Planning Ahead

I'm at work and find myself without any snacks. I wished I would have grabbed a navel orange or a baggie of the sweet grape tomatoes that I have in the fridge at home. How do you get in the groove of remembering to plan ahead for your day. What kind of routine have you set up so you're covered?


  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    I used to put a post it note on my keys the night before, then it became routine
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I prep the night before (box up leftovers, etc.) and in the AM I pack my lunch/snacks at the same time I pack my son's lunch.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I pre-pack my lunches quite often, too. I make it a habit to go into the kitchen each morning before work and grab the lunch I prepped the night before, a cheese stick, a piece of fruit, etc.

    My biggest challenge seems to be remembering to put the freezer pack into the freezer when I get home from work.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I fix my lunch box the night before with my lunchtime meals and snacks. So as long as I remember to grab the one bag from the fridge before I run out the door, I'm golden :) But really, it's just part of my routine now - pour travel mug of coffee, put lunch bag into work tote, kiss the dogs goodbye, and run out the door to chase the bus.
  • shannonstube
    shannonstube Posts: 64 Member
    I prep and track my food the night before, then all I have to allow time for in the morning is grabbing the bag out of the fridge on my way out the door. It's become habit so I really never forget it now.
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    I pre-pack my lunches quite often, too. I make it a habit to go into the kitchen each morning before work and grab the lunch I prepped the night before, a cheese stick, a piece of fruit, etc.

    My biggest challenge seems to be remembering to put the freezer pack into the freezer when I get home from work.

    Same! I got two freezer packs so the next morning when I finally remember to put the other back, I have one in there that's frozen.

    I try to pack my lunch/snacks the night before, but it rarely happens. So I give myself extra time in the morning to prepare it. I don't have trouble remembering, because I know the only reason I got up 20 minutes earlier was to get my lunch and breakfast ready! Plus, my grumbling belly reminds me that I need to get food.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I just... pack food into my lunch box? I don't pre-log or pre-make any food anymore unless I know I will be eating high cal in the evening (higher than normal). But I just grab food that I feel like I'd enjoy eating or that is convenient and pack it.

    Just go to the store and pick something up, then. If you weigh food then buy something that doesn't necessarily require weighing, like a can of tuna (I stopped weighing those) or some rice cakes (I've found them to be pretty much on point unless they have sugar on them).
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I have a sticky note on my door that simply says "lunch." Before I put that there, I would forget my food (that I had already packed, sometimes that morning) at least once a week. Maybe I could take the note down now and still remember, but I'm usually not super with-it in the morning.
  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    I have foods logged for a few days ahead and check it every morning and night and kind of all day so I guess it's easy to see what I need to bring or grab with me.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Pack a bunch of things at the beginning of your week so you have a bag to reach into each day, rather than having to remember every day. If you do this on Sunday nights (assuming your work week begins on Monday), it will become routine.

    I do this with my son's daily snack at school. Generally, he loves popcorn, so I pop a bunch of lite popcorn, split it into baggies, put that into a carry bag and set it next to his backpack.