Anyone have a good dessert recipe?

terrileddy1 Posts: 3 Member
Sometimes I end up with enough calories left for a low cal dessert. Anyone have anything good?


  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    It's not a recipe, but I love the nestle lil drumsticks at 110 calories. Also, cheesecake stuffed strawberries are so simple they don't feel like a recipe and you can eat a boatload of them.

    Scottish Oat Scones are a recipe that I've tweaked and substituted and bent. They taste like big, thick incredibly dry oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips instead of currants and greek yogurt instead of butter and some splenda replacing sugar. It looks like a good recipe to tweak other ways, just for the love of god don't review the recipe on after you change it. That's a big pet peeve of mine, especially with baking.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    A couple of Oreos or 1/2 cup of quality ice cream.
  • terrileddy1
    terrileddy1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the input. I'm going to try the strawberries for sure. I usually end up making smores in the toaster oven. 1 graham cracker sheet, 1 tsp nutella and one large marshmellow. Put marshmellow on half of the graham cracker sheet put under broiler til toasted. Spread nutella on the other half. The warm marshmallows causes the nutella to spread just like a hershey. It's 120 calories but it definitely satisfies