ebbingfat Member


  • I just bought this Tazo pumpkin spice chai tea: I don't know if it's new, but this is the first time I've seen it. It's wonderful, and it smells absolutely amazing.
  • Cheating is absolutely ok, and you shouldn't feel bad about yourself for indulging in something that you like. I "cheat" every single weekend, though I really don't think of it as cheating. Going over your calorie limit for a day isn't going to offset you that much. It takes about 3,500 calories to lose/gain a pound. So if…
  • The Gold Standard chocolate mint flavored protein is mighty good. I've got a tub of the mocha flavor sitting in my kitchen waiting to be opened too. I haven't tried the mocha flavor yet, but I have very high hopes.
  • I know this feeling. I've tried dieting on and off for years and it never worked. Finally, this time around I am losing weight. I've got from 263 to 252 so far, and I no longer feel like giving up. My secret is that this time I decided not to diet. In the past I would always get so hung up on eating extremely healthy and…
  • I never log my diet soda, spices, or very minute amounts of veggies (like a piece of lettuce on a sandwich).
  • Excuse you. That's mighty presumptuous. Often times people who are quite overweight (myself included) are extremely aware of how much they're eating, and how big they're getting. Society sees to that. While people overestimating the calories they're eating absolutely happens, and weighing food is important for accurate…
  • Making myself wear small clothes wouldn't motivate me at all. For me, it would just make me feel uncomfortable, gross, and insecure. Negative motivation doesn't work on me; it just makes me depressed. Plus, I've got a lot of weight to lose, so if I did this I'd be spending a very long time in clothing that was too small…
  • I love eating Yoplait greek 100 whips as dessert. It's greek yogurt that is whipped so it has the texture of mousse, and they come in a variety of delicious flavors for only 100 calories. I personally am in love with the lemon meringue one. I have one just about every day.
  • I think it really depends on what you want to do, and how healthy of a relationship you're able to have with your scale. I typically weigh myself daily, because I like to watch for a downward trend. I tend to log my weight each time I'm down at least a pound from the my previous entry. However, I only do this because I…
  • I've been walking between 15,000 and 20,000 steps a day. Many days I am spending 40 minutes on the treadmill doing intervals of jogging and power walking, and some days I also do Focus T25. In addition to that, I am a 5'4 female at 255 lbs, so my BMR is high as is. My food logging is pretty accurate. I have a food scale…
  • I've been eating better for about two months now, and I'm finding that my eating habits are already very different. Sure, I still eat things like chips and candy, however it's only occasionally. I no longer find myself wanting them every day. I went grocery shopping yesterday, and after leaving I was shocked at what good…
  • One super easy thing I do is go to the deli and buy a rotisserie chicken, and after it cools I pull all the meat off the bones. Then I use it throughout the week to make chicken salad. Today I mixed 3 oz of chicken with a tablespoon of tzatziki, and stuffed it into a whole wheat pita pocket. Super good and somewhere under…
  • If your friend wants to drink diet soda, let them drink diet soda. I have spent years yo-yo dieting and trying to lose weight. Each time, the first thing to go was soda, and then the first thing to come back was soda. I couldn't kick it for a long period of time. I'd try to drink only water, but then after a few weeks I'd…
  • I am generally distrustful of personal trainers. I know there are good ones out there, but I've heard so many horror stories too. My boyfriend got a free personal training session at our gym when we first signed up. At the time he was recovering from a serious back injury, but had finally got permission from his doctor to…
  • I went grocery shopping today, and looking back at it now I'm both shocked and proud of myself. I used to make my way to the bakery department immediately every time I went shopping. Even if I didn't go to the store wanting something from the bakery, I would always still end up there, and end up buying sweets. As I started…
  • My fave: I like to dip them in either some light dill veggie dip or tzatziki.
  • My miracle sweet food: Yoplait Greek 100 whips. They're SO GOOD. They have a texture like mousse, and come in a variety of flavors (I personally like the lemon meringue the best). They've become my go-to when I want something sweet. They're low calorie, have some nutritional value, and genuinely taste freaking delicious. I…
  • Absolutely this! A pair of shoes can make or break my desire to work out, and my ability to keep going once I start working out. Shoes are worth the investment. I have a kitchen scale, and while it isn't digital, it's definitely one of the most helpful things I've purchased. I just bought a really cheap one a while back…
  • I've been doing it since last week. I haven't been following the program completely, I just do it on days where I don't feel like going to the gym, or want to get in a second workout. I really like it. There are a lot of things in which I just feel too uncoordinated to do, but I try my best anyway and modify things I feel…
  • I've got 115 to lose. Everyone feel free to add me!
  • Etsy has some pretty neat things. I've been thinking of buying something from there : https://etsy.com/search?q=fitbit%20charge%20hr Most of them are just bits of jewelry that clip on to cover the top of it, though there are a few things that you can wear over the whole band.
  • I just bought the Fitbit Charge HR yesterday, and so far I am absolutely LOVING it. It tracks my steps a lot more accurately than my cellphone does (since I don't always carry my cellphone on me), and it makes logging my exercise on MFP a lot easier since it does it for me automatically. Plus it makes graphs of my…
  • I'd say just start out with some light walking, or some swimming if you have access to a pool or beach.
  • I'll add you. I have 120 lbs to lose.
  • I think a smoothie is something that I could handle.
  • Thank you. :) A smoothie sounds like a good idea. Or maybe I'll just start having my just protein shake when I feel this way instead of trying to have it with my meal.
  • Like I said. I'm hungry. I want to eat. However, the thought of eating something right now is nauseating. I really just wanted to know if it was normal.
  • Mostly because by that point I'm really hungry and want to eat. I just feel queasy. It's mostly on days where I do weight training that I feel this way. On my cardio days I come home and start shoveling food in my mouth.
  • I tend to take statistics about weight regain with a grain of salt because there are so many factors that could apply to the people used in the statistics that may not apply to me. The first being, how much weight did the people lose in the first place? If somebody is 20 pounds overweight, loses it, and then eventually…