Kamikazeflutterby Member


  • What happens after 8 weeks?
  • The cake flavored protein bar is a LIE! Seriously though, this is the saddest thing I've seen all day, and I just binge watched Sarah McLachlan's ASPCA commercials on Youtube.
  • I eat the cake, unless I don't want cake. Then I eat the ice cream. :smile: It's your birthday, it's just one day in a string of days. Don't confuse a day eating at maintenance or a bit above with some sort of failure. That's the best part about calorie counting--it is way more flexible than other weight loss methods.
  • Honestly, the calorie counting makes the most sense to me. By the time I get my protein macro, and eat my fruit/veggie servings for the day, there is absolutely no reason to avoid "unhealthy" food with the remaining calories. Diets that confine themselves to a list that is "healthy" feel more limiting to me. But this…
  • If I eat a large amount of food that is drastically different than the majority of my diet then I will get severe indigestion. It happens if I eat too much salad or oatmeal. It happens if I eat too much fast food. It does not happen if I eat at Cici's (a pizza buffet with awesomely crappy pizza) and eat a moderate amount…
  • I count them, either by weight or by quick add calories. If I stopped counting a food because it was considered "healthy," I'd gain weight on oatmeal and berries alone.
  • Or drink bad decaf, which is an Abomination Unto Nuggan, and potentially great aversion therapy.
  • No, there wasn't.
  • Is canned salmon really that much lower in sodium than hotwings and lasagna? I've got the sodium tracker on MFP just for the hell of it, and I've been surprised at some of the high sodium food. Ex. one Thomas's brand bagel has 100mg more sodium than a large serving of McDonald's fries according to MFP.
  • This reminds me... The added folic acid in my processed breakfast cereal helped prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects when I was pregnant. It is also found in enriched breads, pasta, and rice according to the CDC. Iodine added to table salt helps prevent thyroid disorders, as referenced by the Mayo clinic. And…
  • Honestly, I read a new "ohmigod, teh chemicals!" post every other time I am on the boards. After countless people have fearmongered ingredients with decades of testing, ignored any links to actual studies, and still blathered on in fear based stupidity, I give even reasonably worded threads an eyeroll. After a (very quick)…
  • Don't be. It scares me that you'd A. consider what you typed capable of offending B. Would feel sorrow that something so small was offensive to someone, somewhere on the internet and C. would apologize for hurting someone with skin that thin. I doubt you pissed anyone off, but I also notice that you never answered the…
  • Yes, because of banana photerons. They cling to existing fat cells, and their enzymes cause the fat to gelatenize to a point that your body cannot expel it. This doesn't happen with other fruit because of magic. Or you could believe the other posters and credible scientific sources. ;)
  • Don't forget everyone's favorite substitute for beef in hamburgers--lean ground beef! ;) I'm serious with that. Try your favorite old recipes in the recipe builder along with new ones as well--you might be pleasantly surprised. Sometimes the exciting "healthy" substitute is worth it, sometimes the best way to cut your…
  • It's not a recipe, but I love the nestle lil drumsticks at 110 calories. Also, cheesecake stuffed strawberries are so simple they don't feel like a recipe and you can eat a boatload of them. Scottish Oat Scones are a recipe that I've tweaked and substituted and bent. They taste like big, thick incredibly dry oatmeal…
  • That deficit is too low. Unless you are under close medical supervision, please eat more. My Fitness Pal recommends a minimum of 1200 calories per person per day. Less is considered unsafe.
  • Considering that list (and damned near everything I've read by her) I'll take that as a high compliment. I don't know how she keeps posting good advice on the same topics without burning out.
  • Depends on the link. When the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health Organization, and decades of study say something is okay I will believe those sources before I believe 1,000 links trying to sell "aspartame detox kits." Here is a small sampling of things MFP users have called "toxic" and/or "bad" with absolutely…
  • Roasted eggplant and tomato stacks were surprisingly yummy. The eggplant seemed a bit time consuming, so I also roast a lot of eggplant as written for this recipe at once, and put the eggplant on whatever the hell I want to all week.
  • Mmmmm.... sausage.
  • This is a web board. People post questions, other people reply. My fitness pal is also a calorie counting website and app. You have your profile, a news feed similar to other social media sites, and an area to enter your calories and exercise for the day. All you need to do for the weight loss aspect is track calories. You…
  • There's a disconnect somewhere. Either A. You have some medical problem severely lowering your BMR and you should see a doctor, or B. (far more likely) your calorie counting is off. You could be measuring your food wrong, you could be leaving off some foods that are surprisingly high calorie, or you could be overestimating…
  • I've been eating tomato sandwiches with this bread: It's probably the least nutrient dense thing on the planet, but at 70 calories a slice, I'll live with that. At least until tomato season is over.
  • Yes, the answer is also to be lazier than the people you consider ripped, which is really, really easy. No one wakes up with an accidental six pack.
  • "Nah, he's in charge of bringing the sausage." "I'm saving room for beer." If you want the mature adult comeback, sorry, can't help you. :)