beckty Member


  • Ok, yep. I definitely need to check that out. And also need to commit myself to 2 more days of workouts (I am only doing 3 right now) if I want to start hitting some of my goals.
  • Well I think first, neither of us should feel like losers for trying! My husband started running like 6 months ago and he's super competitive with himself and pushes 3 miles some days. And I keep comparing myself to him. I MUST stop. I've managed a mile and even 1.25 miles straight and felt pretty good. But MOST days (even…
  • This sounds very doable for me. (although a run after squat sets does sound....challenging) Thanks for the info! I will read up soon and adjust my workout accordingly.
  • Thanks much! This is really very helpful. And I am interested in what this barbell complex is??? I really really want to be a runner. I don't know why. But during the "run" (loosely used term there) I am hating hating hating. However, before and after I am looking forward to it, or feeling awesome for my accomplishment. I…
  • Good point. I guess most importantly at the moment is to lose body fat.
  • Oh ouch, sorry! I shouldn't have said it that way. Those frustrate me because the weight increases are annoying. They all jump up by 10 lbs and the ONE weight I would ever want on those is never available. The choices aren't good for me personally. But yes, I can see your point.
  • I love this! I was just looking at my app and i've only done two workouts so far, but I was thinking how pleased I'd be to see it the month consistently filled in. Then I saw your post. Motivational for sure!
  • If you have a pinterest account, you can search for advocare recipes. I am finishing day 23 of the 24 day challenge myself and I've enjoyed it. We plan to continue eating basically like the cleanse with some more relaxed eating days here and there. I roast a lot of veggies and sweet potatoes and eat salmon and chicken…
  • That's just plain weird. :noway:
  • I did a quick google for "unwritten gym rules" just for fun and I found this. 6) Squat Racks are for Squats – Unless you’re the only soul in the gym, don’t you dare do bicep curls in the squat or power rack, that’s an offense punishable by death in some states! Heavy rows, rack pulls, push presses and cleans are acceptable…
  • Thanks for the input! I probably worry too much about breaking some "unwritten gym rule". And yes, my situation sounds at least a little less crowded! I'll hog the rack with confidence. ;)
  • The intensity would be different for everyone. And for me, I know the difference between being out of breath from working hard, and asthma, because the asthma will make it feel like I can't even get the air OUT of my lungs, to get fresh oxygen in. And I'll feel that attack for an hour or more after exercise, even once my…
  • I agree with this. A generic bronchodialator will not be overly expensive if you can visit a quick care clinic and just explain you are only struggling when you exercise. My workouts are crap without a pretreat (10 min or so before I hit any cardio) but as I get back into shape, I need it less and less. I completely got…
  • Thanks so much. The encouragement helps when self doubt creeps into the back of my thoughts.
  • Good Luck!!!! I just found out my husband can't do it with me, so I'll be 10% on my own. This totally freaks me out, but it'll be an opportunity to climb outside my box.
  • Not yet. Little over 2. More because of time constraints than anything. I am going to be making more time for the next few weeks.
  • About two weeks ago, I noticed a girl next to me was moving along at a nice steady pace for quite a while. I snuck a peek at her speed and low and behold! She was "only" doing 4.5. I am a short girl and VERY out of shape and here I was thinking I had to be running more like 5.2. As soon as I slowed down, I was able to get…
  • I am still doing intervals, but trying to make them longer and start stringing some distance together. I did run a straight mile, and really I didn't keep on because of some wicked abdominal cramps. After that, I was pretty worn out, but did manage a few more intervals. You are saying push as far as I can, and then after I…
  • Super! This was exactly the encouragement I needed. Thanks all! My husband is doing it with me as well, but since he's far ahead of me in training I want him to leave me behind and do his personal best. I'll find him at the end somewhere. Also, I meant to ask, is it normal to feel like your runs fluctuate quite a bit? For…
  • I LOVE this. You look gorgeous. And I am the same size and weight so YAY! Look what I get to look forward to! Thanks for sharing.
  • Thank you! I needed to see this. I managed a half mile a week and a half ago and I was ecstatic, but the last few days I've struggled again. I finally slowed down my speed a bit and I think that will help. I've only been at this for a month, so I am going to keep going. I'd be super proud to accomplish what you have.…
  • Why would this be the end of the show? They helped MANY people this season make some amazing life changes. Holy cow, did you see Tuni! And David? Jay? Jennifer? on and on.... Someone will always take something too far. Rachel (Who I really liked the whole time) did take it too far. I think it is likely she has some kind of…
  • Ok, I found it. I was set at the highest activity level. What on earth? I've corrected to closer to reality and it's slightly lower now than my Fitbit's average TDEE. I'll have to see how that affects the whole calc now, since I've not yet unsynced. (I rather liked the fitbit dashboard showing me the calories in/calories…
  • Whoa! I don't remember how I initially set up my MFP profile (it's been a while, sorry to say) but it says I am expected to burn 2740 from normal daily activity. Where the heck is that coming from??? That's way over for me. Could explain the confusion between the two devices.
  • Thanks so much to both of you!
  • I need to lose right at about 50. Feel free to add! I've been lazy on MFP and I've got to improve if I am going to get anywhere.
  • Thanks! This did all make total sense. And you know, in the end the fitbit confirms between 2200 and 2400 calories are being burned daily. So, I guess my TDEE was close to on point with my original estimate. I haven't done any additional exercise that the fit bit wouldn't pick up. The ONLY logging I've done is water intake…
  • Congrats! Glad you had fun!
  • Yep, this is what happens to me when I initially work my traps. Very sore.