Holy hell I went over...

Ever have days where you go over by about twice to three times your usual intake?? It was a bad emotional eating day, but MAN I didn't figure the damage to be quite so bad. Should I try to eat way under for the rest of the week? What is the proper way to go about fixing this? Double workouts? (not that I usually do much cardio anyway...)


  • kitty_cat023
    just go back to normal tomorrow, your body will recover naturally and much faster that way, if you're lucky it may not even make a difference!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I feel your pain, I went way over for the past couple of days...dang emotions. I did an extra cardio workout yesterday, and probably will do extra tomorrow to try to make up some of the difference.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I'm no expert but I would do two things:
    a) put it behind me and start fresh tomorrow
    b) try to figure out what triggered the overeating and make plans to deal with the trigger(s).

    Everybody slips up; it's no reason to beat yourself up over it. By trying to "make up for it" all week you'll keep thinking about it and feeling bad. You don't need to punish yourself; just learn from it.

    As I said, I'm no expert on weight loss but I AM an expert on quitting smoking and in many ways it's the same principles. I fell off the wagon many times but I haven't smoked in almost twenty years now.

    Good luck!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i did that during the weekend except instead of one day it was 3-4days :blushing: i lost count....got on the scale and gained 6 lbs of waste and water retainment......so today i did nothing but clean eating and tonight i'm half way back to my starting weight from last thursday....this is just me personally so that i dont get off track, but i eat fruits and veggies pretty much all day until dinner then i have 3oz of steak or 4 oz of chicken with a lot of green veggies....and i stay awayyy from the starches and oh yea i drink lots of water lol.....i just do this so i dont give up and feel hopeless all the time ....i figure if i can take control and make a recovery in a couple of days then mentally ill be all set lmao
  • joshuabowman
    joshuabowman Posts: 3 Member
    Put it behind you. I take one day a week and eat what i want up to a certain amount. The rest of the week I do what i can to stay under my count.
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    i've heard that sometimes... it's a good thing to "shock" your metabolism. it could trick it to work twice as hard the next day because it thinks "here we go again". of course this subject might be up for some arguement.
