

  • 190 exactly. Down 4.8 since last week. TOM gone, and REALLY worked hard this week- doing the happy dance!! :happy: Have a great week pin-up's!
  • 194.8 :frown: Completely discouraged. Between TOM and the new scale, not a happy one this am. :sad: Well, rather than mope about it, I have a plan for the week: at least 8 glasses of water/day write everything down- everyday healthy choices and small portions workout at least 3x this week Have a fab week ladies!!! :smile:
  • Scale is going haywire- how I WISH I could believe what it's reading!!! (28 lb. loss in 1 week!) lol I guess I'll go with the same from last week for today's weigh-in- at least nothing feels tight!
  • Ok, first week down to 191.8. Shooting for the 180's asap... Hav e a GREAT week Ladies, and welcome new pin-up's! :smile:
  • Exactly the same as last week- 192.9 (well, I was 193)
  • Great work ladies! I'm having lots of tests run right now and a heart monitor for 30 days (arrgh) due symptoms and arrhythmias and need to focus on diet more than anything. Wow, being 5'5 and almost 200 lbs. and now realizing that my health is on the line is giving me the kick I've needed for so long. Let's see what I can…
  • 193.0 TOM- ugh So, I won't beat myself up because I'm only up .06 and was pretty good this week
  • Incredible job, Rach! Keep it up- looks great on you! :drinker:
  • Down exactly 2 lbs this week to 192.4. Now I just need to make sure it continues in this direction! Have a fabulous week Ladies!!
  • Ladies, you're all very positive and motivating. I'm sorry I haven't been doing my part- so I am in there with yall and will dedicate myself to really trying this week. I keep losing a few, gaining a few, what am I doing? From this day on, I WILL RECOMMIT!!!!! We can and will do this ladies! Have a great, successful…
  • Girls wknd in DC and I'm up 1.2 lbs to 194.4- grrrr. I guess it should be expected with all of the eating out we did. I even made lots of good choices, but hardly any water and I'm full of sodium. I think I've drank about half a gallon so far- feeling a little waterlogged! This week will be about journaling, water,…
  • Congrats to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • WTG Frankie!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • 193.2. Down exactly 1 lb. Could have done better- got into the boys' candy over the weekend and ate poorly :grumble: Going to DC this weekend to visit my best friend from grade school- need to maintain over the weekend. Today until then I'm going to drink protein shakes instead of eating junk @ lunchtime, watch portions,…
  • TOM...194.2- ugh- up. Good news is I'll have to be back down next week. Challenging week ahead as my son has 4 baseball games this week and they all end late- but I'm going to plan ahead this time and make healthy casseroles (is there such a thing??!) or something I can whip up as soon as we get home- rather than the usual…
  • Rach, great job with the exercise. And debt stuff. Exhausting, but you sound like you're taking control of things in your life and acting responsibly. So many people can't or are unwilling to do that. Cheers! :drinker:
  • I'm a little nerved up- TOM coming anyday now- and craving chocolate like noone's business- but I've managed to be strong for one of the first times in my life- I think being in a swimsuit last week and not feeling very excited about it kicked me into gear a little- and NOT wanting to wear that thing ever again! A lot of…
  • You can do it!!!! At your rate, you'll blow it away! :) Do it of course for yourself, then for all of the brides out there (including myself)who never did lose those extra 5 or 10 lbs- you'll be so happy you did! Good luck to you- we're all behind you!! :drinker:
  • Love your enthusiasm Rach! I think you might have just gotten me to get off my butt and plan some exercise this week! :) BTW, love your new pic- I think your efforts are paying off! :smile:
  • Please don't get down on yourself, these things happen. It's hard when we're with family and old habits emerge- or better yet- people make it hard for us to focus because of their "habits" that we don't usually engage in. Look ahead, you'll have a great week- it's in the past. Besides, you look fabulous! :flowerforyou:
  • Great job last week ladies! I missed yall! I was away on the cruise last week so couldn't weigh-in last Mon.and was SO nervous to get on that darn scale this am- seriously- I thought I broke out of and would have to make my way back into Onederland! I ate, drank (although not nearly as much as I would have in the past) and…
  • OK, leaving to drive down to FL for the cruise first thing tomorrow am. Down .04 since Monday (yay!) and have tried to be good this week. I love to hear about everyone's NSV's- you're an awesome group of ladies and very inspirational!!! Have a great week ahead pin-ups! :wink:
  • Frankie, what an exceptional man your great-grandfather was! He sounds like he had great integrity and compassion. My great grandfather also lived to be 100- born in 1876 and died in 1976- he got a letter on his 100th b-day from Jimmy Carter and said "Who's that bird?" lol and then dug his whole hand into his birthday…
  • Yay for YOU!!!!! :drinker: What a great feeling- in your jeans again that wouldn't fit! Congrats!! :D Lillie
  • CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!! :drinker: That must feel Amazing! Great work! It's not how long it took, it's the fact that YOU DID IT!!! Welcome to Onederland! :bigsmile:
  • Great job ladies! What an inspirational group to be a part of!! :drinker: I'm just going to try to maintain while on our cruise...Rach, I guess we can leave my wt. on Monday the same since I won't be able to sign-in/weigh-in? Have an INCREDIBLE week next week ladies (I'm a bit premature, but know you all will!) :bigsmile:…
  • Frankie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Sending hugs xxxxxx :flowerforyou: Lillie
  • Me too- I want OUT of the low 190's! My problem is the food as well! I do better when I log everything that I eat- maybe we'll get into the 80's faster that way?! Good luck to you!:smile:
  • Great job! I think you make a GREAT point about measuring the inches coming off- the scale isn't the only measure of success! Thanks for motivating me to take measurements!! :flowerforyou:
  • Great job! Keep going like this and you'll definately get into those dresses by Easter! :wink: