

  • Happy weight loss to you Happy body to you! Without all those chemicals your body LOVES you!!! Congratulations! (Above sung to tune of Happy Birthday! Woo Hoo!
  • What a great picture!!!! I love it!!
  • "the devil's rock" that's hilarious!!!! I'll remember that from now on! I'm smiling through my excess water:)
  • I've noticed that I can work outside without getting winded and tired. I used to complain bitterly when my husband wanted me to help do yard stuff. Now I look forward to it as another workout:) Happy Day!
  • My husband must be your husband's twin - separated at birth. Same problem here - only mine does have some weight to lose. He starves himself then binges on totally unhealthy things. After 11 years, I've given up. All we can do is focus on our own good health, provide healthy, nourishing foods and take care of ourselves.…
    in Hubby rant! Comment by twocats July 2009
  • When I need a high impact, low cal dinner I broil 4-6 oz of fish (flounder, tilapia, haddock) and steam fresh veggies - 2-3 cups - broccoli, green beans, what have you and add 1/2 cup brown rice.
  • I don't know who said it but..... "Living well is the best revenge."
    in rude people Comment by twocats July 2009
  • If you are learning how to cook healthy food I can't tell you how MUCH I love my steamer!!!! I have one by Oster. It was not expensive, got it at Target. You put water in the base, chop up veggies, put on the lid and turn it on. Easy Easy Easy!! You can do fish in it too and other things like rice. I love mine and keep it…
  • I really splurged yesterday and also felt a little "icky" after. Today is going very well. Took an hour long walk, had my oatmeal, protein shake and now lowfat pita bread with red pepper hummus. Dinner will be a veggie dog on lite bun with steamed green beans. Yum. Happy Sunday!
  • Yesterday was just terrible!!! Went WAY over. But - today is a new beginning. Just went for a walk and already feel better. One day won't undo all the progress you are making. Keep the faith!! :)
  • Just got home from friggin backyard bbq at in-laws. 2600 calories and I just remembered I ate a piece of cheese I forgot to log. ARRRGGGHHHHH. Does anyone know how I can burn off 1500 calories before I go to bed? LOL. Sigh. Tomorrow is another day. (belches, loosens waistband and slinks away.....)
  • My husband and I visit his parents every weekend. His mom is 82 and loves to cook and eat. Every single time we go she insists on sending loads of food home with us. Lasagna, noodles, meatloaf. Last week she sent us home with 3 bags of food. We tell her we can't eat it all; we tell her no. It makes no difference. We came…
  • I love you all! I've never been able to stay motivated at eating healthy or exercising for more than 2 or 3 days before - but since coming to MFP, I've stayed on track. Hearing that others are struggling with same issues and can validate you is just so valuable. (wipes away tears of joy as hormones violently course through…
  • Ok, (takes deep breath and tries to chill out realizing hormones are raging today). thanks for your support. Up to 8lbs - really? If it had been that much, don't know what I would have done! Will not get on evil scale until Saturday :)
  • I have suffered from hives in the past. Did a lot of research and read that taking Ibuprofen (Advil) can really aggravate them in SOME (not all) people. I was under a lot of stress at the time as well. I was achy most days and was taking a lot of advil. I discontinued it completely. And it really helped. I also began using…
  • OK - you guys may not agree with me on this but here goes... In my opinion I think this journey towards health is a complete lifestyle change. It's not about deprivation, being hungry all the time or obsessing over food. For me, and I'm very new here, my goal is to eat enough calories so I'm not hungry. Eating slowly so I…
  • I'm not an expert or a physician - but a couple of things come to mind... 1) muscle weighs more than fat - so the fact that you're losing inches means that the muscle is displacing the fat - making you smaller but perhaps not changing the numbers on the scale. 2) I don't know how old you are - but you might want to get a…
  • Thanks for the information! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who endured a "butt kicking" while trying to do the poses. Have a great day everyone.
  • A baseball bat! Unbelievable. Gives new meaning to the phrase "walk softly and carry a big stick." Is it possible she's using it to do some upper body strengthening as she walks??? Hilarious!
  • I like your spray bottle idea! I could even spray myself if I get too hot! Then I'm already soapy for my after workout shower:)
  • I live in a very wooded area - most lots are quite large. Fences are forbidden in this development so as to not spoil the natural landscape. Some of these dogs are leashed, but some are just hanging out on their front porches or in the yards. The dog that ran at me was just coming out of the garage with the owner. The…
  • What great tips and knowledge! Thanks so much everyone! I will work on walking confidently and not making eye contact with these critters. I didn't know that that encouraged them. As a cat person, I really have no idea how a dog's mind works so all this info was extremely helpful. I'd sure hate to have to ever use anything…
  • Count me in! My cut off time will be 7:30 pm. Question? I quit smoking June 1st and am wondering how you set up your cool "box" that shows how many days you have under your belt, money saved, etc. This would really help keep me motivated. Am new to this site and don't know how to set this up. Thanks so much!: