fairestthings Member


  • I have never been obese and started MFP with 25lbs to lose. Using a HRM is MUCH BETTER than just logging your activities on MFP and letting them assume the caloric burn. A burn doing a Jillian Michaels DVD for me (which is only 30-45 minutes) will put me at 350-375 if I work my hardest (I'm not in horrible shape, but I am…
  • Abs are made in the kitchen :-) I've had one child (+ now one on the way) and was able to retain my abdominal muscles after my C-section and packing on some weight after my first child. I did a lot of cardio, strength, Pilates but I didn't see a lot of progress until I was way more honest about how healthy I was eating. I…
  • I agree with the others. Keep BFing and focus on eating healthy. Maybe it will help you to realize that what you're eating is going to your baby as well? That helps me when I really want to just indulge in every bad thing known to man. Sleep is very important for healthy weight loss. I'm sure you already know that when the…
  • I'm expecting my second child too :-) I've focused on macros as best as I can, rather than caloric intake. This is relevent to me because I worked out pretty hard core prior to getting pregnant but I am of the mindset that hardcore workouts during pregnancy are not healthy for the body. By maintaining proper nutrition as…
  • It depends on your activity level. While other drinks can count toward your water count, the dehydrating affects from pop aren't what I would consider safe toward a water goal. Coffee and tea would be more apt to be counted toward water consumption. I have the same issue. It's horrible because I have to drive my daughter…
  • Delivery pizza. Mac and cheese. otherwise, I am a chocoholic but have managed to be able to keep that in portion control. Took me forever!
  • I think technically it is considered the "past" day since you didn't sleep. The point in logging and paying attention is that you know when you eat things, and since you didn't sleep first I'd just log it under the day you were already logging in. However, if you wake up in the middle of the night to snack or something,…
  • I sent invites to girls I knew were dieting in the recent-past, currently or had mentioned they wanted to lose weight. I will never say anything to anyone who is overweight or chubby, as it is not my business. If they ask how I log my calories and whatnot, then I'll let them know about MFP.
  • I understand that dilemma, but y'know, he has a shower at home. He doesn't NEED to go in the locker room. Or he could always ask a member of staff to help him fetch his things from a locker because he has a child.
  • Thing is, we didn't do the diet, but we initiated a lifestyle change. Our foods now are vastly different (and superior) to those which we ate even 8 months ago. Obviously old food cravings are coming back at me, so we do have readily available healthy and good foods. and yes, I'm aware you're not supposed to eliminate…
  • And if it fails, then you know it doesn't work for you! LOL At least you'll be warm though ;-)
  • Thanks ladies! :D I think I'll stick to MFP though. SP just didn't work out well for me, for whatever reason. Plus I have a nice group of friends here that I rather feel inclined to already.
  • No I didn't go to the doctor. I almost did but my husband said I didn't need to, as he had broken his when he was younger and all they do is buddy tape it and tell you to ice it and take some anti-inflammatories. I Googled and saw that 99% of others said the same thing -- unless it was black and blue, then you needed to…
  • When I injured BOTH knees (from overuse) my doctor told me to switch from cold to hot for 15-minute intervals. I'm not sure how bad your knee is, but what I'd do is use heat first for 10-15 minutes then immediately switch to cold for 10-15 minutes whilst elevated. Arthritis may be different though.
  • I have issues with men "flaunting" their bodies -- whether they are attractive or not. My husband and I aren't prudes, but our personal opinion is that our bodies aren't meant for advertising to other people. I didn't do that when I was single and neither did he. We just believe in modesty.
  • LOLOLOLOLL!!!! Wow. That had to be miserable for him. I would die... LOL.
  • I am SO happy you said that. It's so nice to read that and knwo there are other women out there that finds this crude and just... ridiculous.
  • Real hummus only has garbanzos/chickpeas, garlic, EVOO, and lemon. You can infuse it, but the traditional way is fairly simple. I make my own and now can't even try store bought anymore as it usually tastes gross!! http://desertcandy.blogspot.com/2007/07/hummus-dilettante.html?m=1
  • A whole large pizza -- Dominos or Papa Johns Little Debbie Swiss Cakes -- whole box Kraft Mac and cheese - whole box 2lbs of Monterey jack cheese for a snack with some sort of crackers and wine And mindlessly eating a full course dinner at Applebees finished with a lava cake to myself We would both easily inhale a bag of…
  • Red bean and barley soup (carrots, celery, potatoes, tomato, onion, garlic, spices and herbs with homemade vegetable broth). YUM! Oh, and hot chocolate. LOL
  • I prefer Greek yogurt with muesli, raisins, raspberries, blueberries and chia seeds. Same portability, same protein with some fruit as well as oatmeal. If you don't like raisins, you could switch out the muesli for just oatmeal and put diced prunes in there instead. Hard boiled eggs are great as well.
  • I don't see your diary so I'll just say this... Salt and sugar and alcohol need to be cut. There's nothing wrong with eating a treat here or there, but here or there is not every day. Really look at your diary. I bet you can look back every day and see something you could've replaced with something else that was healthier.…
  • Water doesn't help me. Fruit does. I'll admit, it isn't the same as having whatever I'm specifically craving (past two weeks it's been hot fudge -- like a whole bowl of just hot fudge) but it helps me a bit. - Flavored teas. Usually fruit (Lipton's blueberry & pomegranate for example) or even just regular tea with a slice…
  • Just an added note: I won't be joining a gym because we are building our own home gym -- slowly but surely. We are both very into fitness and would love to have our own gym here for our children to use as well when they're older with our supervision. Plus, it's cheaper in the long run for us.
  • Thank you! I do. I do so many squats and lunges that quite honestly if they were the "only" answer as some places claim, I would be the exception to the rule. I am eager to find out how to implement this technique at home! Thanks :)
  • Sounds like I need a food mill for this and all my cooking! I use a lot of apples, make our own apple sauce, apple butter and whatnot and would seriously die of happiness if i didn't have to peel, cut and core them all alone LOL. It's a huge pain and mess. Thank you for your tips!
  • Oh sorry. I must've said something I didn't mean to. What I read was that Anaheim peppers are also called chili verde peppers. I didn't mean the recipe :)
  • Thank you for the tips. My recipe is spicy enough for my 3-year-old to tolerate and still give my husband and I the flavor we want. I do try to stay away from anything too spicy. I did just have a look at a Cook's Thesaurus online and found the poblanos and chili verde to be more on the lines of the spice-factor we are…
  • That sounds fabulous, lyttlewon! I have never ever done that before, so I will want to try that this week for sure. I actually have no experience with any chilies, which is why I just went and asked for help :) Handling anything remotely that spicy makes me nervous!