Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 5



  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey guys!! Happy Friday to everyone!!!
    It looks like this Monday's weigh in will look a little better for me than last weeks. That would be great!!!
    I am 2 lbs down from what I was last Monday, but I won't officially log my weight until Monday morning.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • valeriedent2
    OK, I'm checking in with the goals I posted for myself for the weekend.

    Last night my guy and I took the dogs for the walk. Everyone was happy!

    This morning, instead of allowing myself to bail because of a blood sugar on the low side, I drank a glass of juice and got 20 mins of Zumba in.

    I'm thinking tomorrow I'll do TurboFire and get a super fantastic calorie burn in.

    And then a nice long walk with Dad and the dogs on Sunday, if the weather's nice. I'm planning on packing workout clothes for multiple workout options, so I don't have an excuse that "I can't because I don't have yada, yada, yada".

    Foodwise, I'm not making the best choices, that's for sure, but I'm managing to stay within my calories. I'm not sure what is up with me and the salt lately, but everything I go for is salty!! Totally NOT like me. And I've been good with my water, so I know it's not my body craving salty to make me drink. Who knows. I'm trying to get control of it, but today is NOT going to help me any!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    My last few days hasn't been great and I need to kick it up a notch. Today is water day and making sure I get my run in tonight. Lunch will be at a greek place so it's going to be up there in calories so I knwo I'm going to have to pump up the volume with my workout tonight.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    My student loans total about $40,000 right now, and that's only a little more than half of my bachelors. Luckily the company I work for has a tuition reimbursement plan, so hopefully they'll pay for the rest of my school once I re-enroll.


    I feel your pain. Right now I'm sitting on about $40k in loans and still have at least 3 more semesters left for my Bachelor's. That's what I get for taking 6 years to complete it(transferred to another state) What a pain in the *kitten*.

    Yea, I've only been in Texas for about a year and half now, and don't want to finish my degree online like I had started. I'm looking into University of Texas since my work says they reimburse all tuition and fees. Figure I might as well go with a good school. I just have to get together enough for my first semester since they only reimburse after you show them proof that you passed your classes and give them receipts. But then you can use that money for the next semester, and so on and so forth. I guess I just gotta get my butt over to the school to see what credits I have will transfer, and see how much damage to the wallet, that first semester is going to be.....maybe see if they can do a payment plan.

    Have you guys filled out your FAFSA forms? I went back to school last year and qualified for $2,400 in grants and fincial aid. It pays for all my tuition for 12 credits a semester.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    My student loans total about $40,000 right now, and that's only a little more than half of my bachelors. Luckily the company I work for has a tuition reimbursement plan, so hopefully they'll pay for the rest of my school once I re-enroll.


    I feel your pain. Right now I'm sitting on about $40k in loans and still have at least 3 more semesters left for my Bachelor's. That's what I get for taking 6 years to complete it(transferred to another state) What a pain in the *kitten*.

    Yea, I've only been in Texas for about a year and half now, and don't want to finish my degree online like I had started. I'm looking into University of Texas since my work says they reimburse all tuition and fees. Figure I might as well go with a good school. I just have to get together enough for my first semester since they only reimburse after you show them proof that you passed your classes and give them receipts. But then you can use that money for the next semester, and so on and so forth. I guess I just gotta get my butt over to the school to see what credits I have will transfer, and see how much damage to the wallet, that first semester is going to be.....maybe see if they can do a payment plan.

    Have you guys filled out your FAFSA forms? I went back to school last year and qualified for $2,400 in grants and fincial aid. It pays for all my tuition for 12 credits a semester.

    I fill out my FAFSA every single year. I get the max for grants as well but I have to take the loans also in order to live. School is my job.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    finally broke my plateau!!! YAY!!!!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    finally broke my plateau!!! YAY!!!!!
    Woohoo congrats!

    Seems like a lot of us are struggling this week...and TOM seems to be the culprit, too! I had a pizza binge on Weds night and I'm still up a lb. from it. Add to that fact that TOM is visiting, and I don't think my weigh in will be great on Monday. My goals for the weekend are to stay away from the bad food. I'm also going to try the slow carb diet starting Monday, so I hope it gets things moving in the right direction for me.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm the new "kid"! Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday so far- weekend is almost here! I'm Claudia and live in So Cal, near the 'happiest place on earth" Just hoping this challenge helps me, as I'll take (and need) all the help I can get! :heart:
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    quicky check in hope everyone is doing great!!
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    I haven't posted in awhile, unemployement has screwed my daily routine all up! At least I have time to workout now, worked out 4 times this week and it feels great.

    I had a job interview yesterday but it's more for an IT person (project manager, business analyst), so if anyone is looking for a job in the Dallas/FW area, around DFW airport, with experience and wants to build an IT department from the ground up, let me know!!

    Rach - It's debt consolidation not one of those debt settlement places, right? We got wrapped up in a debt settlement company when they first came out, where they took all their fees out first and told us to stop paying our debt, that they pay it. Well come to find out they didn't pay our creditors until months and months down the line after they took out all of our fees so our credit ended up just as bad and we still paid this company $600 a month. Bad, Bad, Bad.

    Happy Friday ladies!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Have you guys filled out your FAFSA forms? I went back to school last year and qualified for $2,400 in grants and fincial aid. It pays for all my tuition for 12 credits a semester.

    I'm too young to fill out a FAFSA on my own. You HAVE to put down at least one of your parent's info until you're 24 and neither of my parents care to share their tax info with me. :ohwell:
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Have you guys filled out your FAFSA forms? I went back to school last year and qualified for $2,400 in grants and fincial aid. It pays for all my tuition for 12 credits a semester.

    I'm too young to fill out a FAFSA on my own. You HAVE to put down at least one of your parent's info until you're 24 and neither of my parents care to share their tax info with me. :ohwell:

    Argh! That's crappy right there. I guess I was fortunate in that I waited until I was in my 30s to go back to school.
  • GlutenFreeWench
    I did ok this week...I'm really hoping to do better next week.

    I completely understand about the financial stuff regarding school...hubby is going to pharmacy school...we'll say that we'll be paying on them forever.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    This has not been my best or most consistent week. I tried to be positive and focus on good instead of negative self talk. Eh, not so much. At least I am aware and working on changing my behaviors. Checking in here was helpful just to see that a lot of you are also finding it hard to stay focused. It is nice when we all have good successful loss weeks, but it also makes me feel less alone and like berating myself with food when I see others struggling this week.

    So, for those of you with inspirational success, keep up the great work!! For those of you who struggled this week, thank you so much for sharing!! :smile:
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    Got a super workout in tonight...can't wait to weigh in tomorrow. Sending everyone to bed with weight loss dust tonight...see ya all tomorrow!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Bad, bad, bad, bad weekend.

    Too much stress. Using food to cope.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Bad, bad, bad, bad weekend.

    Too much stress. Using food to cope.
    You aren't alone *hugs* I have been fighting a headache all weekend and did not make the best food choices either. It is all about whether you can start over or if you let that be an excuse to give up.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm checking in with no change to my weight this week (201.2 still). I'm not really surprised though. The weekend was bad...bad...bad.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hey Amy, you must have done something right for the rest of the week if you had a bad weekend but didn't gain! Here's to a good week coming up.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Can I be part of this?