Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5

RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member



  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    oh jeez... i'm heavier now than i was five weeks ago... not okay. :ohwell: I have five more weeks to turn it around!!
  • rockonerin
    thanks babygirl, looks great!

    i need to work on getting OFF this plateau. 3.5 weeks until vacation!! if anyone has any good last-minute tips for getting bathing suit ready (other than tons of cardio and laying off bad carbs), i'd appreciate it :wink:
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Thank you, Rach!
    Good job, girls! Let's keep it going!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm up, but it's good to see the total number down - well done guys.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I actually DID hit my goal of 175 even by today! Yaaaaaay!!!!

    So I actually lost 1.8lbs since last week. :)
  • sassy_2280
    Great job ladies!
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I love seeing that total number every week! Great job ladies!!

    Goals for the week:
    ~ Start working out again
    ~ Eat more FRUIT
    ~ Keep up with water
    ~ Bring healthy snacks to work again

    Have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Alright ladies. I blew away my goal of 30min exercise and at least 300 calories burned a day, today. After doing 3.3miles on the treadmill I burned almost 700cals!!! Looks like I get a bigger dinner tonight. :happy:


    -5 more workouts this week (min of 30min and 300cals)
    -At LEAST 64oz of water per day
    -Eat 1400+ cals EVERY day

    By next weigh-in......I WILL be 173.5lbs or less! :drinker:
  • Laarien
    Laarien Posts: 4
    Awesome job, Everyone! :)
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Rach, congrats on meeting your mini goal and exercise goal. I worked the night shift the last several days and missed my am weigh in today. I'm still following along though. Clothes are fitting a whole lot better this round, I wish i had taken measurements....weight, though, seems to be holding steady. :( Keep up the good work everyone!
  • InnerPinup79
    Congrats on reaching your goal rach! That's awesome! Everyone is doing so well! I'm excited to see that in 5weeks I've lost 6.6lbs averaging 1.1lb a week and I'm not depriving myself at all.

    I have definitely slacked on exercise and staying in my calories...need to fix that! Have a great week!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    my goal this week is to drink plenty of water and try to eat good this week :) Hopefully i can get back to 231 or 230 this week.depends on aunt And congrats on reaching your goal Rach! :D I hope everyone has a great week! :D
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Great work ladies!! Week 5, we are at the halfway mark for our 10 week commitment to ourselves and Rach. What has been working? Keep that up. Where do we see room for improvement? What are some hurdles that get in our way? If we share those, maybe someone else has experineced it along their weight loss journey and can offer advice, or is experiencing it now and can be helped knowing they aren't alone.

    I've just decided to coordinate my 1st mini goal with the end date of this challenge. With you gals to encourage me, I know I can do it.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    Ooops late! I had a few big losses so it had to slow down sometime... I am the same as last week, 174. Sigh.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Good job ladies!

    I am back on track starting tomorrow for food, vacation and then being sick and TOM kinda gave me too many excuses to throw it all out the window :laugh: I have family coming and visiting some sick older relatives so my goal is to get in at least 45 min workouts Thurs-Sunday when I can get my routine back in order.
  • js775219
    js775219 Posts: 98
    Thanks Rach!!! And lots of awesome loses this week, I didn't realize we only have 5 weeks left, in the next 5 weeks I want to lose about 12 lbs, and get to my first minigoal of 5% of my body fat lost (well actually, I'll pass it) but for this upcoming week, I have a few smaller goals:

    -Do my ab routine every day, Monday-Friday
    -Do my stair routine Tuesday and Thursday
    -Drink at least 88 oz of water a day

    That's it, I hope to make 238 by next weigh-in. Have a good week pin-ups!
  • GlutenFreeWench
    WTG everyone!!!

    (sent in my weight late- bad monday for me)

    Here's my goals for the week:

    Tues- 5k walk
    Wed/fri- trainer workouts
    Thurs/Sat- Cardio
    Sunday Rest!

    Goal to get back to the 30 decade with the next WI- so with food- staying under 2k is the key:)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rach, I am so glad you do this chart. I've been feeling bummed about my lack of progress the last couple weeks but-as I can see from the chart- I'm still averaging a bit more than a pound a week for this challenge (and that's not too bad). Thanks for doing this for us!
    My goals for this week:

    Keep pushing it hard through Insanity workouts (I've gotta get ready for Asylum!!)
    Kettlebell workouts 3 times a week
    Mountain Bike as often as the weather will allow
    Keep refined flours and sugar to a minimum (I do fine on my cals every day cuz I'm so active but I could eat healthier food)
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Fantastic job ladies!
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Another great week, ladies! And I'm so excited to get a yellow box!!

    My on-going goal is to be 175-177 by May 5. That's when I have my final fitting for my wedding dress, and my seamstress took in a little extra for me based on my reaching that weight. I'm at 181.8 right now, and I have a little over three weeks.