pittjenn Member


  • It's been pushed to at least March now. I was planning to order one last week, when I noticed the release date here had changed from Jan 15 to March 15. No thanks - bought a fitbit Charge HR instead. At least it's in my hands already! If you want to keep checking on the release date, this retail site keeps updating their…
  • A whole day unchecked is a lot of damage for me :) Instead, I have more luck allowing myself one meal without worries. So if I have an upcoming date, or girls night out, I make sure my diet is spot-on all week, and let myself have that one meal with no counting. And I try not to do that more than a couple times a month,…
  • I had a coupon from Fitbit (I previously had the recalled Force, and it's my understanding they sent all the Force people a coupon), so I ordered directly from them. But I saw the Charge HR being stocked at REI while I was there this weekend, and I know they're on Amazon with Prime shipping now, too.
  • Favorite workouts? I like Core Speed and Speed 2.0. I love doing "rounds" like that - I tell myself I can do any move for just 8 counts, and then I get to move on to something else But burpees are my least favorite. I need to modify for low-impact (so no hopping back for me), but Tania's lunge isn't anything like doing a…
  • All of this! It is a motivator for me, and doesn't cut into my gym or food budgets. In fact, there have been multiple days where I've looked at my wrist at lunchtime at the office, though "Oh no, I'm not on track to make my step goal", and taken the elevator to the lobby and walked up the stairs. Guys - I work on the 59th…
  • I have no idea about the muscle building part, but I find motrin and the like very ineffective for soreness from working out. I feel much better if I take a quick job and stretch, though.
  • Put me down for a body like this, too.
  • Does it hurt more if you work out? If so, rest. If you're on painkillers that make you drowsy, rest. If it's not making it any worse, and you're not taking anything that comes with a warning about operating machinery (because that'd make me afraid I'd drop a weight on my own face), I'd keep working out.
  • Oh, and I carry my weight in my boobs and my hips.
  • I'm 5'9, and I've found it takes at least 15lbs for me to change a whole pant size :( On the plus side, that makes me the kind of person who everyone waaaay underestimates how much I weigh. Currently 174, and my size 6 pants are far too snug to be comfortably worn. I'll fit into them fine at 165. 150-155 is a size 4 for me.
  • 1 year.
  • I've been cutting dairy out to help with tummy trouble (like so many others - I thought it was gluten! Nope, my beloved cheese :'( ) Anyhow, I'm liking Orgain's protein powder. It is plant-based and no added sugars, and I can pick it up at Costco (larger size and better price than online)
  • It's the newest model. It tracks steps, stairs climbed, and your heart rate/calorie burn. The Flex will estimate your calorie burn for you, but it's not as accurate as with a HR monitor built in.
  • Oh yes, the silent alarm is one of my favorite things! No more waking the bf up when I get up. RunsForFood - did you try the "reset" button? When you have the Flex in the charger, turn it over. There is a little hole on the back. Push a paperclip or earring into that, and you will see lights on the front (I think the…
  • I have the Flex and my new Charge HR will be arrive on Saturday! The tracker really motivates me - I thought I was an "active" person because I fit in 30 min of exercise most days...getting a fitbit showed me that was pretty much the ONLY time I moved during the day. When I'm at work, I am motionless. So it's really helped…
  • Oh yes! I double up my yoga mats for extra cushioning when my knees are on the floor.
  • I like Trutein as well, but I stick with the vanilla flavor.
  • I love yoga in the studio. But for everything else, I'd rather sweat in the comfort of my own living room. I find it much easier to just tell myself I have to get dressed and go downstairs, rather than needing to hop in a car, go to the gym, drive home and clean up, etc. It saves me lots of back-and-forth time, and I…
  • Bad knees checking in (torn miniscus and ACL over a decade ago) Squats and lunges help. The trouble is, they can hurt while you're building up those muscles. Ease your way into it - quarter squats (instead of going all the way down), and/or break your reps into various times throughout the day. So 10 aquats while you're…
  • I hate getting up early. That said, I work out at 5:30am M-F. It's the only time I can commit to it seems. If I wait to work out until I get home from the office, I'm to tired/too hungry/just ate and can't work out, etc. In the morning, I put on the clothes that I laid out the night before and stumble on into the living…
  • Tuna (or salmon) salad - 2 cans of tuna or salmon (or the packets, if you prefer), a celery stalk, a chunk of red onion (maybe 1/4 onion), and a handful of parsley. Pulse in the food processor until it has the consistency you like, then stir in a tablespoon of yogurt or guac. Stores in the fridge a couple days, and can be…
  • I am currently using the Flex, but my Charge HR shipped today :) Hopefully I have it by the end of the week and can compare! But yes, any fitbit user can be added to your friends list and challenges, no matter which device they use.
  • I planned for a "cheat" (no logging) meal on Friday. And Saturday, I was out of control with snacks. Rather than let myself tank my entire weekend, I turned it around on Sunday and ate within my macros. And Monday (it was a long weekend for me) I did even better. So while my self control still needs more work, I did not…
  • I have been adding a cup or two of green tea to my afternoons. I used to drink another 20oz of coffee in the afternoons instead, so it's less energy than I'd get from that (but if I had nothing, I'd be in a complete slump, so it's helping!). But I added it for the antioxidents, so check in with me in a decade or so to…
  • How about tea? If you really want to avoid caffeine entirely, there are plenty of herbal teas out there. I am a HUGE coffee drinker, and feel no regrets about it, but I'm working on replacing my afternoon coffee with green tea instead.
  • I'm 3 weeks in to my 3rd round - you can add me!
  • Oh my god. You all look fantastic. Thank you for today's dose of inspiration!
  • I fix my lunch box the night before with my lunchtime meals and snacks. So as long as I remember to grab the one bag from the fridge before I run out the door, I'm golden :) But really, it's just part of my routine now - pour travel mug of coffee, put lunch bag into work tote, kiss the dogs goodbye, and run out the door to…
  • I'm the same way. I start snacking because I'm starving when I get home from work, and then next thing you know, I've eating at least 500 calories just by having a handful of this and a bite of that. What is helping (I'm not perfect yet!) is meal planning. I take an afternoon snack to work, and eat it about 30 min before I…
  • I LOOOOVE T25. Seriously, I'd call it my "spirit workout". I'm doing my 3rd round of the program right now. I lost 13lbs and 16+" the first time I did it. The second time I was doing the program, I tripped over my dog, fell down the stairs, and was out with a fractured foot for a few months - ooops! I'm 3 weeks into my 3rd…