

  • if none of those work - then do something that doesn't FEEL like exercise! join a class that takes your focus off "exercising" and onto something else - ie.: martial arts-your focus can then become what you are doing for yourself in terms of self defense and confidence, and climbing up the ranks with belts, or yoga classes…
  • it's not really accurate - it's purely math based and generalized, some people lose more or less depending on how their metabolism is, and what works for them, but that said - it's great motivation to see how that extra little snack would equate to over a few weeks of tagging that on - so i generally opt out! it's…
  • just go back to normal tomorrow, your body will recover naturally and much faster that way, if you're lucky it may not even make a difference!
  • that's awful, but remember that you're not alone - there are thousands upon thousands of people without jobs right now, and i'm sure there are PLENTY that are having relationship problems as well. But think of it this way (in terms of your emotional eating) - it may provide you with temporary comfort, but it will only make…
  • yes, i can see the difference! definitely your face is hugely noticeable (as everyone has said) but you really can see it around your shoulders, upper arms, upper waist and chest as well - the second side shot is just deceiving because it is closer up than the first shot - so it makes you look bigger than you actually are…
  • yes i think that's definitely possible - about 4 oz of chicken (that i buy marinated from the store, with a nutrition label on it) is only about 130 calories, salad - 2.5 cups is about 17 cals for the spring mix, and the vinagarette, depending on how much, that could easily add up to only 330 calories...chicken is amazing!!
  • depends on the relative:P
  • totally, i lost 3.4 pounds overnight once, crazy how it works...
  • I really like Genisoy bars, you can get a variety pack at costco, they are soy protein rather than whey, and about 240 calories a bar, at around 14g of protein, not bad!
  • chicken shishkabobs are great, some salad (where you add the dressing yourself), maybe a bit of garlic bread (but make it yourself on buns that you know the calories of, and you can control how much butter you are putting on each piece), corn on the cob (only 80 calories for a medium cob, no butter), and if you exercise…
  • i think TCASMEY and nhoffman08 are right, you always have fat cells, and they just shrink and grow, but i've also wondered that before too! Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • if you're craving something bad (and trust me at some point you will!) what i find good and satisfying, and help me stay on track are those 100 calorie chips and cheesies, because you still get to "have it", but you're keeping it in check, and keeping cravings away :)
  • you know, i don`t think you will ever figure that one out - for the record, i had a horrid time finding jeans once! i bought a pair that i loved so i went back to get another pair of the exact same jean, and i tried them on just to be sure first, and the same size didn`t fit at all the same. so, i tried everything under…
  • you're absolutely killing yourself, disgracing your body, and undoing all the efforts you've put in thus far. just stop it, it's disgusting, and you're better than that. you have a choice to put that food in your mouth or not, you know which choice is the right one. remember that next time you go to eat.
  • sounds good!
  • absolutely! i felt the same way when i started, but everyone is in the same boat, and i'm sure (they were at my school) very supportive and welcoming. i think every adult has that thought, so when you feel intimidated that "everyone knows what to do" they all started somewhere, many as adults, and they all thought the same…
  • i am definitely into martial arts, more specifically taekwondo too! i trained under wtf, and unfortunately i moved quite away from my school and couldn't find one that was as good in my area, so i figured if i couldn't do the sport i loved properly, i would train in a completely different area and i took up jiujitsu a few…
  • maybe try something that you enjoy that's physically active, rather than just "exercising". for example, i had a similar problem in that i really hated going to gyms, so in the summer i would do outdoor activities like rollerblading, jogging, etc. another option for the winter, (when it's too dark out to do those things)…
  • well the way this program is designed is that, based on your lifestyle (desk job, whatever) it creates a daily calorie deficit regardless of whether or not you exercise. however, if you exercise you are able to eat more! as you've pre-burned the calories you are allowed to consume. that was a bit confusing for me to get my…
  • also, if you aren't already doing so, maybe try to exercise more! muscle burns more calories than fat, and then you can eat more that day due to the extra calories burned! anyway, hope this helps! stick with it!
  • are you tracking your calories on the weekend? because you could be going WAY over what you should on the weekend, then negating what you did during the week (even including the extra calories saved) - maybe try to see how many you are going over all week, and see if the calorie deficit is the same as what the plan…
  • rowing machine? you could always loosen your laces or something too if you need extra breathing room...
  • well, it's not a meal, but its a great snack! and super cheap, easy and tasty... banana milkshake: 1c. milk 1 banana (the more ripe the more flavourful) 4-5 ice cubes 2 tsp. vanilla extract splenda or sugar to taste, if necessary blend it up, but drink it quick! it will separate if left sitting too long...
  • plus, you worked really hard to lose all that weight, do you really want to throw it all away? and then have to go through it all again? even if you're not losing weight for a time, just don't let yourself gain, it's just not worth it...
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