Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • ItsOn130
    ItsOn130 Posts: 269 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just checking in... CW is 197.7.... 1.1 lb loss! Yay! I'm hoping the plateau has been broken for good!

    And I've come up with a mini goal.... My license says I weigh 160. I have to renew it this year on my birthday, Oct 30. My mini goal is to actually weigh what my license says by then! I think I can do it... It's definitely attainable, I'd have to lose a little less than
    5 lbs/month. This is the first mini goal I've set for myself with a date. Wish me luck! :happy:

    On another note, I've been reading about many of you having a bad week... I wish you the best of luck weighing in this morning! If the numbers aren't nice to you, don't let it get you down. It's the start of a new week! :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi everyone, it's Monday night here and I had a good weigh on this morning :)
    I've hit my first goal of 10kg (22 pounds) down, weighing in this week at 180 pounds - down 4.5 after being up last week.
    I know I ate better this week but not by that much, this really is an imprecise science isn't it?
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    157.1 for me this week - not quite at my goal of being close to the 140s for my birthday (this Thurs), but it's not too far off and I might still lose a pound before then!

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    Woo Hoo....158.3 for me. Hello 150's!!! It's been more than 7 years since I have seen the 150's! 140's here I come! I love weeks like this!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Good morning, ladies!!! Have not really checked in here much the past week due to getting packed up for my move (getting settled in nicely!).

    Weighing in at 183.2 lbs this morning!! FINALLY a loss after two weeks of watching the scale go up!!

    Goals for this week include getting the remainder of my boxes unpacked and my pictures/art hung on the walls. Starting physical therapy for my knee/leg tomorrow so I am not sure what my workout goals will be. Went to the grocery store last night and stocked up the fridge and pantry so it should be a good week food-wise.

    Hope you all have a great week!!!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Woo Hoo....158.3 for me. Hello 150's!!! It's been more than 7 years since I have seen the 150's! 140's here I come! I love weeks like this!

  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275

    "I'm one stomach flu from my goal weight" - Ugh. Not a fun one!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I'm 146 this morning, up 2 lbs. I'm not happy but I'm not upset after the weekend of sleepover party junk food that I splurged on! Didn't drink my water either days and my Saturday morning run was rained out! Yesterday I think I had a sugar and gluten hangover, so tired and lethargic all day.

    This week I'm back on track logging and drinking my water.

    Good job ladies and congrats to those who have lost!

  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    256.8! Getting closer. Really liking my attempts at running :)
  • oprettinikki
    A loss is a loss, correct!! Well, while mine is small it is still a loss...

    144.6 for me!
  • jaxcpotter
    jaxcpotter Posts: 23 Member
    Exactly the same today at 238.3, far better than a gain with TOM! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Morning Girlies!!!

    I'm down 183.8 today!!! Woot Woot!!! I'm hoping for more by tomorrow for my offical WI at WW. My goal is to get to my 10% goal by the end of April. We'll see how it goes. :smile:
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    I am down 1 pound to 175 pounds but 1.5" off my waist so I am happy
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    GAH! I was down to 162 on Friday but I'm back at 165 this morning. D@mn weekends.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Good morning ladies. Oh soooo close to a goal of week!!! This morning I weigh in at 201!!! Come on 2 lbs for next week!!! More water, more gym, less food! This weekend wasn't the best. I really really need to go grocery shopping so I stay on track. I hope all of you wonderful ladies have a beautiful day! :tongue:
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just checking in... CW is 197.7.... 1.1 lb loss! Yay! I'm hoping the plateau has been broken for good!

    And I've come up with a mini goal.... My license says I weigh 160. I have to renew it this year on my birthday, Oct 30. My mini goal is to actually weigh what my license says by then! I think I can do it... It's definitely attainable, I'd have to lose a little less than
    5 lbs/month. This is the first mini goal I've set for myself with a date. Wish me luck! :happy:

    On another note, I've been reading about many of you having a bad week... I wish you the best of luck weighing in this morning! If the numbers aren't nice to you, don't let it get you down. It's the start of a new week! :flowerforyou:

    Good for you setting your mini goal...I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :bigsmile: I notice when I set mini goals for myself I tend to lose focus, so I just eat right and work out and when I get to where I want to be (whenever that maybe) then I'll just have to maintain that weight.

    And, I did have a bad week, but I still managed to lose 1.5 pounds!! Yay....down to 150 this week...140's here I come!!! :-)
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    I am posting a .6 gain this week of 224.6. I am not upset about it though because TOM is right around the cornerand I did really badwith sodium and water yesterday.

    Goals for this week:
    Work out at least 4 times with a min of 30 min each time
    Drink my water!!! At least 10 cups per day
    Plan my dinners and lunches out...
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    2 pounds down from last week's least it's going in the right direction. 217.8 for today :happy: