Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Hit my goals again today!!

    Even though I didn't want to.....
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Shrimp Boil at work today... Will I manage to stay away from the sweets today? Stay tuned sports fans!
  • valeriedent2
    Ok. So I didn't work out last night. My blood sugar had dropped during the afternoon without me being aware of it. I'd had a really salty lunch, so I was really thirsty, and I actually thought I was running a little on the high side. But when I started shutting everything down for the day, I picked up on some low blood sugar signs, tested, and was 55. Needless to say, that overrode the workout.

    Moving on from that, I'm now going into my "weekend challenge" time of the week. I do really well up until Thursday each week, adn then I just throw it all out the window because I'm tired and bored, and whatever. So, thanks to an excellent suggestion from a fellow Pin-up, I'm setting myself a weekend goal, and posting it to keep me accountable.

    Weekend Goals:
    1. Log in every day, and post my progress on this thread.
    2. Drink all water every day (I'm going to use my work water bottle to help me keep better track over the weekend)
    3. Get in some form of activity Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Doesn't have to be much, but it has to be something.
    4. Be mindful of food choices and what I'm putting in my mouth. Logging in every day should help with this.

    I missed working out this AM because of another low blood sugar, so that means I HAVE to do something tonight (I'm thinking JustDance2). Tomorrow I HAVE to workout in the morning because we're having company tomorrow night (probably Zumba, or maybe TurboFire). Saturday, I'm going to get up early and workout before I go down to my parents for the weekend (Zumba or TurboFire, whichever I don't do tomorrow). And Sunday, I'll walk the dogs with my Dad.

    Wish me luck!!! I'm hoping to be able to post an under 200 weight on Monday! I'm down to 198.5 today, but even if I could post 199.5 on Monday, that would be a proud moment for me!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    So after yesterday's lunch I feel so bloated. And to make matters worse, I wasn't able to work out yesterday and I can't today. I'm going nuts for a good run and have to wait until tomorrow unless I want to do it iat 11pm tonight. :sigh:

    Hope everyone's week is going well. My goal today is tons of water to help with all this bloated and sodium retention. Also I need to really stay on track today. With class it's hard to stay on track, I don't know why.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I am already up a pound since Monday's weigh in. It was a rough Monday and Tuesday for me. And TOM is coming (which might be why my Monday and Tuesday were out of control), so my weigh in next Monday will most certainly be up 1-2 lbs. I am really not a happy girl right now. I am so sick of losing one, gaining one, back and forth, up and down. I don't even have that much weight to lose but my goodness it's been such a struggle. I am so frustrated this week.

    Okay, so maybe I'm PMSing a little...:angry:

    I know the feeling, and literally TOM arrived this morning. It is sort of a relief to know why I was so out of control and that the weight gain really is water retention. I am trying to turn this into a positive (not my usual MO) and consider this notice gives me the rest of the week to get back to where I was at my last weigh in. If I don't think about it that way, I am worried I will unconsciously give myself permission to be a little too relaxed in my food.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Hit my goals again today!!

    Even though I didn't want to.....

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm back on track...finally. Am done babysitting all night for now, will finally be able to make to the gym today for some strength training and cardio, then I'm taking my nephew to baseball practice where I might have to help the coach (which happens to be my brother) because neither one of his assistant coaches will be there, so I'll get double the cardio!! WOO-HOO!!! Have a great day!! :-)
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good job ladies!

    Valerie - WTG setting goals for yourself for the weekend, it helps me.

    I'm off to weight train at lunch. Trying to mix up my workouts until I regroup and find my next training program.

    I really want to get into biking this summer, let me try that again, I'm going to do alot of biking this spring/summer.

    Have a great day everyone and stay focused.

  • lillie1201
    I'm a little nerved up- TOM coming anyday now- and craving chocolate like noone's business- but I've managed to be strong for one of the first times in my life- I think being in a swimsuit last week and not feeling very excited about it kicked me into gear a little- and NOT wanting to wear that thing ever again! A lot of us seem to be on the same schedule- TOM-wise- funny!

    Also, had a nsv yesterday- put on a pair of shorts that haven't fit in a long time- they were loose and when I went to the bathroom I pulled them down without undoing them! Too funny! I guess my goal with them next will be to pull them up and they'll fall down on their own (hopefully right away- and not in public!) lol
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rethinking my 6x week exercise goal. I'm only doing running right now, but plan on throwing some variation in there soon. For this week though, I've already run 3 days in a row.

    My goal was 6x a week, total of 180min and 1800calories burned.

    I've already done 120min and 1406calories, so I can still hit the time and calories with taking a rest day today and working out Friday and Saturday.

    I think that's what I'm going to do.

    I'm mentally exhausted today from spending the morning crunching numbers and on the phone setting up a debt consolidation program. I'm happy about consolidating my credit card debt. It's going to save me about $4800 in interest and get them paid off 4yrs and 3mon I can focus on my student loans.

    But even though I'm happy, I'm just so exhausted I feel like crying. I'm ready to not be thinking about money and bills and debt 24/7.

    I'm worn out.
  • lillie1201
    Rethinking my 6x week exercise goal. I'm only doing running right now, but plan on throwing some variation in there soon. For this week though, I've already run 3 days in a row.

    My goal was 6x a week, total of 180min and 1800calories burned.

    I've already done 120min and 1406calories, so I can still hit the time and calories with taking a rest day today and working out Friday and Saturday.

    I think that's what I'm going to do.

    I'm mentally exhausted today from spending the morning crunching numbers and on the phone setting up a debt consolidation program. I'm happy about consolidating my credit card debt. It's going to save me about $4800 in interest and get them paid off 4yrs and 3mon I can focus on my student loans.

    But even though I'm happy, I'm just so exhausted I feel like crying. I'm ready to not be thinking about money and bills and debt 24/7.

    I'm worn out.

    Rach, great job with the exercise. And debt stuff. Exhausting, but you sound like you're taking control of things in your life and acting responsibly. So many people can't or are unwilling to do that. Cheers! :drinker:
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I am totally bombing on my goals this week. My knee is clicking so I haven't been running, I've been feeling starving and going WAY over my calories, blah blah blah. I just feel tired. Hopefully the scale at least stays the same for me next weight in. Glad to see most everyone else is doing pretty well though!
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Rethinking my 6x week exercise goal. I'm only doing running right now, but plan on throwing some variation in there soon. For this week though, I've already run 3 days in a row.

    My goal was 6x a week, total of 180min and 1800calories burned.

    I've already done 120min and 1406calories, so I can still hit the time and calories with taking a rest day today and working out Friday and Saturday.

    I think that's what I'm going to do.

    I'm mentally exhausted today from spending the morning crunching numbers and on the phone setting up a debt consolidation program. I'm happy about consolidating my credit card debt. It's going to save me about $4800 in interest and get them paid off 4yrs and 3mon I can focus on my student loans.

    But even though I'm happy, I'm just so exhausted I feel like crying. I'm ready to not be thinking about money and bills and debt 24/7.

    I'm worn out.

    Blah I don't blame you feeling all crappy after that!! My student loans are horrible, although I'm not paying them off yet since not earning enough, but I didn't do undergrad and postgrad degrees just to come out and there be absolutely no jobs anywhere :cry:

    So I have got student loans of £15-20,000 plus I'm now working in a job with a really really crappy wage - it sucks so much!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Blah I don't blame you feeling all crappy after that!! My student loans are horrible, although I'm not paying them off yet since not earning enough, but I didn't do undergrad and postgrad degrees just to come out and there be absolutely no jobs anywhere :cry:

    So I have got student loans of £15-20,000 plus I'm now working in a job with a really really crappy wage - it sucks so much!!

    My student loans total about $40,000 right now, and that's only a little more than half of my bachelors. Luckily the company I work for has a tuition reimbursement plan, so hopefully they'll pay for the rest of my school once I re-enroll.

  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Blah I don't blame you feeling all crappy after that!! My student loans are horrible, although I'm not paying them off yet since not earning enough, but I didn't do undergrad and postgrad degrees just to come out and there be absolutely no jobs anywhere :cry:

    So I have got student loans of £15-20,000 plus I'm now working in a job with a really really crappy wage - it sucks so much!!

    My student loans total about $40,000 right now, and that's only a little more than half of my bachelors. Luckily the company I work for has a tuition reimbursement plan, so hopefully they'll pay for the rest of my school once I re-enroll.


    I feel your pain. Right now I'm sitting on about $40k in loans and still have at least 3 more semesters left for my Bachelor's. That's what I get for taking 6 years to complete it(transferred to another state) What a pain in the *kitten*.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My student loans total about $40,000 right now, and that's only a little more than half of my bachelors. Luckily the company I work for has a tuition reimbursement plan, so hopefully they'll pay for the rest of my school once I re-enroll.


    I feel your pain. Right now I'm sitting on about $40k in loans and still have at least 3 more semesters left for my Bachelor's. That's what I get for taking 6 years to complete it(transferred to another state) What a pain in the *kitten*.

    Yea, I've only been in Texas for about a year and half now, and don't want to finish my degree online like I had started. I'm looking into University of Texas since my work says they reimburse all tuition and fees. Figure I might as well go with a good school. I just have to get together enough for my first semester since they only reimburse after you show them proof that you passed your classes and give them receipts. But then you can use that money for the next semester, and so on and so forth. I guess I just gotta get my butt over to the school to see what credits I have will transfer, and see how much damage to the wallet, that first semester is going to be.....maybe see if they can do a payment plan.
  • js775219
    js775219 Posts: 98
    Just checking in...this week SUCKED. I have been off-plan almost everyday this week and I don't know why, it's like I'm sabotaging myself and I just want to stop. I need to stop...okay, that's all. I am just going to try and be strong and write this off as a bad week and try to make the next few days count!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Just checking in...this week SUCKED. I have been off-plan almost everyday this week and I don't know why, it's like I'm sabotaging myself and I just want to stop. I need to stop...okay, that's all. I am just going to try and be strong and write this off as a bad week and try to make the next few days count!

    I'm right there with you! I've been messed up all week. I started to go awry today but managed to pull it back in. I don't even have PMS as a good excuse, I just want to eat crap.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    I had such a blast yesterday. I'm continuing on my goal of overcoming sports so I made myself go play beach volleyball for the first time. Yes, I live three miles from the coast and have so for 18 years... I'm a shameful Floridian, but I'm also a vampire (swedish), I burn at the mere mention of the sun! Me and the beach only get along at night or 60SPF.

    But anyway, 1.5hrs of spastic flailing later I still had a blast and boy are my legs and feet sore today (sugar sand will do that to you). Plus, who doesn't love the sexy Australian exchange engineer trying "teach" you how to play? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-Ups!

    I started a 30 day sit-up and push-up challenge this morning and my daughter and boyfriend have joined me. We posted a chart on the fridge. I'm so happy they decided to join me.

    My goals for the weekend:

    Run tomorrow morning.
    Drink at least 8 cups of water both days.
    Stay away from all the sleepover party treats tomorrow night and Sunday morning.

    Enjoy the weekend ladies and keep your eyes on the prize!
