

  • You do look amazing and prove to all those out there you can do it. Just takes dedication and time. Nothing else. No one wants to excersise everyday and watch what they eat everyday, I myself would love to go home everyday after work and drink a bottle :smile: of wine and eat a container of white fidge coated oreos but you…
  • You will likley think I am crazy but I saw on Oprah one time that to tighten the jaw line you simply excersise it by sticking out your tongue as far as you can and holding it a second or to and do many reps. If you try it you cna feel that muscle being worked...:laugh:
  • I have tried both and prefer the Wii Fit Plus. I have a friend who works at a video game store and he says alot of people bring back the Wii Active??
  • Scale says I gained 2 pounds but I think it will go down by Friday. I will weigh again then. It is okay to splurge now and then:blushing:
  • I am right there with you. I ate way to much since Thursday. Today is a new day and time to get my butt back on the Wii.....But Christmas is around the corner and I will do it again then....:laugh:
  • I am 5'7 and my goal weight is 135. I am almost 40 (2 months shy) and I am one pound away from that weight after a year of eating better and working out. I had gotten to 160 and was miserable. Most people think that is to thin but that is the weight I like. 140 is a good goal to have. Good luck!:smile:
  • Awesome....:wink:
  • One good way is to take a small weight and hold it in your hand. Hold your arm straight up with it in your hand. Use your other hand to stabilize your elbow of the arm you are holding the small weight in then bend your arm back and keep repeating it. Bending it back and forward slowly. Start with say 20 reps. Then as you…
  • Fabulous:wink:
  • You need to make certain you are logging every thing you eat and eat your excercise calories. It works. I was skeptical at first but it works. Eat good things like grilled chicken, fruits and veggies. After you excercise eat something like a banana. MAKE certain you are eating a good breakfast. I eat an english muffin…
  • That is great!! Good for you. Feels good huh?:smile:
  • I did that last weekend one day. Just start over today. It did nto seem to make a huge difference. We all do it....:blushing:
  • Good for you. GREAT job!:happy:
  • I quit weighing on it to. I bought a digital scale and weigh in the morning. I always had to weigh on it at night right after eat, when i worked out. But it did seem to be fairly accurate. Do you have it sitting on carpet? That might skew the weight some.
  • I have used it since January and lost close to 20 pounds. Doing a combo of yoga, jogging, step aerobics and some of the strengh traning. I got to a plateau and decided I nedded to step it up so I bought the myfitnesscoach. So yes it works to some extent. I am at 139 and trying to get to 135...good luck
  • Thanks guys, I guess I need to go out and get me a good one..aarrghhh
  • A banana is a good recovery food...that is what I woudl eat and I happen to love them..:smile:
  • Sorry have to put this out there. This ran in our paper recently. But it is easy for me I absolutely HATE hot dogs Cancer Project Cites Report Saying Processed Meat Increases Cancer Risk -- Hot dogs may be as American as baseball and apple pie, but a national cancer-awareness group says they're hazardous to your health and…
  • OMG you look terrrific. What a difference and I know you feel so much better. I wish my sister could see this. She is at a stage where she says she will never be able to loss her weight and I know she can she just lacks total will power. I have two sisters. One is my twin and mostly we have alwasy been pretty thin. I was…
  • stupid question but does unsweeated, caffeine free tea count as water. I have alwasy wondered that but was afraid to ask...
    in WATER Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • His name is Zachery Moore. Be careful there. We hear from him only about once a wek or so.
  • Ya'll are cracking me up.... 1. I am totally OCD. I clean my house every Saturday and if i can't I am depressed until I can 2. I want a tattoo on my foot and wrist but my husband will be furious so I have never done it. I woudl get a nautical star on my wrist and a Koi fish on my foot. Love the tattoo shows... 3. I had my…
  • I love fish. Thansk for the tips. Where are you in Afghanistan. My son in law is in Helmand's Province
  • Thanks all for the good advice....
  • It is a solo 900. I have looked in the whole book and nothing tells you about how many calories? The package does not see it does that either. Strange. Did I get a dud? :sad: It is not going to be really helpful if it does not tell me that :noway:
    in HRM Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • Okay that mode looks like jsut a there has to be a way to calculate your calories burned based on how long you are at your maximum heart rate during excercising right?
    in HRM Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • It has a mode that says CHR but nothing in this manual says anything about waht that is...if you hit sty/stp it starts a timer...
    in HRM Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • It is a sportsline watch.
    in HRM Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • No it tells you how to determine your maximum heart rate and the relative heart rate. This one does not tell you calories. Mine is 181 is my bpm and the relative heart rate is 45% based on my restign heart rate and my age
    in HRM Comment by alligator1970 July 2009
  • I am certainly no doctor but do work for one. It sounds like you might have pulled a muscle/tendon in your foot. Try elevating it and taking 800 mg ibuprofen for a few days. If you can (health wise) take Ibuprofen and if it is not better in a few days see a doctor. This is what i wodul do if it is me...please understand I…