  • A regular cup of black coffee brewed or percolated from fresh ground coffee beans has, at most, 2 calories, (it only ends up with more calories if you drink it with something other that just a sugar substitute) Also, yes, it does count as water. Any fluids you consume count as water. The diuretic effect of caffeine in…
    in Coffee Comment by Andreinne January 2013
  • Canned and Frozen veggies are actually just as healthy as fresh, mostly because they get frozen or canned on site, as opposed to fresh, that can take a while before it reaches the aisles of your local supermarket. I remember reading something about this, can't remember where, but it was a good source, and it said something…
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