"accepted, just loading" - my brother joining me in a video game...i think it was Renegade Ops, from Dec. 3rd! i keep my inbox clean so everything gets deleted, guess i missed this one. sometimes we communicate more via ps3 earpiece than via phone. but hey, i'm not wasting the minutes on my phone so that's cool.
I miss FFXI, i keep holding out hope that one day FFXIV will come out for ps3...until them i just got done beating Uncharted 3, great game, and looking forward to Skyrim and AC Revelations. I lift a lot, use the exercise bike, and still make time for video games, it's all about balance.
tigersword is spot on here, it's a complete myth about eating late, as long as your total caloric goal is on with what you want. it may effect your sleep depending on what you eat late, but otherwise it simply doesn't matter.
the body works in funny ways, i wouldn't be as scale conscious, it seems to me you weighed yourself immediately before and immediately after to come to this conclusion...maybe weigh yourself once a week instead.
i love the EAS 100% whey protein shakes, i get the chocolate and vanilla they both taste pretty good. they even make pre-made ones, but i consider them a waste... because the powder kind you just mix with water and you are done. anyways i just drink the shake without anything else though i usually have water when i'm done…
i would just monitor your joints, as long as you have no discomfort you should be fine, I started at about 280 and slowly increased the length of my runs until i got down to around 230 and started lifting as well. start small and work your way up, you'll be fine.
maybe crystal light?
as far as burgers go, i don't eat beef, but i'll make my own as natural as can be salmon/chicken/turkey burger at home, within themselves they aren't bad. it's usually the white bread burger bun that's loaded with the garbage. so i'll make a burger, a little cheese, some veggies, chop it all up, and toss it in a low carb…
plus i see a lot of back and chest exercises there, i've always seen shoulder press as just a bonus on those "extra" days seeing as they are really getting worked doing all of that anyways. so that might be one you can drop in place of another heavy leg exercise like squats. edit - and i agree with others, i isolate muscle…
Personally I've seen some of my biggest gains doing squats. I love leg press, but squats have always seemed best for me and are really essential for lifting big in my point of view. Maybe some leg extensions or shrugs. Lunges are always super exhausting which means they are good ha.
I usually plan my entire day in the morning. If my wife or myself is making something for dinner, we almost always get the calories from whatever it is we are eating save the vegetables and fruits which don't normally come with the nutrition label. I'll use MFP for those. I'm very specific with knowing exactly what and how…
I wouldn't be so sure that an R.D. is much better. Most doctors will tell you whatever the Merck's Physician's Desk Reference tells them. Anyone that doesn't see what's wrong with a drug company writing the reference books and telling the doctor what to prescribe is likely missing a lot more of those fine details in…
For me personally, I like to have a protein shake prior to a workout where i'm lifting weights and i follow up with another afterwards. it's much easier for my body to handle in the morning as i've had trouble eating early in the past. With that said, on days where i'm doing an hour on the bike or so, i can either have a…
I'm actually the person eating when other people aren't because i eat a lot of small meals throughout the day instead of the typical 3 squares a day. Perhaps that may work for you, cut your calories per meal down and increase the amount of meals. Plus the chances of you ever being hungry during the day would be slim to…
Welcome and good luck :smile:
Good luck!
Hey! Alright, I'm from the Salem County area originally. Vacations certainly can do that, always hard trying to re-route yourself. No shortage of friends around these parts. Good luck!
Currently playing AC Brotherhood, LBP 2, and Mortal Kombat on PS3, eagerly awaiting FFXIV for PS3 release (yes....still...and yes...even after the bad publicity). On a side note. While on my exercise bike, I turn on the original Nintendo for something to take my mind off of what I'm doing, but not enough to distract me…
Thanks Sus, yeah, honestly, I was glad to be able to run as much as I did because I had multiple leg injuries years prior to my running career. I'll chalk it up to one of those "enjoyed it while I could" deals...The people here seem awesome, which is why I thought I should at least introduce myself. Very encouraging group,…
I'd agree with the cookies on the computer thing, except i'm getting pizza adds here at work (shhh) and home. I don't eat pizza at work, so I've never looked it up here. The last time I had any pizza at all was back in March I think and I certainly didn't look it up online to order it (there is a go to organic pizza place…
I'm with Paige on this one, I added a boat load of strength training into the exercise section and it didn't say anything in the cardio section about calories burned (and it wouldn't make sense if it did since it's....the cardio section). I haven't bothered adding any more in since it doesn't track the calories burned. I'd…