

  • good luck on your journey!
  • I think I have had more success in doing HIIT than a steady pace. I also find it less boring and that it goes by faster. I've heard that intervals are very good for burning belly fat- and it has worked very well for me so far.
  • I make these muffins all the time! - 176 calories per muffin, great for on the go with some yogurt/fruit INGREDIENTS (Nutrition) 1 egg 3/4 cup fat free half-and-half 3 tablespoons canola or olive oil 1/3 cup Splenda or sugar 1 medium apple, peeled and chopped 3/4 cup dried cranberries or raisins 1/2 cup walnut pieces 1 cup…
  • Personally- i weigh in every week just cause i can't help it lol but I think every 2 weeks is fine- definitely would show more results. I think once a month is not often enough- because you may think you're doing the program correctly and then come to find out you have gained/ haven't lost much and that month may have been…
  • I walk, run in intervals, do a pilates balancing ball video, and i have a lot of the biggest loser/jillian michaels videos for strength training. Varying my workouts during the week have really helped my weight loss and i'm not bored running on a treadmill every day. good luck on your journey!
  • you should also try varying your exercise- if you're doing the same thing all the time your body gets used to it and you actually start burning less calories for the same exercise. switch it up a bit and have fun! and your body will respond
  • you don't necessarily have to eat all of your exercise calories- however i have had the best success in eating almost all of them. I usually plan to eat my exercise calories, and on the days where i don't exercise i limit myself to my base of 1250 calories (which is very hard)- so it's more of a motive to workout so i can…
  • we all have our days when we're eating more or less- which is normal however if the habit of having so many calories left over is becoming more common you should really rethink the meals/foods you are trying to eat. eating so few calories can be very detrimental to your weight loss and slows down your metabolism - which…
  • you buy a pair of jeans a size down and when it's time to actually wear them they're too big!! waste of money- but great feeling :)
  • thanks for that recipe kaylou!! i love margaritas but never order them out anymore because some restaurant ones pack enough calories for my entire day. i'm definitely going to try this!
  • you should try eating more- a while ago i pumped up my exercise a lot but i didn't change my eating habits and i hit a wall for a few weeks, but once i started to eat more (eating some of your exercise calories) the weight started to slowly come off again
  • I think you should be able to give in sometimes, but sensibly- or else how will you be able to maintain your weight once you're at your goal and you want to go back to eating those things- just part of the learning process. I have found myself still eating the things i like- but just altering what i used to order. for…
    in cheated =\ Comment by smg1010 July 2009
  • i am so perplexed that after losing 22 pounds my chest hasn't changed one ounce, well i've had to buy new bras but only for a different band size, not cup size i'm definitely starting to think they're a little big for me now, especially since i want to lose 20 more pounds- but of course my boyfriend disagrees lol
  • it just so happens today is my pamper day!! i had a nice run this morning, am going to cook myself a nicelunch, go shopping, and then give myself a facial and mani/pedi while watching a chic flick before the boy gets home can't wait :)
  • don't get discouraged!! I have weeks where nothing changes but sometimes it's because i've done more strength training that week and built muscle- but you need that muscle to burn fat! as long as you're following a plan and feeling good then it'll come
  • don't limit yourself to not eating the foods you enjoy, that's not much of a life- just plan accordingly. If you know you are going to splurge for dinner, have a lighter breakfast and lunch. You can also workout more that week. one of my tricks,too- i always look at the menu of the place i'm going to beforehand, and I give…
    in cheated =\ Comment by smg1010 July 2009
  • It took me around 3 months to lose 20 pounds (and I used weight watchers), and I was in my last semester of college so it was even harder. But eventually just got into an exercise routine and I am much more knowledgeable about nutrition and portion control. Now I feel comfortable to do this on my own and continue, although…
    in hello! Comment by smg1010 May 2009
  • thank you so much hermit4hire!
    in hello! Comment by smg1010 May 2009