late eating



  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I get home only at 8 PM every night. No question of eating any earlier than 9 for me, cuz we have to make dinner and lunch for the next day(yes, we are picky eaters and need a different meal for dinner and lunch) the time we r done with both and can sit down and eat it is at least 9. How I control my dinner portion is by eating a filling snack arnd 6:30 PM just before getting out of work. That way, I am not starving when I sit down for dinner and it keeps my tummy light and happy :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eat whenever you want, meal timing is a myth. It has no effect on weight loss.

    So you're telling me that even if I eat at 11 o'clock at night, because that is when I am home from the gym - that is not bad?

    I didn't think so either, but the internet refuses to give me a clear answer on this. I've been googling the subject for weeks, trying to figure this out. Drives me nuts lol.

    It does not matter how many meals you eat, or what time you eat them. Your body will digest them all the same. People try to say that eating at night causes your body to store the food as fat instead of immediately burning it for energy. The part they conveniently leave out is your body does that anyway, whenever you eat. Fat storage is not some terrible, horrible unhealthy process that the fitness and diet industry try and make it seem like. It's a normal physiological process that happens every minute of every day. Your body is constantly storing excess energy as fat, and releasing stored fat for energy. That's how it works. There is no strange, mysterious storage area that the body stores food in to use for energy besides the fat cells.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Calories are calories, why would eating at 8 pm be bad? I ate dinner at 11:45 PM last night.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    It really just depends on when you go to bed. You shouldnt eat 2 hours before bedtime...

    Why? I see no difference in how my body processes food, whether it's 5 hours or 5 minutes before bedtime.
  • maximkat
    maximkat Posts: 22 Member
    tigersword is spot on here, it's a complete myth about eating late, as long as your total caloric goal is on with what you want. it may effect your sleep depending on what you eat late, but otherwise it simply doesn't matter.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    You're body doesn't shut down and restart at midnight your time, my time or gmt time. It doesn't know the difference. It is a continous process.

    Sometimes I eat in bed, the only problem that causes is it annoys the bf when it is crunchy food and he wants to sleep.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    The eating "late" thing is more about the temptations of eating a bag of Lays Potato chips vs a proper meal or an apple.

    Not the specific act of eating at 11pm vs 6pm.

    In the past, I thought filling your stomach full late would make you hungrier in the morning. But I think that's because I ate junk food(ie.. empty calories) vs something healthy.
  • tinksmommy2006
    calories are calories people. think about it long as you stay at/under you goal, your exercising, and burning. so it doesnt matter when you eat them.

    example: say my goal is 1200...which it

    ok goal 1200.....burn goal 1400
    breakfast 10am 300......left over 1100
    lunch 1pm 400....left over 700

    dinner 2 am...cuz you went out and forgot to eat.............

    ok stop here...technicly yes its the next day...but you still had 700 cals left to eat from the "previous" day! you need those calories so yes eat them! then go on with your next day as normal...if you dont do this then you run the risk of starvation does not matter when you eat as long as you are going about it the way we have all be taught on her....i eat the bulk of my cals every night at dinner about 7..then i have a snack EVERY night about 9 or 10pm...and i have been losing 1-4 lbs per week....(monthly girl things keep it lower some weeks) i have lost 40 lbs in 3 months so no it does not matter when you long as you are moving and meeting and not going over your goal!
  • Denesesterling
    I try not to have dinner after 6 pm. When I have to I eat a salad with some protein or something really light on the stomach, low in calorie and fat. Even though your body still burns calories while you sleep, you dont want to have it working too much when it should be resting for the upcoming day.