weighing in every 2/3 weeks instead?

Is anyone only jumping on the scale every couple of weeks? I think that I'm going to start doing this because I have such a small amount to loose that there are some weeks that I haven't lost anything (in fact gained):noway: This causes me to get really upset and thus I eat more! Plus, I've had 2 bad weekends (4th of July and then out of town with the girls) so I'm totaly freaked out that I've gained it all back. After the 4th, I gained a pound back and I'm sure that I've gained evern more from my girls weekend. So I was thinking if I work hard and eat great, the next time I weigh in maybe I'll at least be back to where I started. Any thoughts?


  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I have done that sometimes. Every week will be different, I like every week because it lets me know if I have anything I need to change that I could do different the next week.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I was thinking about the once amonth weigh in for myself idk:smile:
  • smg1010
    smg1010 Posts: 21
    Personally- i weigh in every week just cause i can't help it lol
    but I think every 2 weeks is fine- definitely would show more results.

    I think once a month is not often enough- because you may think you're doing the program correctly and then come to find out you have gained/ haven't lost much and that month may have been wasted when you could have corrected the problem a few weeks ago and gotten back on track.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Personally- i weigh in every week just cause i can't help it lol
    but I think every 2 weeks is fine- definitely would show more results.

    I think once a month is not often enough- because you may think you're doing the program correctly and then come to find out you have gained/ haven't lost much and that month may have been wasted when you could have corrected the problem a few weeks ago and gotten back on track.

    Yea, I think 1 time per month is to long. I was thinking every 2 weeks. I think I'm just scared to see what the scale says. :tongue:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Is anyone only jumping on the scale every couple of weeks? I think that I'm going to start doing this because I have such a small amount to loose that there are some weeks that I haven't lost anything (in fact gained):noway: This causes me to get really upset and thus I eat more! Plus, I've had 2 bad weekends (4th of July and then out of town with the girls) so I'm totaly freaked out that I've gained it all back. After the 4th, I gained a pound back and I'm sure that I've gained evern more from my girls weekend. So I was thinking if I work hard and eat great, the next time I weigh in maybe I'll at least be back to where I started. Any thoughts?

    the same is happening with me, i fluctuate 5 lbs every weekend, up down up down. and then i eat really healthy in the morning...and then feel discouraged late in the afternoon and pig out and have to work out way too much.

    i am just gonna weigh in every two weeks i think
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I think 2 weeks should be the minimum amount of time between weigh-ins. One week just isn't long enough to really see the effects of your efforts.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I concur. I wouldn't go any longer than 2 weeks. Hopefully you'll see a bigger diffrernce which will motivate you.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I usually weigh once a month. I didn't weigh at all when I first started. Just trusted that I was doing what was right and would see the desired result. The scale should not be your one and only measure either. I have gained weight and gotten smaller. :drinker:
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I usually weigh once a month. I didn't weigh at all when I first started. Just trusted that I was doing what was right and would see the desired result. The scale should not be your one and only measure either. I have gained weight and gotten smaller. :drinker:

    You gained weight and got smaller?! Well at least you got smaller! I would be super ticked. But muscle weights more than fat right? Or so I tell myself. :tongue:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I usually weigh once a month. I didn't weigh at all when I first started. Just trusted that I was doing what was right and would see the desired result. The scale should not be your one and only measure either. I have gained weight and gotten smaller. :drinker:

    You gained weight and got smaller?! Well at least you got smaller! I would be super ticked. But muscle weights more than fat right? Or so I tell myself. :tongue:

    1 lb of fat and 1 lb of muscle weigh exactly the same. Muscle is more dense than fat is. That's why you can weigh more but still get smaller.

    Along with the scale I use a tape measure. It's my new best friend. Are you taking your measurements as well??
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I was just holding water it came off eventually. I have gained a lot of muscle and bone mass too I think since I increased my calcium intake.
    I usually weigh once a month. I didn't weigh at all when I first started. Just trusted that I was doing what was right and would see the desired result. The scale should not be your one and only measure either. I have gained weight and gotten smaller. :drinker:

    You gained weight and got smaller?! Well at least you got smaller! I would be super ticked. But muscle weights more than fat right? Or so I tell myself. :tongue: