Sodium plus cockiness = Bad News

So I got down to 158 earlier this week, from 174 starting weight. Everything in my closet is so loose and I'm feeling great! Then I got a job on Monday after 3 1/2 months of searching so I'm in a celebratory mood.

So I decided to not watch things as closely for 3 days - thinking "I've got this down!" Oh how the mighty topple from their thrones.

On Wed and Thurs I didn't go bonkers on calories, but ate things I've not had in a while. Pizza, delicious egg foo young at my favorite chinese place and even, dare I say it, some peanut M&M's.

Got on the scale this morning and back to 162. I feel like a whale! Can tell my body is retaining water like mad from all the sodium (could really taste the salt in all the food I ate).

Back on track today with logging my oatmeal, protein shakes, lean chicken and lots of fresh veggies.

Are you all really sensitive to salt? Guess I am because my body just doesn't feel right this am. I proved to myself that I need this site and all of you so much more than I realized.

Thanks for letting me vent and have a great Friday everyone!


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great job getting back in the saddle so quickly. So many people would've let it go for a week or a month and gotten into the 180's...

    Ya' - salt is the devil's rock,,, that's why salt mines are so deep. Di and I love the mexican food, and it's not that bad calorie wise if you skip the cheezy sauces,,, but man it's salty. I'm always up a pound or 2 the next day. All water,,, gone soon. I just don't weigh in that day: :laugh:

    Congratulations on the new gig and the new you!
  • twocats
    twocats Posts: 31
    "the devil's rock" that's hilarious!!!! I'll remember that from now on! I'm smiling through my excess water:)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yes, after a few days of not eating so good, even if i stay within my calories, I feel horribly bloated and just blah. The scale usually goes up a few pounds, but after a good week of being back on track and drinking water it's usually back to normal.

    I'm also pretty bad about drinking my water on the work I'm good because I just keep my huge bottle at my desk and drink one in the AM and one in the PM.....but at home sometimes I'm so busy running around that I'll ignore my growling stomach for hours just because I don't have time to stop and feed it. Bad I's like I either starve myself on the weekend, or I eat like a pig.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Before I started this healthy lifestyle I didn't notice how strong salt tastes. About a month ago my husband was craving chinese food. I agreed to eating it one night, I was just going to watch the portions. I couldn't finish what was on my plate it was so salty. I hadn't added anything to it and before I would've added soy sauce and made it even saltier. My tastebuds are more sensitive now. My husband is the same way too.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Can definitely tell when I get lax on the sodium...I feel like


    Good for you for indentifying the culprit!!! :drinker:
  • twocats
    twocats Posts: 31
    What a great picture!!!! I love it!!
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I'm not sure if this is possible but I think it must be because I didn't go over my calories. I went to a water park the other day and swam all day. Instead of using chlorine they use salt. I think going down all the water slides either I drank a lot more of it then I thought or I absorbed it throgh my skin. Either way I'm drinking lots of water.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I'm not sure if this is possible but I think it must be because I didn't go over my calories. I went to a water park the other day and swam all day. Instead of using chlorine they use salt. I think going down all the water slides either I drank a lot more of it then I thought or I absorbed it throgh my skin. Either way I'm drinking lots of water.