Drinking too much? Too many bathroom stops?

Hi People,
I am sure that I used to drink a lot of fluids anyway but in the last month I have been actively making sure I drink at least 8 cups of water a day as MFP suggests to do. I also usually have another couple of drinks a day, like a pepsi max can and maybe 500ml cordial.

Is that too much? Is it bad to drink too much, do you think we should just drink when we feel the need or should we be pouring fluids into our bodies to make sure we drink enough?

I ask because I have found in the last 2 weeks that the amount I am drinking seems to go straight through me, I mean I am going to the toilet at least 20 times a day, to me that is not normal, I have no other side effects of any infections, the only thing I can think of is that I am drinking too much.

Have you had the same issue, what did you do?


  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Rule of thumb is to drink so your urine is light yellow/clear. If you eat fruit or veggies, you're getting more liquids than you realize. And that coke counts towards the water goal! Personally, I usually only manage five or six glasses of actual water a day, and I always pee clear.
  • NatashaVR
    It takes your body awhile to get use to drinking that much water and depending on what your doing for exercise 6-8 is reasonable. Pop or diet pop, I wouldn't do, all together it's unhealthy and the caffeine will make you go to the bathroom. Also I would watch your sugar intake, you might be boarder line type 2 and that might be the reason why your going to the bathroom so much. That's the reason I was going so much and since I've been watching my sugar WOW has that really stopped. Also, caffeine will make you want to use the bathroom if your anything like me so I wouldn't do that past 12pm, then you can thank the Lord your not getting up in the middle of the night 6 times :D This is all of course from my own experience but I hope it helps! Also! You might want to uptake how many greens and how much fiber you're getting.
  • Charz612
    Charz612 Posts: 38 Member
    eat advice, thanks so much for taking the time to comment.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Rule of thumb is to drink so your urine is light yellow/clear. If you eat fruit or veggies, you're getting more liquids than you realize. And that coke counts towards the water goal! Personally, I usually only manage five or six glasses of actual water a day, and I always pee clear.

    ^^^This! There is no rule that says 8 glasses of water per day. Stop making life hard by trying to conform to arbitrary rules based on myth. If you are making too many bathroon stops, the solution is simple, drink less!!
  • Can_Change_Natalie
    Can_Change_Natalie Posts: 109 Member

    I cant give much advice but i too have had the same issue, i know i dont normally drink enough water so the last few weeks i have been making a real effort to try and drink alot more,and im constantly needing to go to the toilet like alot!

    Im not to conserned though, but i could be wrong not to be.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Everyone is different and recent studies have shown that the hard and fast 8 glasses a day isn't set across the board.

    I actually drink upwards of 3-4 litres a day, most days, but my body appears to be used to that, and I'm not forcing it at all, I hardly notice I'm doing it!
  • NatashaVR
    Love the fat cat pic! :D
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Love the fat cat pic! :D

    Heehee thanks!
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I drink about a gallon of water per day. Initially I was making trips to the bathroom all the time, but now it's far less frequent (and less annoying).
  • lindafjohnson
    I also have this issue but I do love water and always have. I drink at the least 8 glasses and sometimes 10. i get up during the night at least 3 times probably because I drink most of my water late in the day. I personally don't think u can drink too much but its gotta come out lol so the more u drink the more u go to the bathroom. I am a diabetic and have it under control with my drs help and it has nothing to do with that. Now if u stay thirsty all the time and can't seem to get enough to drink then u might want to think about seeing a dr and this is a big sign of a diabetic. I also drink coffee only once in the morning and it will send me straight to the bathroom also. Hope this helps
  • amashia1
    Before I started exercising, I frequently found myself dehydrated. As I started working out, I tried to drink more water to keep myself hydrated. At first, I had the same problem. But now I noticed myself gradually drinking more and more water per day. I started around 3 bottles a day and now (3 weeks later) I find myself drinking around 6 per day on average. I agree that your body adjusts, just dont force it.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Depends on a lot of factors. Eat a lot of salt, get thirsty and drink alot of water. Hot outside, drink a lot of water. Hungover, drink even more water. I easily drink 8, and most often twice that each day.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I have a 32 ounce water bottle that I fill up about 4 times a day, and a small bladder, so I feel your pain! I just like water, so it just happens. I also agree with the others that you don't have to force it so much if you're not thirsty. Or, you just have to deal with the bathroom breaks. At least you're getting more exercise!
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    It depends on your activity level. While other drinks can count toward your water count, the dehydrating affects from pop aren't what I would consider safe toward a water goal. Coffee and tea would be more apt to be counted toward water consumption.

    I have the same issue. It's horrible because I have to drive my daughter to many appointments throughout the week and I am always going to the restroom before during and after the appointments LOL. I often have to stop before ending up at our destinations too. After a month it stops and my body begins to realize I'm actually going to keep it hydrated.

    Perhaps also look at any sodium in your diet. This may contribute as well. Sugar can also affect you in this manner but most of us lack dedication to stop sugar LOL.
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    The urologist told me to just drink when you are thirsty. Your body will tell you what it needs. Just be sure to keep in mind that, when you are craving something salty, it is probably just your body telling you it wants water. That was a problem I have always had.
  • Charz612
    Charz612 Posts: 38 Member
    WOW, thanks everyone!!
  • 170isreal
    170isreal Posts: 151 Member
    It took my bladder awhile to get used to drinking so much water, the bathroom breaks have slowed down over time. I know there is not a lot of evidence behind the 8 glasses a day rule but I notice a big difference in my weight loss if I do not drink 8 plus glasses. I am also a coffee/ tea drinker and that dehydrates you so I make sure to drink more water with the caffeine intake.

    Long story short - Your body will adjust :) Congrats on your weight loss thus far!
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    your pee should be clear except for when you wake up in the morning if thats how it is your fine. if your drinking water you really cant drink to much