apreslar27 Member


  • This is a great book called New Rules of Lifting for Women. I checked it out at my local library but you can also get it on Amazon and other sites. It is really wonderful.
    in NRWL4W?? Comment by apreslar27 June 2012
  • I am in the same boat with the cravings! I had very few cravings during pregnancy but I have crazy cravings now. I rarely eat chocolate and now I think about it all the time. I also craved banana bread for a while and I always want milk these days. I eat a lot of hard boiled eggs for breakfast or as a snack throughout the…
  • Mine would start fussing and then pull off at that age because he was teething or sometimes because the milk would come out too fast for him. Keep it up! It is so good for your baby!
  • Have you tried pumping more often for less time? I have read that 15 minutes is the max you should pump during a session. Also, try pumping after your baby eats, especially first thing in the morning. I haven't ever tried the flax seed oil. Have you tried fenugreek? I used that after I lost my supply after a nasty bout of…
  • We have the same stats and our babies are only a month apart. You should be eating around 2000 calories. I would check out the eat more to weigh less group too.
  • Check out the eat more to weigh less group, lots of great info about getting weight loss going again. Good luck!
  • You can also try a sippy cup. Make sure you are not the one trying to give the bottle, if he knows the real thing is close by he will refuse. Good luck!
  • Remember that it is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Work on your diet first and find little ways to fit the exercise in. I work on the 3rd floor of an office building and I have outlawed the elevator. I always take the stairs and I make sure to get up from my desk at least every hour and walk around a bit. I go and talk to…
  • You can add in breastfeeding as a food. It will subtract calories instead of add them. You can search it as a food and a bunch of options will come up! Good luck and keep drinking that water so your supply will stay!
  • Champion has great sports bras. They have an adjustable back and adjustable straps. Try this link. http://www.championusa.com/workout-clothes/sports-bras-43553--1/maximum-support-bras I know how you feel, I am largest up top and nursing and it is tough to find a good one. Good Luck!