

  • my body is cringing at this talk....i'm doing day 5 of level 1 tonight and I just don't think my chunky body will be quite ready for level 2 this week.....but I think I can wait for that and level 3 for a nice good long while!!!
  • i have been told that with cardio and crunches, that you are losing fat and keeping the ab muscles toned which should help keep away the loose skin. i did these again tonight, minus the side planks again....i feel it but not in a bad way. i wish this flab in front would MOVE already. :laugh:
  • did day 3 last night and it was so much easier for me than the first 2 days (although i was still dying). And my legs don't feel as sore today! :laugh: going to do day 4 tonight....oh boy.
  • i have never had a poached egg before and this post makes me want to eat only poached eggs!! I am a non yolk eater most of the time though. Nothing to do with cholesterol or anything, I just am not a huge fan of it. I LOVE hard boiled eggs (which is why I love easter soooo much haha) and always hated the dry icky texture…
  • before I got my hand weights, I used water bottles. If they are too heavy to start with, just drink some :laugh: but that's about it.
  • I was surprised by the mosquito and wart part. That's funny. Too bad I only just found this post today! 4th of July weekend left me with quite a bit of mosquito bites, but they're gone now.
  • i haven't ever seen steel cut oats (haven't really looked either!!) but always grab one of those HUGE round cardboard containers of the quaker oats stove cooking kind not the packets. Those can be cooked in the microwave like the instant though without the not so great stuff that goes into the packets. I bring a serving in…
  • ok i did this after my workout with 30 day shred and i feeeel it. i found out i can do the regular plank but def not the side planks....so i will have to work on that...but i guess it will feel REALLY good when I finally can do the side planks. my cousin said she does side planks and lowers her hips to the floor and back…
  • I started this 2 days ago....psyching myself up to do day 3 in a few minutes....I hate it but I love it....well my thighs hate it i should say! I'm also using the elliptical and some billy blanks dvds I have around.
  • this was always the worst for me!! especially with a thin-but-eats-whatever-he-wants-all-the-time fiance!!! whenever he would eat junk I would. good luck!!! i know some people say a small cheat is fine, but for me a small cheat would turn into a sweet cravings binge! Now i make sure i have plenty of fruit on hand and/or a…
  • hhmm seems like i'm late joining this BUT I am interested nonetheless and will try this out...I hope I feel the burn in my stomach. It's the one place that I can work out till I pass out and not feel anything. I think someone mentioned the bender ball? Please post how that goes for you. I keep seeing the infomercial for…
  • i have 2 days under my flab now....about to get up to do day 3, my abs don't phase me like some of you are saying.....i know my abs are fabulous...they just have a thick layer of this disgusting flab on them though, i would probably have to do about 500 in a row with jillian to feel some pain, BUUUUT holy heck - :sad: the…
  • oh boy....so i did this tonight. day 1 for me and i feel like such a failure....i modified the jumping jacks (the ladies had waaay too much bounce and everything in my exercise room was shaking....) but my heart rate stayed way up still and i couldn't do ALL of the push ups but boooooy did i smell and feel sweaty and…
  • i have always had this problem. i did try the enell and as much as i loved no bounce i felt like an elephant was sitting on my ladies the entire time i had it on. the sports bra linked above to the one at walmart is good....if you aren't too huge (im an H so ...) i wear a regular bra and 2 of those from walmart or…
  • I completely agree with cutting out any other beverages. I only drink water now and I CRAVE it after a sweaty work out. I probably drink 120 ounces a day just from my bottle that I refill all day. Watermelon is a great snack and has LOTS of water in it! It will get easier on you.
  • if you have shin splints it could be the type of sneaker you are wearing. most people that get them (from what i've heard and my experiences and what i've read) need to get fitted to make sure they are in the best walking/running sneaker for them. Also, for me a REALLY great pair of insoles help. Hope you feel better soon!
  • :sad: you all are making me feel waaaay out of shape!! i bought the dvd months and months ago and tried it once. I guess I gave up too easily. I'm pretty....top heavy, so the jumping jacks is torture to me. So the dvd has been staring at me through the dust (hoping it would get covered enough that i would never see it…